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Summer shine11

In the language of flowers, the poppy can be a symbol of oblivion or imagination. However, the poppy has also come to be a symbol of remembrance since World War I.

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Summer shine11

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  1. Pierre Eugene Montezin (1874-1946) Les Travaux des champs – la justice et le droit, Palais de justice de Chambéry

  2. Pierre Eugene Montezin (1874-1946) Les Travaux des champs – la justice et le droit, Palais de justice de Chambéry

  3. Pierre Eugene Montezin (1874-1946) Notre Dame and the Seine from the window on the Tour d'Argent

  4. Bouquet de fleurs champêtres et coquelicots devant la fenêtre Pierre Eugene Montezin (1874-1946) La fenetre Sold 70 125 EUR

  5. Poppies and daisies in front of the window Pierre Eugene Montezin (1874-1946) Bouquet de coquelicots Sold 23,750 €

  6. Albert André (French, 1869-1954) Bouquet aux coquelicots

  7. Albert André (French, 1869-1954) Flowers and books on a table Bouquet of flowers

  8. Maurice De Vlaminck (France, 1876 - 1958) Vase of flowers Wreath of flowers

  9. Bouquet of Flowers.1900 – 1905 The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Odilon Redon (French, 1840-1916) Flowers Museum of Modern Art NY

  10. Odilon Redon (French, 1840-1916) Coquelicots, 1905

  11. Odilon Redon (French, 1840-1916) Fleurs des champs (Wildflowers), 1908 at Kunstmuseum Winterthur Switzerland Anémones et coquelicots

  12. Odilon Redon (French, 1840-1916)

  13. Odilon Redon (French, 1840-1916) Coquelicots dans un vase vert Price realised USD 636,000 Bouquet in a Chinese vase

  14. Odilon Redon (French, 1840-1916) Vase de coquelicots

  15. Odilon Redon (French, 1840-1916) Vase with flowers and butterflies, 1905 Coquelicots et marguerites

  16. Odilon Redon (French, 1840-1916) Vase de fleurs Coquelicots et marguerites dans un vase bleu

  17. Odilon Redon (French, 1840-1916) Fleurs dans une coupe bleue, 1900

  18. Vase de coquelicots et mimosas Odilon Redon (French, 1840-1916) Coquelicots, Rotterdam Museum

  19. Odilon Redon (French, 1840-1916) Flowers Vase of flowers

  20. Pierre Auguste Renoir Flowers in a vase, 1866

  21. Pierre Bonnard (French, 1867-1947) Poppies in a Vase – Nationalmuseum Sweden Fleurs des champs

  22. Flower fields. Umbels and poppies Pierre Bonnard (French, 1867-1947) Flowers on a mantlepiece

  23. Pierre Bonnard (French, 1867-1947) Vase of flowers and checkers Bouquet de coquelicots Musée des Beaux-Arts de Besançon

  24. Pierre Bonnard (French, 1867-1947) Poppies in a vase, 1926 The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Poppies / Les coquelicots

  25. Pierre Bonnard (French, 1867-1947) Exhibition in the Städel Museum Frankfurt The poppies

  26. Fleurs dans un pot de grès ou Intérieur, fleurs des champs Pierre Bonnard (French, 1867-1947) Pichet de fleurs (vers 1935) Dallas Museum of Art

  27. Paul De Longpré (French/American, 1855-1911) California poppies California poppies in a green ginger jar, 1903

  28. Paul De Longpré (French/American, 1855-1911) Iceland poppies

  29. Paul De Longpré (French/American, 1855-1911) Poppies Still life with flowers and bees California poppies gold cup Los Angeles County Museum of Art

  30. Paul De Longpré (French/American, 1855-1911) Poppies and lilac

  31. California poppies Paul De Longpré (French/ American, 1855-1911) Poppies and cornflowers

  32. Paul De Longpré (French/American, 1855-1911) Poppies

  33. Paul De Longpré (French/ American, 1855-1911) Matilija poppies

  34. Paul De Longpré (French/American, 1855-1911) Poppies and blackberry blossoms

  35. Paul De Longpré (French/American, 1855-1911) Poppies and bumblebees Yellow poppies

  36. Paul De Longpré (French/American, 1855-1911) Poppies and bumblebees (fragment)

  37. Paul De Longpré (French/American, 1855-1911) Poppies, violettes and bumblebees Still life with flowers, bees and butterflies

  38. Paul De Longpré (French/American, 1855-1911) Still life with flowers, bees and butterflies (fragment)

  39. Text & Pictures: Internet All  copyrights  belong to their  respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2022 Sound:Emma Shapplin - Sur l'eau

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