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Southwest of Hotel Sanur Beach is one of Bali s most significant archaeological sites, an inscribed stone victory pillar erected by the Buddhist king Sri Kesari Varma in AD 914ymbols/
14 Bali
the peace symbol, double triangle sterling silver 925 BuddhistSymbols Ishtar Bali
Hindu swastika hairstick made from coconut and wood. Made in Bali $12
The main symbol of Balinese Hinduism is the Swastika or wheel of the sun. The syllable OM is quite familiar to a Hindu. It occurs in every prayer. Invocation to most gods begin with this syllable. OM is also pronounced as AUM. Cel mai important simbol al hinduismului balinez este svastica sau roata soarelui, simbol întâlnit în temple, în case sau clădiri comunitare, purtat ca bijuterie sau utilizat ca nume de familie. Silaba OM este cunoscută fiecărui hindus şi apare în fiecare rugăciune. De obicei invocarea unui zeu începe cu această silabă. Se pronunţă şi AUM Hindu God Ganesha Swastika Om Symbol
Swastika sign can be seen in Bali, especially in Balinese Hindu temple and all the Hindu Balinese are familiar to this symbol. Besides temple, one can also see it in houses, or community building. Even the 'Swastika' word is used as a person name, for example, Ketut Swastika. But why and what does Swastika mean? It simply means balance in relationship. The Balinese Hindu sees the life is ideal when they live a balanced life indicated by three good relationships. The first is good relationship between human and the Almighty God. All the festivals, offering in temples, praying activity that you witness in Bali are examples that the Balinese really long for a great relationship with Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, The Almighty God. Next, the harmonious relationship among the human race. The Balinese values good relationship between them. Many activities in villages in Bali involve community of villagers. When one family in a certain village holds a ceremony such as cremation, all other villagers will come to help.Third, good relationship with life lower than human such as animal and plant. Although not plainly seen, but Balinese also maintain good relationship with animal and plants. An example; there is a celebration for animal called Tumpek Kandang and for plant called tumpek Bubuh. A sign that the Balinese really care for animal and plant. So, that is what Swastika sign is about. Next time you walk in a Balinese village, you will not be surprised with the existence of this sign. Or you will not be startled when somebody introduced himself as "Swastika". Balinese taxi
Termenul englezesc sau german „swastica” derivă de la cuvântul „svastikah”, în sanscrită, care înseamnă „a fi norocos”. Cel mai vechi simbol de acest tip descoperit este din perioada paleolitică, pe fildeşii unui mamut găsit în Ucraina, şi datează din anul 10.000 î.Hr.
Temple doors Ulun Danu Bratan
Loster Swastika (Teak Wood) Balinese temple
Pura Agung Lempuyang The main religion practiced in Bali is a form of Hinduism called Agama Hindu Dharma, where the Hindu itself is consisted of some religious sect, but in Bali all of Balinese are Hindu Ciwa. The two religions (Hindu and Buddhist) arrive from Java and some extend from India during the 8 th to 16 th centuries. Chiar dacă majoritatea populaţiei indoneziene este de religie musulmană, 92% din locuitorii insulei Bali practică Hinduismul balinez- un amestec între hinduismul adus de indieni în urmă cu 2000 de ani, şi unele tradiţii şi ritualuri locale aduse de Imperiul Majapahit. Peste 90% din populaţie face parte dintr-o castă numită Sutra, care este semnificativă doar în religie şi ritualuri. Într-o perioadă indienii au adus religia hindusă, dar o istorie scrisă despre această perioadă apare doar în secolul al IX-lea, sub forma unor inscripţii Brahmi în piatră. Ganesha, the protectorgod
Banten are gifts to the gods (and the demons). They provide good karma to those involved in their preparation.
Southwest of Hotel Sanur Beach is one of Bali's most significant archaeological sites, an inscribed stone victory pillar erected by the Buddhist king Sri Kesari Varma in AD 914. Foarte aproape de Hotelul Sanur Beach se află unul dintre cele mai importante situri arheologice din Bali, Templul Pura Blanjong, unde se găseşte un monument falic din piatră pe care a fost înscrisă în anul 914 o victorie a regelui budist Sri Kesari Varma
Protective roof of the Blanjong pillar in Blanjong temple Templul Pura Blanjong
Balinese temple guardian or better known as Dvarapala in Sanskrit. These stone guardians are usually found in front of temple entrances and holy sites as a protector from evil.
Only partially deciphered, the inscription-in both Old Balinese and Sanskrit-refers to a military expedition against eastern Indonesia, where the Balinese once obtained their slaves. It's believed Kesari, a king of the Warmadewa dynasty, founded the Besakih sanctuary on the slopes of Gunung Agung. This King is said to be responsible to creating Bali’s first formal government. The volcanic stone's smooth 177-cm-high, 75-cm-diameter cylindrical body is crowned with a carved lotus cushion. Except at the top, most of the writing is indecipherable. The pillar lies behind Pura Belanjong, about a kilometer past the entrance to the Hotel Sanur Beach toward Suwungan. Sri Kesari Warmadewa was the first king of Bali to leave a written inscription. He authored the inscription on the 914 CE Belanjong pillar ("Prasasti Blanjong"). Sri Kesari is considered as the founder as the Warmadewa dynasty, which prospered for several generations, one of its descendant being the famous king Udayana. Templul Pura Blanjong este cel mai important templu din Sanur, unde se găseşte cea mai veche incripţie a unui rege din Bali - Prasati Blanjong. Regele Sri Kesari Warmadewa, considerat fondatorul dinastiei Warmadewa (sec X-XI) a dispus realizarea acestui monument falic pentru a menţiona o expediţie militară în partea de răsărit a Indoneziei (de unde îşi procurau balinezii sclavii)
Text: Internet Pictures: Nicoleta Leu & Internet All copyrights belong to their respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2012 Sound: Shekeha Gamelan - Gending Kelompok Guna