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Collection of photographic images of works of art: the world of books and reading<br>(You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading themu2026

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  1. 170 Reading

  2. The Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany is a book of hours, commissioned by Anne of Brittany, Queen of France to two kings in succession, and illuminated in Tours or perhaps Paris by Jean Bourdichon between 1503 and 1508 Saintes vierges

  3. Anne of Brittany  (1477-1514) with her patron saints, Anne, Ursula (with the arms of Brittany on a pennant) and Catherine. This scene is on folio 3

  4. Jean Bourdichon (French, 1457-1521) Anne of Brittany  (1477-1514)

  5. The Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany

  6. The Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany BnF Saint Matthew the Evangelist

  7. The Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany Saint Peter and Saint Paul, and Saint John in the center

  8. The Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany St Anne teaching Mary the Scriptures

  9. The Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany Annonciation

  10. The Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany The Archangel  Gabriel

  11. The Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany Annunciation (fragment)

  12. The Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany has been described by John Harthan as "one of the most magnificent Books of Hours ever made“, and is now in the Bibliothèque nationale de France as Ms lat. 9474. It has 49 full-page miniatures in a Renaissance style, and more than 300 pages have large borders illustrated with a careful depiction of, usually, a single species of plant.

  13. The Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany  Marie enseignant Jésus

  14. The Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany  Saints-Confesseurs

  15. The Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany  Saint Martyrs  Saint John

  16. The Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany  Saint Antoine

  17. The Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany  Présentation au Temple

  18. Booklet with Scenes of the Passion French cca 1310 Ivory Metropolitan Museum of Art

  19. Booklet with Scenes of the Passion French cca 1310 Ivory Metropolitan Museum of Art

  20. Book of Hours (c.1515) Jean Bourdichon (French, 1457-1521) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

  21. Louis XII of France (from the Poetic Epistles of Anne of Brittany and Louis XII)

  22. Jean Bourdichon (French, 1457-1521) Genève, Bibliothèque de Genève

  23. Jean Bourdichon (French, 1457-1521) Metropolitan Museum of Art

  24. Unknown, Illumination dedicated to a young prince In Guillaume Budé, L’Institution du prince, vers 1518-1519

  25. Unknown, Illumination dedicated to a young prince In Guillaume Budé, L’Institution du prince, vers 1518-1519

  26. The Annunciation, from a Book of Hours The Art Institute of Chicago 1440/45

  27. The poet Jean Marot (1450-1526) handing over his work Voyage to Genoa to Anne of Brittany, ca 1508, miniature by Jean Bourdichon (1457-1521) Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, France

  28. Andrea Mantegna (Italian, c 1431–1506) The Evangelist Mark The Städel Museum, Frankfurt

  29. Matteo di Giovanni (Italian, 1430-1495) Madonna and Child with Saint Jerome, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, and Angels National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

  30. Giacomo Pacchiarotto (Italian, 1474-1539) A Young Lady Writing in a Hymnal Alvise Vivarini (vers 1442/53 -1503/05) La Vierge à l'enfant, avec saint Jérôme

  31. El Greco (Greek 1540.41–1614) Saint Jerome as Scholar ca. 1610 Metropolitan Museum of art Geminiano di Bongiovanni Benoni (fin XVe-début XVIe Saint Jerome reading

  32. Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel Madonna and Child in a landscape. 1624-1625 Berlin, Gemäldegalerie

  33. Text and pictures: Internet All  copyrights  belong to their  respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2018 Sound: Vivaldi - Descende, o coelivox - Philippe Jaroussky

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