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Bali2 Greetings from Bali

One of the most striking things about Bali is the daily preparation of small, colorful gifts for the Hindu pantheon called banten. These offerings give a unique characteristic to Balineseu2019s religious practices, something that is unmistakably Balinese

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Bali2 Greetings from Bali

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  1. Greetings from Bali

  2. 2 Bali

  3. Bali is one of the 33 provinces of Indonesia. The capital of province is Denpasar. With a population recorded as 3,891,428 in the 2010 census, the island is home to most of Indonesia's Hindu minority. It is also the largest tourist destination in the country and is renowned for its highly developed arts, including traditional and modern dance, sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking, and music. Bali, a tourist haven for decades, has seen a further surge in tourist numbers in recent years. Bali, o insulă mică din Indonezia, între insulele Java, Sumatra şi Lombok, este una dintre cele mai mari atracţii turistice din lume. Marea majoritate a populaţiei practică hinduismul balinez iar insula este renumită prin templele, ceremonialurile religioase şi dansurile sale

  4. Banten

  5. One of the most striking things about Bali is the daily preparation of small, colorful gifts for the Hindu pantheon called banten. These offerings give a unique characteristic to Balinese’s religious practices, something that is unmistakably Balinese. Banten are usually made from woven young coconut leaves as container and the contents are fruits, flowers, leaves, betel vine, cakes, coins and some incense sticks. Unul dintre obiceiurile cele mai uimitoare din Bali este pregătirea zilnică a micilor ofrande colorate destinate panteonului hindus, numite banten. Aceste ofrande constituie o caracteristică unică şi inconfundabilă a practicilor religioase balineze. Coşuleţele pentru banten sunt de obicei făcute dintr-o împletitură de frunze tinere de cocotier iar conţinutul sunt fructe, flori, frunze, frunze de betel, ţigări, prăjituri, monede şi beţişoare parfumate. 

  6. Banten are gifts to the gods (and the demons). They provide good karma to those involved in their preparation. The Balinese Hindu considers Banten as the mean to get connected with their Gods. Offerings are a means of giving something back (The offerings to the demons are a request to stay or go away). Banten sunt ofrande aduse zeilor (dar şi demonilor). Ele asigură o karma bună pentru cei implicaţi în pregătirea lor. Hinduşii din Bali consideră că banten asigură legătura cu zeii. Aceste ofrande sunt un mijloc de a da înapoi ceva. (Ofrandele pentru demoni pot fi rugăminţi pentru a rămâne sau pleca).

  7. Bali is so popular with its ‘banten’ (means in the Balinese worship which is usually made from young coconut leaves and contains fruits, flowers, leaves, betel vine, cakes, and sesari – a little money as an offering). Bali este atât de cunoscut şi popular cu aceste banten (care în cultul balinez sunt ofrandele făcute de obicei în mici coşuleţe din frunze tinere de cocotier împletite, conţinând fructe, flori, frunze de betel, prăjituri, şi uneori sesari – o mică sumă simbolică de bani).

  8. There are many kinds of ‘banten’, hundreds might be. It is so amazing that the old people are able to remember those kinds of ‘banten’ for each different ceremony meanwhile most of the young Balinese generations do not understand on ‘banten’ and everything related on it. That’s why this sentence appears; “It’s quite difficult to be a Balinese, isn’t it?” Există nenumărate tipuri de Banten, poate câteva sute. Este uimitor că bătrânii sunt capabili să-şi amintească fiecare fel de banten care se cuvine pentru o anumită ceremonie şi în acelaşi timp cei din generaţiile tinere din Bali nu mai înţeleg nimic din bantenşi din tot ce este legat pe el. De aceea apare această întrebare „E destul de greu să fii balinez, nu-i aşa?"

  9. Actually the ‘banten’ itself has spiritual meaning. So, ‘banten’ is a symbol to remind the Balinese on the spiritual values. But with the passing of the time the spiritual values which are contained in ‘banten’ is forgotten. Only symbols are left. De fapt, banten în sine are o semnificație spirituală. Ca urmare banten devine un simbol pentru a reaminti hinduşilor din Bali valorile spirituale. Dar, odată cu trecerea timpului valorile spirituale cuprinse în bantensunt uitate şi rămâne doar simbolul.

  10. At the time of making banten, purity and peace of mind to stay awake. For example no harsh word, not in a sad or upset, and not being cuntaka (menstruation or a family member who died). În timpul confecţionării ofrandelor numite banten, puritatea şi pacea minţii sunt foarte importante. De exemplu, nici un cuvânt aspru nu poate fi rostit, nu poţi fi trist sau supărat, nu poţi fi cuntaka (la menstruaţie sau având un membru de familie care a murit de curând)

  11. the Bali Starling (Leucopsar rothschildi).

  12. The kris or keris is an asymmetrical dagger most strongly associated with the culture of Indonesia, but also indigenous to Malaysia, Thailand and Brunei. The kris handle or hilt (hulu keris) is the object of art, often carved in meticulous details and made from various materials; precious rare types of wood to gold or ivory. In 2005, UNESCO gave the title Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity to the kris of Indonesia. In return, UNESCO urged Indonesia to preserve their heritage Richly decorated Balinese kris hilt coated with gold, adorned with rubies

  13. Jennifer Lawson temple offering Bali rituals and celebrations.

  14. Bali shadow theater wayang

  15. The Bali Kite Festival is an annual international kite festival held in July in Padang Galak area, Sanur Beach, Bali.

  16. Text: Internet Pictures: Nicoleta Leu & Internet All  copyrights  belong to their  respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2012 Sound: Gamelan of Peliatan - Dancers of Bali – Legong - LaguCondong - Pengipuk

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