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Slide 2. School and Libraries Support MechanismProvides discounts to eligible schools and libraries for Telecommunications Services, Internet Access, Internal Connections, and Basic Maintenance.Applicants can be schools, libraries, or consortia, but only eligible recipients of services can receive discounts.Applicants must apply for discounts each year.Funding is capped at $2.25 billion annually.From January 1, 1998 through September 7, 2004, more than $13.7 billion in funding commitments h9460
1. E-rate for Beginners John Noran
Schools and Libraries Division
Universal Service Administrative Company
Train-the-Trainer Workshop
September 27-29, 2004
2. Slide 2
3. Slide 3 History Schools and Libraries Support Mechanism started providing discounts as of January 1, 1998
Telecommunications Act of 1996
Congress directed the FCC to “establish competitively neutral rules . . . to enhance, to the extent technically feasible and economically reasonable, access to advance telecommunications and information services for all public and non-profit elementary and secondary school classrooms . . . and libraries.”
First Report and Order (FCC 97-157)
4. Slide 4 Introduction Vendor Assistance
NSI in New Jersey
Application review — Program Integrity Assurance (PIA)
Invoice review (PIA)
Appeal process
Program correspondence, including change and extension requests
Pearson Government Solutions in Kansas
Client Service Bureau (call center)
Forms processing
5. Slide 5 Eligibility Eligible Entities
Must meet the statutory definition of elementary or secondary school found in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
Must be a non-profit institutional day or residential school, including a public charter school, that provides elementary or secondary education, as determined under state law.
Must not be operating as a for-profit business.
Must not have an endowment exceeding $50 million.
6. Slide 6 Eligibility Eligible Entities
Schools (cont.)
Pre-kindergarten, Adult Education, Juvenile Justice
Must meet state definition of elementary or secondary education.
Students and/or facilities may be eligible.
SLD requests updated information from state departments of education every two years.
7. Slide 7 Eligibility Eligible Entities
Must meet the statutory definition of library or library consortium found in the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) of 1996.
Must be eligible for assistance from a state library administrative agency under LSTA.
Budget must be completely separate from any schools.
Must not be operating as a for-profit business.
8. Slide 8 Eligibility Service Providers
Must file Form 498, Service Provider Information Form
Request a Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN)
Provide/update contact information.
Must file Form 473, Service Provider Annual Certification Form, on an annual basis
Required for invoices to be paid.
9. Slide 9 Providers of Telecommunications Services
Must contribute to the Universal Service Fund, if applicable.
Must provide telecommunications services on a common carriage basis to be a telecommunications carrier.
To be a telecommunications carrier, the carrier must
(1) allow the customer to transmit information of its own design and choosing, without change in the form or content of the information, and
(2) provide that capability for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available to the public (i.e., hold itself out to serve indifferently all potential users).
Telecommunications Carrier
10. Slide 10 Telecommunications Carriers
Must file Form 499A on an annual basis and check at least one box on Line 227 and file Forms 499Q, if applicable.
Must revise the Form 498 to reflect Form 499 Filer. I.D.
SP must be designated eligible in SLD database.
SP may not provide telecommunications services if it has not been designated as a telecommunications carrier.
Telecommunications Carrier
11. Slide 11 Eligibility Eligible Services
Priority 1
Telecommunications Services
local and long distance
wireline and wireless
voice, data, video
Internet Access
Priority 2
Internal Connections (switches, hubs, routers, wiring)
Basic Maintenance on Internal Connections
Priority 1 funded first, then Priority 2 funded beginning with neediest applicants (90%, 89%, 88%, etc.)
12. Slide 12 Eligibility Eligible Services
Eligible Services List
Lists services by category (Telecommunications Services, Internet Access, Internal Connections, and Miscellaneous)
Services which are conditionally eligible
Ineligible services
Available on SLD web site
13. Slide 13 Calculating Discounts Discount Calculation
National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
Individual schools — start with the percentage of students eligible for NSLP for their school
School districts — start with the NSLP percentages of individual schools in the district, calculate weighted average of all schools
Libraries — start with the percentage of students eligible for NSLP for the school district in which the library is located
Consortia — calculate simple average of discounts of members
Urban or rural status of county in which school or library is located (from web site)
14. Slide 14 Calculating Discounts Points to Remember:
All discount calculations will involve
percentage of students eligible for NSLP in a school or school district
determination of Urban/Rural status
discount from Discount Matrix.
Applicant with members or subunits must calculate an average of those members
School district – individual schools
Library system – library outlets/branches
Consortium – eligible member entities
15. Slide 15 Application Process Technology Plan – What is my plan?
Form 470 – What services do I want?
Form 471 – What services did I order?
Form 486 – When did services start?
Form 472 or Form 474 – How do I receive reimbursements or discounts?
Online filing/certification available for most forms
16. Slide 16 Application Process Form 498 – What is my SPIN?
Form 499A for Telecom Carriers – What is my responsibility to the Universal Service Fund?
Form 473 – What am I required to do before receiving payment on an invoice?
Form 472 or Form 474 – How do I submit invoices to USAC?
Online filing available for most forms
Online service provider certification under consideration
17. Slide 17 Technology Planning Technology Plans
Not required for basic local, cellular, PCS, and/or long distance phone service and/or voice mail
Must be written before Form 470 filing
Must be approved by an SLD-certified approver before Form 486 filing or start of services, whichever is earlier
Must cover five areas:
Goals / Strategies for using technology
Professional development
Needs assessment
Sufficient budget
Evaluation process
18. Slide 18 Service providers may offer NEUTRAL technical assistance.
Service providers may not act as technology plan approvers.
Technology Planning
19. Slide 19 Form 470 Form 470
Opens a competitive bidding process
Applicant responsible for ensuring an open, fair process and selecting the most cost-effective provider of the desired services
Must wait 28 days after POSTING of Form 470 to select service provider, sign contract, and sign and submit Form 471
Can be filed once for multi-year contracts, but 470 and RFP must indicate intent to sign multi-year contract with extensions
Make RFP available or list specific service/function and quantity/capacity
20. Slide 20 Form 470 Competitive Bidding
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Not required under the FCC Rules, but a good idea
Must comply with local and state procurement laws
Describes your project scope, location, other requirements in detail
Goal is to have as many bidders as possible
Promotes better service and lower prices
Fair and open process
All bidders treated the same, no advance knowledge of RFP information
No secrets in the process, all bidders know what is required of them
21. Slide 21 Competitive Bidding Process Service providers must remain NEUTRAL at all times.
Service providers may not interfere with applicant’s affirmative duty to conduct a fair and open bid process.
Service providers may not exert undue influence over an applicant.
22. Slide 22 Competitive Bidding Process Obligation to Pay Non-discount Share
Applicants are required to pay their share of the cost (the “non-discount” portion or share) — cannot be donated, forgiven or ignored.
Service providers cannot waive or credit the applicant’s share.
Offers to reduce price must be incorporated into the “total pre-discount amount.”
Service provider must bill the applicant for non-discount share of services.
23. Slide 23 FORM 470
Service providers may offer basic information, such as timelines and deadlines.
Service provider or its consultant may not complete the 470.
Service provider or its consultant may not sign the Form 470.
Service provider or its consultant may not file the Form 470.
Service providers may not prepare the RFP.
Service providers may contribute information on technical issues.
Competitive Bidding Process
24. Slide 24 Form 470 Points to Remember:
Competitive bidding process must be open and fair.
List services sought in correct category of service (Form 471 must match).
Retain worksheets, bid evaluation criteria, winning AND LOSING bids.
Form 470 must be certified by close of Form 471 application filing window.
Filing online speeds processing and reduces errors.
25. Slide 25 Form 470 Form 470 Receipt Notification Letter (RNL)
Cover page of important reminders and deadlines
Notifies applicant that Form 470 has been posted to the SLD web site
System will generate RNL for Forms 470 filed online after form is submitted but before it is certified.
Form MUST be certified before close of Form 471 application filing window.
Contains Allowable Vendor Selection / Contract Award Date
26. Slide 26 Form 471 Form 471
Provides specific information on services, service providers selected, and contracts
Provides discount calculation information
Must be filed for each funding year
Must be postmarked on or before the last day of the Form 471 application filing window
Applicant certifies compliance with rules, which include securing access to resources to make effective use of discounts.
27. Slide 27 Form 471 Points to Remember:
WAIT AT LEAST 28 DAYS from the posting of the Form 470 before
selecting a service provider
signing a contract
signing and submitting a completed Form 471.
File separate Forms 471 for Priority 1 and Priority 2 services.
Remove ineligible costs and document or estimate eligible costs carefully (30% Rule).
Filing online speeds processing and reduces errors.
28. Slide 28 Service providers should always provide correct SPINs and contact information.
Service providers are encouraged to provide guidance to the applicant on its services and functionality during the application process. Form 471
29. Slide 29 Service providers are encouraged to assist with providing information for the Item 21 attachment for their services.
Clear level of detail on the Item 21 attachment may advance the processing of the invoice.
An example of such detail would be the inclusion of the item (model #), quantity, and unit cost.
30. Slide 30 Applicants will not receive support for contracts that provide only a single price for a package that bundles both eligible and ineligible services together.
Service provider and applicant should work together to create pricing terms in the contract that separate eligible services from ineligible services.
Service providers are also encouraged to assist in providing applicant with billing account numbers and contract numbers.
31. Slide 31 Form 471 Form 471 Receipt Acknowledgment Letter (RAL)
Cover page of important reminders and deadlines
Provides confirmation of certain information entered from Form 471
Data entry errors may be corrected by submitting a copy of the RAL with the specific errors lined out and the correct information supplied — three-week deadline.
Funding request reductions may also be submitted before funding commitment.
32. Slide 32 Contract Requirements FCC Rules require applicant to sign a contract prior to the filing of a completed Form 471. 47 C.F.R. §54.504(c).
Fifth Report and Order requires both the applicant and service provider to sign the contract prior to the filing of a Form 471.
This rule does not apply to tariffed or month-to-month services.
Verbal agreements are not acceptable.
Quotes are not acceptable.
33. Slide 33 Service provider and applicant must comply with state contract law.
Service provider and applicant must comply with state and local procurement laws.
34. Slide 34 Applicant must provide signed and dated contracts for reviews and audits.
Applicant must be prepared to prove its contract meets the requirements of state contract law.
Applicant certifies that it has signed a contract on its Form 486.
35. Slide 35 Contract Requirements Service provider is required to permit the applicant prior to the submission of the Form 471 to choose the Method of Payment — BEAR v. SPI — for discounted services.
FCC Second Report and Order encourages the applicant and service provider to work together to determine the method of payment.
FCC Second Report and Order encourages including the method of payment in the contract.
36. Slide 36 Contract Issues Know your legal rights.
SLD does not intervene in disputes that are contract-based rather than program-rule based.
Contract disputes should be brought before local and state courts, not the SLD or the FCC.
37. Slide 37 State Master Contracts If the state filed a Form 470, then the applicant may cite the state’s Form 470 on its Form 471.
The applicant is required to follow the applicable provisions of the state master contract and local and state procurement laws.
No separate bidding documents or contracts are required by the applicant citing the state’s Form 470, other than what is required by the state master contract and local and state procurement laws.
The signed state master contract between the state and service providers meets the FCC signed contract requirement.
38. Slide 38 State Master Contracts If the applicant files a Form 470 and considers a state master contract as one of the bids:
The applicant is required to comply with all competitive bidding requirements.
If the applicant selects the state master contract:
The applicant is required to follow the applicable provisions of the state master contract and local and state procurement laws.
The signed state master contract between the state and vendors meets the FCC signed contract requirement.
39. Slide 39 State Master Contracts Purchase orders or other state master contract requirements for applicants
If a state master contract requires the issuance of purchase orders or contains other binding requirements for applicants, the applicants must follow the applicable dates set forth in the state master contract.
For example, if a state master contract requires the applicant to issue a purchase order by July 1, then the applicant is required to meet that deadline.
40. Slide 40 Application Review Review of Applications
Review by PIA, which may include:
Competitive bidding process
Discount calculation
Sufficient budget
Establishing Form 470
Technology Plan
41. Slide 41 Application Review Points to Remember:
Provide information requested by reviewers (PIA) promptly.
If desirable, work with your state coordinator to comply with information requests.
Ask for more time if you need it.
Retain documentation.
Review Request for Selective Review Information fax to understand what information might be requested.
42. Slide 42 Funding Commitments Commitments vs. Disbursements
$2.25 billion cap for each funding year.
SLD may commit more that $2.25 billion for a funding year if unused funds from previous funding years have been rolled over to that year.
43. Slide 43 Funding Commitments Funding Commitment Decision Letter
Cover page of important reminders and deadlines
FCDL reports status of individual funding requests:
Not Funded
As Yet Unfunded (Internal Connections)
Service provider does not receive this status
May receive more than one FCDL
44. Slide 44 Funding Commitments Points to Remember:
Check all entries on the FCDL carefully to make sure there are no data entry errors.
Applicants use the information on the FCDL to prepare the Form 486.
45. Slide 45 Form 486 Form 486
Notification that services have started and the SLD can pay invoices
Certifies that Tech Plan (if required) has been approved.
If Tech Plan has not been approved by SLD-certified approver, the application is subject to denial and invoices will not be paid.
Certifies status under Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
Lead members of consortia may be required to collect CIPA certifications from consortium members on a separate form (Form 479).
46. Slide 46 Form 486 Form 486 Deadline
Form 486 must be postmarked no later than
120 days after the Service Start Date featured on the Form 486 OR
120 days after the date of the Funding Commitment Decision Letter
whichever is later.
If Form 486 is postmarked later than the above deadline, the date 120 days before the Form 486 postmark date will become the start date for discounted services and funding may be reduced.
47. Slide 47 Form 486 Form 486 Notification Letter
Cover page of important reminders and deadlines.
Provides confirmation that a Form 486 has been successfully data entered.
SLD will accept invoices from applicants and service providers once the Form 486 is successfully processed.
48. Slide 48 Service Delivery Deadlines Recurring Services
June 30 of funding year
Non-recurring Services
September 30 following the close of the funding year
Deadline automatically extended to September 30 of the following year for FCDLs, service substitution approvals, and SPIN change approvals dated on or after March 1 of the funding year.
Applicants can also request extension for specific reasons involving difficulties with delivery of services by service provider.
See web site for further information.
49. Slide 49 Form 473 Form 473 – Service Provider Annual Certification (SPAC) Form
Service providers are required to file on an annual basis.
SLD will only pay invoices for a funding year if a SPAC is on file for that funding year.
SPACs are required for both BEARs and SPIs.
SPIN Search Tool on SLD web site lists funding years for which a SPAC is on file.
50. Slide 50 Invoices Invoices — Form 472 or Form 474
BEAR (Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement) Form 472 is filed by the applicant and certified by the service provider after the applicant receives services and pays for the services in full.
SPI (Service Provider Invoice) Form 474 is filed by the service provider after providing services and billing the applicant for its non-discount share.
51. Slide 51 Invoices Points to Remember:
Invoices cannot be used to request SPIN changes or service substitutions.
Invoices are reviewed for program compliance – respond promptly to requests for information.
Service providers are required to reimburse the applicant within 20 days after RECEIPT of the funds from SLD.
52. Slide 52 Invoices Invoice Deadlines
Invoices must be postmarked no later than
120 days after the last date to receive service OR
120 days after the date of the Form 486 Notification Letter
whichever is later.
If an invoice is postmarked later than the above deadline, payment will be denied.
Extensions of invoice deadlines may be requested under certain conditions.
See web site for details.
53. Slide 53 Invoices BEAR Notification Letter
Cover page of important reminders and deadlines
Provides confirmation that a Form 472 (BEAR) has been successfully data entered.
Indicates what amounts are being paid and reason for reductions/denials.
SPI Electronic Notification – Invoice Status Report
Service provider can receive an electronic notification.
54. Slide 54 SPIN Changes Corrective SPIN Change – to correct data entry errors or where the applicant used the wrong SPIN for the service provider selected
Global SPIN Changes – mergers or acquisitions in whole or in part
Considered a Corrective SPIN change
Operational SPIN Change – only available after receipt of FCDL
See web site for more guidance.
55. Slide 55 Operational SPIN Changes For changes to a new service provider
Applicant must make three certifications:
Change allowed under local procurement laws
Change allowed under terms of contract
Original service provider notified of intent to change
Can NOT be used for telecommunications services if new SPIN is not a telecommunications carrier
56. Slide 56 Document Retention Remember 5-year retention requirement for all documents.
Good recordkeeping is ESSENTIAL.
Keep copies of EVERYTHING.
Keep these documents with E-rate files, or copies, if accounting department keeps its own files.
57. Slide 57 Document Retention Types of records to retain include:
Competitive bid documents
RFPs, bids, quotes, proposals, etc.
Signed contracts
Service provider bills to customers
Detail of services/products and locations
Indicate entity(ies) receiving service/products
Delivery/installation dates
Applicant payments
Cancelled checks
Service credits for any reason
58. Slide 58 Appeals Decisions of the SLD can be appealed to the SLD or to the FCC.
Generally, appeal first to the SLD.
Can appeal to the FCC if SLD does not grant the appeal.
Can be filed electronically or on paper.
Must be received or postmarked within 60 days of the SLD decision.
See Appeals Procedure in Reference Area for specific guidance.
Requests for waivers of rules must be filed with the FCC.
59. Slide 59 Audits Why do we do audits?
To provide data regarding program rule compliance.
To identify areas needing education and outreach.
To clarify program rules that must be strengthened to prevent waste, fraud and abuse.
To enforce accountability for program rule compliance.
To deter noncompliance.
60. Slide 60 Audits Who performs audits?
USAC Internal Audit
Independent auditors engaged by either USAC or the FCC
FCC Office of Inspector General
Other agencies
61. Slide 61 Audits What documents do auditors need?
Budget / financial statements
Technology Plan and approval letter
Documentation of competitive bidding process
Documentation of discount level claimed
Copies of contracts and contract extensions
Copies of service provider bills, cancelled checks, BEAR Forms, BEAR checks, and other supporting documentation
Asset inventories or registers
62. Slide 62 Assistance SLD main page of USAC web site
Client Service Bureau
Use the “Submit a Question” link on the web site
Fax toll-free at 1-888-276-8736
Telephone toll-free at 1-888-203-8100
Read the form instructions
63. Slide 63
64. Slide 64