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URSA MINOR (The Little Dipper) BY NAREH NOWROUZI PERIOD 2 MAY,2011. Stars form in the shape of a bear with a long tail. Polaris (North Star). Yildun. Epsilon. Alifa al Farkadain. Kochab. Anwar al Farkadain. Pherkad. THE MAIN STARS MAGNITUDE, COLOR, AND TEMPERATURE. COLOR
Polaris (North Star) Yildun Epsilon Alifa al Farkadain Kochab Anwar al Farkadain Pherkad
THE MAIN STARSMAGNITUDE, COLOR, AND TEMPERATURE • COLOR • Polaris: yellow/ white • Kochab: blue • Pherkad: yellow/white • Yildun: white • Anwar al Farkadain: yellow/white • Alifa al Farkadain: white • TEMPERATURE • Polaris: 7,200K • Kochab: 4,000K • Pherkad: 8,600K • Yildun: 9,000K • Anwar al Farkadain:6,400K • Alifa al Farkadain:8,700K MAGNITUDE Polaris: 2.02 Kochab: 2.07 Pherkad: 3.00 Yildun: 4.85 Anwar al Farkadain: 4.32 Alifa al Farkadain: 4.95
WHERE AND WHEN IT CAN BE SEEN • The Little Dipper is best visible in places with little lighting, unlike major cities. • To view the constellation, find the North Star. Then, look for the six brightest stars around it which form a ladle. • This constellation is present 365 days a year. • It is best viewed in June. • It is about 430 LY away from Earth. • It can be viewed in the northern celestial hemisphere.
THE MYTH OF URSA MINOR When Arcas, the son of Callisto was out hunting, he came across a bear. The bear looked Arcas straight in the eyes. Just as Arcas was about to kill the bear, Jupiter stopped him, claiming that the bear was his mother. Arcas was then transformed into a bear, and taken up into the sky with his mother. Angered by such an honor, Juno, the woman that made Callisto into a bear, went to Poseiden asking him to forbid the two from bathing in the sea. Because of Juno’s wish, Ursa Major, the mom, and Ursa Minor, Arcas, never dip below the horizon in the sky.
BIBLIOGRAPHY http://www.analyticalsci.com/Astronomy/Scobee/LittleBear.jpg http://startswithabang.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/bigdipper.gif http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursa_Minor http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_N-36xJMPdm4/SGTCqeW7VII/AAAAAAAAAak http://www.geody.com/geospot.php?world=space&ufi=75097&alc=phr http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_temperature_of_the_star_kochab http://stars.astro.illinois.edu/sow/pherkad.html http://stars.astro.illinois.edu/sow/yildun.html http://stars.astro.illinois.edu/sow/anwar.html http://stars.astro.illinois.edu/sow/alifa.html http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_F_class_stars http://www.ehow.com/how_17659_locate-big-little.html http://wiki.answers.com/Q/In_which_hemisphere_is_the_little_dipper http://comfychair.org/~cmbell/myth/ursa_minor.html http://www.parkpointvacations.com/images/stargazing.jpg