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Support Children in conflict zones with Sandblast -a UK charity promoting awareness of the plight of the indigenous Saharawi of Western Sahara, who have been refugees over 45 years. Our Desert Voicebox project, teaching English and Music, gives the children opportunities to develop their potential and express themselves in new ways. It equips them with the tools to help them turn their dreams into reality, become ambassadors for their community and tell their story. Our funds mostly come from sponsorship money raised by participants in our annual fundraising and awareness-raising event Run the Sahara and from individual online donations (http://www.justgiving.com/campaign/deservoicebox) . Please donate today and make a real difference to the lives of the Saharawi. For more info, visit sandblast-arts.org.
sandblast-arts.org Sandblast -a UK charity promoting awareness of the plight of the indigenous Saharawi of Western Sahara. The majority have been refugees in the harsh SW corner of the Algerian Sahara since 1975. Through educational, arts and skills development projects, we aim to provide opportunities for young people to have brighter futures and to highlight their threatened cultural heritage.
Support Children in conflict zones with Sandblast -a UK charity promoting awareness of the plight of the indigenous Saharawi of Western Sahara, who have been refugees over 45 years. Our Desert Voicebox project, teaching English and Music, gives the children opportunities to develop their potential and express themselves in new ways. It equips them with the tools to help them turn their dreams into reality, become ambassadors for their community and tell their story. Our funds mostly come from sponsorship money raised by participants in our annual fundraising and awareness- raising event Run the Sahara and from individual online donations (http://www.justgiving.com/campaign/deservoicebox).Pleasedonat e today and make a real difference to the lives of the Saharawi. For more info, visit sandblast-arts.org. Address-8 Gravesend Rd, W12 0SZ, London, UK Gmail-info@sandblast-arts.org URL-http://www.sandblast-arts.org/ THANK YOU THANK YOU