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Kerry Pearmain
Catherine Fitch
3. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 3 Action Research 12 month data collected as part of Action Research (n=360)
Measurement of variables which are more likely to impact FDR outcome
Use of information collected as part of intake and assessment to assess level of acrimony, parental alliance and child focus for both parties
Client feedback (FRSP)
Independent client survey on client attitude to FDR session and FRC services generally
4. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 4 Reflective Process Post FDR reflection by practitioner to assess shift in acrimony, parental alliance and child focus
Post FDR reflection by practitioner to assess practitioner inputs to FDR outcome
Client feedback is monitored daily
5. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 5 Clinical Assessment (Intake) Measuring Acrimony Mismatch of beliefs and values
History of family violence/abuse/conflict
Financial matters impacting parenting relationship
Parental alienation on key issues (positional)
History of litigation/intention to litigate
Trust in each other to do the right thing
6. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 6 Clinical Assessment (Intake)Measuring Parental Alliance Supportive of each other’s parenting style
Cooperation on children seeing other parent
Jointly make decisions on child’s needs
Cooperation on children’s needs
Communicate effectively on children’s needs
7. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 7 Clinical Assessment (Intake)Measuring Child Focus
Parent lifestyle choices negatively impact children
Parent able to put child’s needs first
Parent supports child through separation
Parent using child to further own needs
Parent keeps adult matters away from child
Parent fosters other parent relationship
8. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 8 Measuring Client Outcomes
Signed Parenting Plans
Agreements Reached (unsigned)
No Agreements
Request for Certificates post FDR
9. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 9 Measuring ShiftAcrimony, Alliance, Child Focus Reflection post FDR by practitioner against original assessment (acrimony, alliance, child focus)
Assessment of variables which influenced the FDR outcome (child inclusive, referral support, history of family abuse, parent concerns re child safety)
10. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 10 Measuring our own inputs
Self assessment by practitioner of own skills, knowledge, values which impacted outcome
Intake and assessment process identified all relevant issues and our pre planning process for FDR session identified relevant issues
Measuring client satisfaction pre FDR and post FDR
11. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 11 FDR Outcomes 69% sign parenting plans (overall)
15% Reach agreement (unsigned)
16% No agreement
16% Request a certificate post FDR
12. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 12
91% commence with med to high level of acrimony
53% improve level of acrimony during FDR
Where acrimony improves, agreements more likely
Where acrimony does not improve agreement rates reduce significantly
13. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 13 Shift in Parental AllianceClinical Assessment 90% commence with low to medium parental alliance
58% improve parental alliance during FDR process
Where parental alliance improved, agreement rates increase
Where parental alliance does not improve agreements less likely
14. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 14 Child FocusClinical Assessment 77% present with medium to low child focus
66% made a positive shift during FDR
Where child focus improves, agreements more likely
Where no improvement in child focus, agreement less likely
15. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 15 Child Inclusive FDR 27% of cases were identified by FDRP as possibly benefiting from child inclusive practice
Out of these cases, 31 cases proceeded to CIP
Agreements reached in 85% of CIP - only one case requested a certificate
Two thirds of cases assessed as low child focus prior to CIP - 80% made a positive shift in child focus post FDR.
16. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 16 Assessment and Referral 34% of party A’s have accepted referral support
30% of party B’s have accepted referral support
Small correlation between referrals made and reduction in acrimony
17. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 17 Assessment and FDR Planning
When planned FDR strategies need to be changed during the FDR session, agreement less likely
When intake does not identify all relevant issues, agreement less likely
18. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 18 Domestic Violence Where DV history, less likely to reach agreement
When acrimony is reduced for DV cases during FDR process, more likely to reach agreement
Parental child safety concerns double compared to cases where no DV history is present
Requests for certificates double when DV and parent child safety concerns both present (trust issues)
19. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 19 FDRP skills
When FDRP skills are challenged, client outcomes impacted
FDRP skills challenged yet 44% of cases still achieved reduced acrimony
Lower level of agreement and more requests for certificates
20. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 20 Measuring Client Satisfaction At group session, Party A’s more likely to complete client feedback sheets
At completion of FDR, Party A and Party B complete feedback at similar rates and with same level of positiveness
Whilst still positive, 11% request a certificate post FDR
6% of parties provided negative post FDR feedback (both A and B combined). Of those, 30% requested a certificate (n=10)
21. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 21 Independent Client Survey - Goals What practitioner skills are needed to accommodate presenting client issues
How to support clients achieve their goals when acrimony and parental agreement are significant contributing factors
Semi structured interview process
22. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 22 Independent SurveyClient Satisfaction (n=39) 75% stated they would not have reached agreement without mediation support
81% of participants were very positive about mediator’s skills
Use of Shuttle mediation assisted when parties in high conflict
26% believed hostile relationship between parents contributed negatively to mediation outcome
23. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 23 Independent SurveyClient view of acrimony
Ex partner stubborn – nothing could be done
Mediator maintained child focus – made other party listen and explain their irrational statements
“Felt safe even though other party yelling and screaming”
“Other party always a drama”
“You can negotiate with terrorists but not with my ex…”
24. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 24 What we have learnt Practitioner skills in managing high conflict impact client outcomes
When DV history and parent child safety concerns present, more likely case will proceed to court
Child Inclusive Practice assists with improved child focus
Thorough assessment and identification of relevant issues for mediator improves FDR outcomes
25. FRC Gold Coast - Centacare Brisbane 25 What we have learnt
Important to assist parents to have realistic expectations of outcome before going into FDR session
Reduction in client conflict improves client satisfaction
Good understanding by FDRP of basis of conflict and sound planning for FDR will improve client outcomes
Formal reflection processes assist with FDR process improvement and client outcomes