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Living Together (or Why Community Matters)

Living Together (or Why Community Matters). Finding a Life Worth Living. John 13:31-35 page 994 March 29, 2009. Living Together. Finding A Life Worth Living – about discipleship Community is part of discipleship This morning: Looking at the text: John 13

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Living Together (or Why Community Matters)

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  1. Living Together(or Why Community Matters) Finding a Life Worth Living John 13:31-35 page 994 March 29, 2009

  2. Living Together • Finding A Life Worth Living – about discipleship • Community is part of discipleship This morning: • Looking at the text: John 13 • Context: footwashing & glorification • Love “as I have loved you” • Sacrificial, humble • “Love one another” • One Another House

  3. John 13 • Jesus’ Farewell Discourse • Tells of own impending death • Leaves instructions for disciples • Setting: the last supper • Jesus’ words transcend both time and place • His instructions are for all believers in all time periods • Jesus washed disciples feet (13:1-17) • Ultimate sign of servanthood and humility • Judas departs • Signals the beginning of Jesus’ betrayal

  4. John 13:31-32 • “Glorified” • Father and Son are one • Therefore when one is glorified, so is the other. • “Glorified” – a full display of glory • Refers to Jesus’ impending suffering and death • This shows us the extent of God’s love • Therefore, the full glory of God is his sacrificial love shown in Jesus’ death on the cross.

  5. John 13:33 13:33 “My children, I will be with you only a little longer… Where I am going, you cannot come.” • Jesus is predicting his impending death • “My children” • Rabbis/teachers commonly called their students “children” • Term of endearment, not patronising

  6. John 13:34 – A New Command “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” • Command to love – not new • Way to love – new! • Jesus tells us WHY and HOW to love one another • Why? Because Jesus first loved us! • We can’t help but live out of the fullness of His love in us. • How? Love the way Jesus loves! • Humble, sacrificial, obedient to God’s will • Shown in Jesus washing disciples’ feet. • Examples…

  7. Love One Another • Command in John 13:34 refers to community of believers, fellow Christians only • Not exclusivist, God’s love for ALL people is clear throughout the Bible • Rather, Jesus knew there would be conflict between believers and the world, thus… The community of believers must be a refuge. • Some examples

  8. Love One Another 13:35 “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples.” The community of believers is attractive! • True humble, sacrificial love is remarkable • Burge: “Nothing so astonishes a fractured world as a community in which radical, faithful, genuine love is shared among its members…”

  9. One Another House

  10. In him you are being builttogether to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. (Eph 2:22) Pray (Jas 5:16) Confess your sins (Jas 5:16) Speak/sing psalms (Eph 5:19) Teach (Col 3:16)Admonish (Col 3:16) Encourage (1 Thess 4:18) Build up (1 Thess 5:11) Instruct (Rom 15:14) Greet with a holy kiss (Rom 16:16) Carry burden (Gal 6:2) Offer hospitality (1 Pet 4:9) Serve (Gal 5:13)Have equal concern (1 Cor 12:25) Wash feet (John 13:14) Build up (1 Thess 5:11) Eat (1 Cor 11:33) Share (Heb 13:16) ‘Words’ Room ‘Deeds’ Room Submit (Eph 5:21) Spur on (Heb 10:24) Be of the same mind (Phil 2:2)Value above yourself (Phil 2:3) Forbear (Eph 4:2) Accept (Rom 15:7) Forgive (Col 3:13) Live in peace (1 Thess 5:13) Clothe yourself in humility (1 Pet 5:5) Do not slander (Jas 4:11) Do not grumble (Jas 5:9) Do not hate (Titus 3:3) Do not lie (Col 3:9) Do not judge (Rom 14:13) Do not provoke (Gal 5:26) Do not destroy (Gal 5:15) ‘Attitudes’ Room ‘Avoid’ Room Be kind (Eph 4:32) Do good (Heb 13:16) Love One Another (John 13:34-35 / 1 Pet 4:8 / 1 Joh 4:7-12) As I have loved you

  11. Love One Another • Two concluding stories “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

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