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Cat & Art37 Isy Ochoa

The smallest feline is a masterpiece (Leonardo da Vinci)

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Cat & Art37 Isy Ochoa

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  1. Cat & Art 37

  2. Cat in a studio

  3. Chat gris intérieur rose

  4. Self Portrait In The Studio Isy Ochoa is a French author and artist born in Paris 1961 known for her still life and cat paintings. She is a graduate of the prestigious schools ÉcoleSupérieured'ArtsGraphiques, Met de Penninghen, and Académie Julian.

  5. Cat in a Watering Can

  6. Self Portrait in Anger,1989 Isy Ochoa is widely known for her work for the French Post Office, having painted originals for multiple series of stamps. Using a brilliance of colors Isy also has a large following for her nature-morts (still life) and cats. Isy is also author and illustrator of several books

  7. Persian Cat Series I

  8. Burmese cat series II 1997 Roses

  9. Chat à l'homme 1995 Chat, gouache, 19 x 14 cm. Illustration extraite de l'ouvrage paru aux éditions SOLAR

  10. Shorthair series II 1997

  11. European cat Cat and Tulips II

  12. Hommage à Raoul Dufy Cat and Tulips

  13. Ginger's ambush

  14. Kitten Lying Down 1997

  15. Kitten

  16. Burmese Cat, Series II 1997

  17. Penny for ever

  18. Penny

  19. Vincent le Chat

  20. Siamese cats on blue background

  21. Velvet cat II

  22. Velvet cat II (detail)

  23. Chats amoureux sur le pont Mirabeau et Tour Eiffel

  24. European Cat at Stonehenge Persian cat in Ireland

  25. Siberian cat emerald lake Canada Madame de Chicago

  26. Sphinx Cats in San Juan de Chamula, Mexico 2001

  27. European Cat in Malta Cat of Burano

  28. Cats Of Provence

  29. Cat of Greece Cat of Venice

  30. White Russian, Ayers Rock Chat Chartreux, Series I

  31. Cat at the Edge of the Nile

  32. Scottish Cat in Tibet

  33. Siamese cat series II Cat in Hollywood

  34. Siamese cat series II

  35. White cat sitting in front of house in domestic garden

  36. Cat in Turkey

  37. Siamese Cat-Series I

  38. Persian Cat Series I

  39. Cat Of Portugal

  40. Grey Cat in Tunisia

  41. Cat at the Henhouse

  42. Cat in Saint Paul de Vence (France) Cat of Morrocco

  43. Cat in Corricella (Italy)

  44. Burmese Cat Series I

  45. Burmese cat series I 1998

  46. Burmese Cat at Angkor Wat

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