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Immorality / Godlessness. Britain’s alcohol crisis. Headline Alcohol policy blamed as liver deaths soar Headline DT January 6 Event
Britain’s alcohol crisis Headline Alcohol policy blamed as liver deaths soar Headline DT January 6 Event The Government was accused yesterday of turning "a determined blind eye" to an alcohol problem that is killing Britons faster than any other nationality in western Europe. Research shows that liver cirrhosis deaths are soaring in Britain while falling in other European countries. The researchers blame the drinking culture, which has seen a doubling of alcohol consumption since 1960, and say the new licensing laws are not helping to solve the problem. According to the research, published today, deaths from liver disease have increased dramatically in Britain but fallen in most of Europe since the 1950s. Comment At the end of our Master’s Olivet Prophecy, which is full of information about those things we should be watching in the last days, he concludes with the words below. These words are a warning to us. It is ourselves that should take heed. Lest at any time we become too concerned with the cares of this life. Note also Jesus says we should not be overcharged with surfeiting. Surfeiting is another word for a hangover or the effects of too much alcohol. The world around us does not heed this warning. Bible Quote Luke 21 34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. 35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Majority of births soon out of wedlock Headline Majority of births will soon be out of wedlock Headline DT February 21 Event Half of all babies will be born to unmarried mothers by 2012 if present trends continue, says new research that suggests the rapid erosion of moral and religious taboos. Moreover, fewer than half of families will consist of married couples and up to a third could be lone parents, said Dr Peter Brierley, a former Government statistician now specialising in religious trends. Dr Brierley's projections followed the publication of official figures yesterday showing that the number of births outside marriage has almost quadrupled in recent decades. Comment Marriage rates in the UK are at their lowest rate since records began 160 years ago. Marriage is the bedrock of society. It is no coincidence that the very first recorded words ever spoken by a man (Adam) were in relation to marriage. When Adam stated that Eve was flesh of his flesh, God stated - THEREFORE a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave / join / stick with his WIFE. But how sickening that in the same week we see another headline in the UK press. “Brighton tops “gay marriage” league.”. More than 3500 “gay marriages” have taken place in the UK between Dec 21st and Jan 31st. Marriage is (and always has been) symbolic of Christ (bridegroom) and his Ecclesia (bride). This symbol is destroyed in these godless alliances. Bible Quote Genesis 2 23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
10,000 clergy sign evolution letter Headline Pro-Evolution Clergy Sign Letter Affirming Faith in Darwin's Theory Headline Agapepress February 17 Event Thousands of mainline church leaders and pastors have signed a letter rejecting a literal interpretation of the creation story in the Bible's Book of Genesis. The "Clergy Letter Project" signatories are urging school board members to "preserve the integrity of the science curriculum by affirming the teaching of the theory of evolution as a core component of human knowledge." Comment Over 10,000 clergy have signed a letter to say that Evolution is fact! The letter states “While virtually all Christians take the Bible seriously and hold it to be authoritative in matters of faith and practice, the overwhelming majority do not read the Bible literally”. It goes on to say that the “stories” of creation, Adam and Eve, Noah etc present “truths” about God. But they are NOT literal. The letter goes onto to say that much of human knowledge and achievement rests on the theory of evolution! In fact he is probably right here. You only have to look at the world to see what “Humans” have achieved since the theory of evolution was invented. 2 World Wars, millions killed - godlessness, immorality, violence – terrible climate changes which have left cities under water etc etc etc. Let us each take Paul’s warning to Timothy below – trust / believe God and avoid opposing ideas of what is FALSELY called knowledge. Bible Quote 1 Timothy 6 20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith.
Walking on all fours with the ancestors Headline Walking on all fours with the ancestors Headline The Times March 7 Event FIVE brothers and sisters who can only walk naturally on all fours are being hailed as a unique insight into human evolution, after being found in a remote corner of rural Turkey. Scientists believe that the family may provide invaluable information on how Man evolved from a four-legged hominid to develop the ability to walk on two feet more than three million years ago. A genetic abnormality, which may prevent the siblings, aged 18 to 34, from walking upright, has been identified. The siblings, who live with their parents and 13 other brothers and sisters, are mentally retarded, as a result of a form of cerebellar ataxia — an underdevelopment of the brain. Their mother and father, who are themselves closely related, are believed to have passed down a unique combination of genes resulting in the behaviour. Comment So this is the best evolutionists can come up with. These poor people with a genetic abnormality, who are mentally retarded are supposedly living proof we are descended from bears! Almost all severe genetic abnormalities have little chance of reproducing. The fact that evolutionists say that we have come from lots of genetic abnormalities is totally contrary to God’s word and even the evidence before us. God in the beginning made everything VERY GOOD. There were no abnormalities then. With the advent of sin, disease and death entered the world. This is totally opposite to the theory above! Bible Quote Genesis 1 31 ¶ And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it wasvery good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Violence in Paris Headline Violence flares at French rallies Headline BBC online March 16 Event Protests have turned violent in France as at least 250,000 people rallied against a controversial new labour law. The worst violence was in Paris, where riot police fired rubber bullets and tear gas, and was reported in some of the other 80 cities holding rallies. Protesters object to new two-year job contracts for under-26s which employers can break off without explanation. President Jacques Chirac has appealed for talks, but says the new law is important to fight unemployment. Comment More violence in France. It was only a few months ago when the country erupted in violence in nearly all their major cities. France, home of the French Revolution which created the Declaration of the Rights of Man. The French people are descended from the Franks a barbarian tribe. Clovis was king of the Franks. His emblem was 3 frogs. The Frankish barbarians believed in the rights of the individual. In freedom. In fact the word Frank means Free! And yet these rights brought slavery - slavery to sin. These teaching brought violence then. They bring violence now. Revelation 16 makes clear it is these froglike, Frankish, freedom teachings that will bring all nations to battle. In Galatians 5:1 Paul makes very clear that only Christ has made us free – free from sin! Bible Quote Revelation 16 13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. PHAROAH, FROGS & FREEDOM – new CD coming out shortly!
Vice-Admiral Adrian Johns Immorality in the UK Headline Election of lesbian bishop 'will cause Church to unravel‘ New attitude to gay sailors has cut 'unhealthy secrecy' Headline DT March 12 & 17 Event An Anglican clergywoman in a long-term, same-sex relationship is set to become the first lesbian bishop, causing uproar among traditionalists. The evangelical wing of the worldwide Anglican Communion has said that the election of the Rev Bonnie Perry will lead to the "unravelling" of the Church. The chief of Royal Navy personnel said yesterday that it was "unhealthy" that until recently gay sailors had been forced to keep their sexuality secret. Vice-Admiral Adrian Johns revealed the Navy's new attitude towards homosexuals before giving a speech entitled "Reaping the rewards of a gay-friendly workplace." At a conference in London organised by Stonewall, the homosexual rights campaign group, the Second Sea Lord said the Navy was now accommodating gays and lesbians. Comment Tarshish is in trouble. Immorality now pervades every corner of life here in Britain. It is absolutely alarming the rate of descent now into days like Sodom and Gomorrah. Interesting that the NAVY gives a speech like this and then we read below that the NAVY of Britain is going to be broken. Likewise the state “Church” which if course encompasses the whole Anglican Church worldwide will also come to an end. Bible Quote Psalm 48 7 Thou breakest the ships of Tarshish with an east wind. Romans 1 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Pupil cocaine epidemic Headline Pupils' use of cocaine doubles Headline DT March 25 Event One in five secondary pupils takes illegal drugs and the use of cocaine among schoolchildren has doubled in a year, one of the biggest Government surveys of its kind said yesterday. It found that one in 100 11-year-olds had taken a Class A drug, such as cocaine, ecstasy or heroin, and one in 10 of 15-year-olds dabbled in hard drugs. The survey, carried out among England's 3.4 million secondary pupils, is a great embarrassment to the Government, undermining multi-million-pound campaigns such as Talk to Frank which were designed to curb drug and alcohol misuse. Recent figures showed that deaths in the "cocaine culture" had risen by more than 600 per cent since 1996, with a record 139 deaths in 2002, despite ministers' promises of a crackdown on drug use among the young. Britain is said to have the highest level of cocaine use in Europe. Comment It is so sad to hear news like this. “Live today for tomorrow we die” is many young peoples mantra. They are not taught any longer about Bible truths. That our bodies are the temple of the living God and we should not defile it. Drug taking is explicitly talked about in the Bible. In the verse below “Witchcraft” is the Greek word “pharmakeia” which from which we get the word pharmacy. This word is all to do with administering drugsand poisoning! “Emulations” are to do with the excitement of the mind. Drugs that effect the mind are indeed works of the flesh. Bible Quote Galatians 5 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Briton’s spend £50bn on gambling Headline Britain's £50bn a year addiction to gambling Headline DT April 15 Event Britons gambled £50 billion last year - more than the state spent on defence and transport combined. That represents more than £800 for every man, woman and child and is a seven-fold increase on the total gambled in 2001. The Government has helped to make gambling one of the country's most lucrative businesses by relaxing the rules on betting and by promising to introduce more casinos. Comment Gambling can be defined as “risking money in an attempt to multiply the money on something that is against the odds.” The Bible does not specifically condemn gambling, betting, or the lottery. The Bible does warn us, however, to stay away from the love of money (1 Timothy 6:10; Hebrews 13:5). Scripture also encourages us to stay away from attempts to "get rich quick" (Proverbs 13:11; 23:5; Ecclesiastes 5:10). Gambling most definitely is focused on the love of money and undeniably tempts people with the promise of quick and easy riches. It is amazing how many people win millions and yet in a few years have nothing left. This is what the world’s riches bring. They can ultimately bring ruin and disaster. Riches, as we are told, are deceitful. They choke the word. The world in which we live has as its idol the god of Mammon. It worships wealth. We however have true riches. Riches that will last forever – long after all the worldly wealth has mouldered into dust. Bible Quote Proverbs 30 8 Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.
Church of England prays for football Headline God bless our gracious team, prays the Church Headline DT May 10 Event The England team will go to the World Cup in Germany next month with at least one wing, and now it has a prayer, courtesy of the Church of England. The Church has posted two prayers on its website calling for God's blessing on the national team. The first prayer by the Rev Peter Moger, the Church's national worship development officer, blesses all the participants but adds a distinctly partisan note, "and especially for those who represent our nation". Comment There is nothing wrong with sport itself but it has become the obsession of many. The religion of many. Sports personalities are worshipped, adored, followed. They have become an example for many young people as they appear to have everything the world considers important. Huge amounts of money, fast cars, pretty girlfriends etc etc. And yet not a week goes by without a sports personality being involved in some scandal - often involving sex or violence. This world is involved in idol worship and now we have the State Church of the UK offering prayers for these people - asking for God to bless the World Cup! It is almost beyond belief. As someone once wrote “Man by worshipping, becomes assimilated to the moral character of the object which he worships...”. Bible Quote Exodus 34 12 Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee: 14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
The six billion letter man Headline The six billion letter man makes DNA breakthrough Headline Daily Telegraph May 26 Event An American scientist has become the first person in history to gaze at his entire genetic makeup, the DNA recipe book that he inherited from his parents. Craig Venter, 59, one of the pioneers of the effort to read all the genes in a human - the human genome - has now gone much further and produced the ultimate autobiography, one written in six billion "letters" of DNA. This heralds a new era of medicine, that of personal genomics. Mr Venter and a rival international consortium - backed mostly by the United States government and Britain's Wellcome Trust - had each read three billion letters of genetic code, when the cells in our bodies contain two slightly different genomes, one from each parent, making six billion letters. Comment So scientists have discovered that man is made up of a genetic code, which if written out, consists of SIX billion letters. Interesting it should be SIX billion. We know that the number of man is SIX. Man was created on the SIXTH day. Man’s rule will come to end at the end of the SIXTH millennium. In the verse quoted below we are told that man’s number is 666. Also interesting that the number of people in the world at this time is SIX billion plus. It will reach seven billion in 2012. Perhaps the final millennium of rest when Christ returns will start before then? Bible Quote Revelation 13 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Senior Bishop –homosexuality comments Bishop Harries: 'Gay partnerships are about faithfulness and stability' Headline Bible supports homosexual partnerships, says bishop Headline Daily Telegraph May 28 Event One of the country's most senior bishops has reignited the Church of England row over homosexuality by claiming that same-sex partner - ships are supported by the Bible. The Rt Rev Richard Harries, the Bishop of Oxford, said that traditionalists in the Church needed to be "converted" to see that homosexual unions are confirmed by the scriptures. He reaffirmed his controversial belief that an openly gay man should be allowed to be appointed a bishop. Comment The religious leaders of the days in which we live are teaching and even encouraging immorality. Sodom and Gomorrah is here. God will not let it continue. One headline this week was “Shock as Dutch paedophiles go political”. This was printed on June 1, in the Sydney Morning Herald. It went onto say that Dutch paedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalisation of child pornography and sex with animals. Just as we thought mankind had sunk to the lowest depths of immorality we now read of a political party promoting these abominable acts. As Lot who lived in Sodom, vexed his soul at the things he witnessed – we too vex our souls as well. Let us cry day and night unto the Lord our God. He will hear. Bible Quote Luke 18 7 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily.
Church - gay weddings Headline Church 'could be forced to bless gay weddings' Headline Daily Telegraph June 10 Event New Government proposals on equality could require clergy to bless homosexual "weddings" or face prosecution, the Church of England said yesterday. It said the proposed regulations could undermine official teaching and require Christians to act against their religious convictions. The Sexual Orientation (Provision of Goods and Services) Regulations will make discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation illegal in the same way as race or sex. They are designed to protect gays and lesbians from being denied "goods, facilities and services" on the basis of their sexual preferences. They were drawn up after homosexual couples complained of being refused hotel rooms. But the Church said in its official response to a period of consultation that the regulations would have a serious impact on Christian organisations and would elevate the rights of homosexuals above those of religion. Comment We may be fast approaching a time when the frog like spirits (wicked and godless teachings of men) try to invade the Christadelphian community. The article above goes onto say that legal action could be taken against religions who do not accept gay marriage. As law abiding citizens we will continue to obey the government until the law itself is contrary to God’s law. We may have to take a stand. Bible Quote Romans 1 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, etc etc etc
Christianity a crime in UK Headline How Britain is turning Christianity into a crime Headline Daily Mail September 7 Event How long will it be before Christianity becomes illegal in Britain? This is no longer the utterly absurd and offensive question that on first blush it would appear to be. An evangelical Christian campaigner, Stephen Green, was arrested and charged last weekend with using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour. So what was this behaviour? Merely trying peacefully to hand out leaflets at a gay rally in Cardiff. So what was printed on those leaflets that was so threatening, abusive or insulting that it attracted the full force of the law? Why, none other than the majestic words of the 1611 King James Bible. The problem was that they were those bits of the Bible which forbid homosexuality. The leaflets also urged homosexuals to ‘turn from your sins and you will be saved’. But to the secular priests of the human rights culture, the only sin is to say that homosexuality is a sin. The Bible is the moral code that underpins our civilisation. Yet the logic of the police action against Mr Green surely leads ultimately to the inescapable conclusion that the Bible itself is ‘hate speech’ and must be banned. Comment Though we might not agree with “provocative preaching” we can surely see how in the UK the time is fast approaching when we may end up in court for preaching about the things of the TRUTH. What we see above is the “fruit” of “humanism”. It is this very froglike spirit of Revelation 16 that is going to bring judgment on the world. Bible Quote 2 Tim 3 1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves,3 Without natural affection 5..from such turn away.
Tornado takes a swipe at Brighton Headline (1)Tornado takes a swipe at Brighton (2)Cameron kills Tory taboos on gays Headline Daily Telegraph October 2 & 5 Event (1)A tornado strikes cliffs close to the centre of Brighton yesterday after churning the sea into a whirlpool as it swept across the Channel. The dark spinning funnel was seen approaching Brighton at about 7am and it moved along the coastline before striking Telscombe Cliffs. (2)David Cameron told the Conservative Party yesterday there was "no going back" and that it had to come to terms with homosexual marriages. Closing his first conference as leader, Mr Cameron said the Tories had to be "on the side of the next generation" if they wanted to return to power. "It means something whether you're a man and a woman, woman and a woman or a man or another man," he told Conservative activists in Bournemouth. Comment Brighton is the “gay capital” of the UK. There have been more “gay weddings” there than in any other city in the UK. As we watch a rare tornado approach we realise the day of judgement for the immoral world we live in is also approaching. Two days later the opposition leader in the UK pledged to move his party (which has traditionally been against homosexuality) to accept gay marriages. There is not a major political party in the UK now that does not support and promote this godless lifestyle. Sodom and Gomorrah has arrived in the UK. So will God’s judgement. Bible Quote Jude 1 7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh….
Gay rights books may be forced on schools Headline Gay rights books 'may be forced on schools' Headline Daily Telegraph October 17 Event Primary school teachers may be required by new ''sexual orientation" laws to make gay rights books available in class, a Christian group claimed yesterday. Children would have to read books such as Hello Sailor, The Sissy Duckling and Daddy's New Roommate, which are on a Government-recommended reading list for challenging ''homophobia". The regulations were due to come in this month but have been postponed until the New Year after officials were inundated with responses during a consultation exercise. Cabinet ministers are reportedly at odds over the proposals, which outlaw discrimination by schools, local authorities or companies in the provision of goods and services on the grounds of sexual orientation. Comment With 2 daughters at school, one at junior school and one just starting senior school it is hard to read such articles in your daily newspaper without your stomach churning. We need to remember that this wicked “teaching” comes from the “Declaration of the rights of man” in 1789 which our modern laws are now based on. It says that man has the freedom to do what he likes as long as he does not injure someone else. From this has spawned, human rights, women's rights, gay rights, animal rights etc. It has created the most godless laws and teachings which have infected all governments and institutions worldwide. It is an unclean froglike spirit that has gone out into all the world and is gathering the nations to final judgment, which cannot be far way... Bible Quote James 3 15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. 17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle
UK youths ‘among worst in Europe’ Headline UK youths 'among worst in Europe' Headline BBC online November 2 Event Britain's teenagers are among the most badly behaved in Europe, a study by a think-tank has suggested. On every indicator of bad behaviour - drugs, drink, violence, promiscuity - the UK was at or near the top, said the Institute for Public Policy Research. The institute looked at the results of a number of studies of adolescents conducted in recent years. The researchers believe the country's record can be explained by a collapse in family and community life in the UK. Comment What a sad indictment of Britain today. The study also showed that 38% of British 15 year-olds have tried cannabis. It also showed that British teenagers were more immersed in consumerism than American youngsters. What is the reason for the bad behaviour in particular? The researchers concluded – a collapse in family life. If you read the verse below written 2 millennia ago it tells us what the world would be like in the last days. Though the behaviours have always been around from the beginning it must be the case that in the last days the behaviours are more prevalent. Surely we live in perilous times, with covetous, blaspheming, proud, fierce, pleasure seeking people around us. And now we see the same in the children. So let us remain “in family life”, in ecclesial life with those of like precious faith, holding on to the doctrine and manner of life with faith and patience – until he come. Bible Quote 2 Tim 3 1 ¶ This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, fierce, despisers of those that are good, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; see also verse 10+11 Paul's answer to these problems!
Jerusalem holds gay rally Headline Jerusalem holds gay pride rally Headline BBC online November 10 Event A controversial gay pride rally has taken place in Jerusalem despite calls from religious leaders to ban it. About 4,000 gay men, lesbians and civil rights supporters gathered at the Hebrew University stadium. Security was tight in the city with 3,000 Israeli police drafted in to stop clashes between the demonstrators and orthodox Jews. Event organisers agreed to move the event to the stadium after Israeli police said they needed to divert forces to deal with the security threat. Permission for the proposed march through Jerusalem had provoked controversy because of religious Jewish views of homosexuality as an abomination. Comment There are an increasing number of people who say we should not comment on homosexuality for fear of being accused of “gay bashing”. Perhaps we should not comment on the false religion of Rome for fear of “Catholic bashing”! The point is this. We mention homosexuality because the Lord Jesus and the apostle Paul and others warn of this immoral behaviour being prevalent in the last days. As watchmen we should warn those around us of it. It is a sign of the fact that men and women have rejected the true teachings of scripture. We know we live amongst such people. We are not rude, disrespectful or violent towards such people. We explain that they should repent and to not continue in sin. Let us also remember that God’s eyes are on Jerusalem perpetually - he will not let sin run rife forever. Bible Quote Romans 1 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fit…
First South African gay wedding Headline First SA gay wedding celebrated Headline BBC online December 1 Event Two men have celebrated South Africa's first gay wedding in the Southern Cape town of George on the day the law allowing same-sex unions took effect. Vernon Gibbs and Tony Halls have been planning their wedding for eight months and chose a double-barrelled surname. Vernon Halls-Gibbs said it was significant that the union took place on World Aids Day. "This marriage... is for all HIV/Aids sufferers and gay people who have experienced discrimination," he said. Comment More and more countries are now accepting gay marriages. The Supreme Court in Israel on the 21st November this year ordered that gay couples wed in Canada are to be registered as couples in Israel. It is indeed significant that the “marriage” above took place on World Aids Day. The World Health Organization estimate that AIDS has killed more than 25 million people since it was first recognized on June 5, 1981, making it one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history. In 2005 alone, AIDS claimed an estimated 2.4–3.3 million lives, of which more than 570,000 were children. AIDS was first reported June 5, 1981, when the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention recorded a cluster in five homosexual men in Los Angeles. It was a disease that began with gay men and has spread to millions. It is a due penalty. Bible Quote Romans 1 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. NIV
Wives outnumbered by single & divorced Headline (1) Wives are outnumbered by single and divorced women for the first time (2) Binge-drinking among women has doubled Daily Telegraph December 20 & 21 Event (1) Married women are outnumbered by singletons for the first time, official figures show. There are more single, divorced and widowed women than wives in England and Wales according to the Office for National Statistics. The figures in the latest edition of Population Trends show that unmarried women became the majority in 2004. Between 1996 and 2004 the number of divorced and single women rose by 1.5 million. Fewer than 11 million are now married. (2) The number of girls and young women drinking to excess has risen dramatically in a decade, NHS statistics released yesterday confirm. The figures chart the rise of the "ladette" culture, which emerged in the 1990s. In 1993 only nine per cent of women aged 16 to 24 drank more than 21 units of alcohol a week, according to the Health Survey for England trend tables. By 2002, this had leapt to 21 per cent. Comment We live in very sad and godless days. Families are in terminal decline in the UK. Marriage is down, divorce is up, “living in sin” is common place. Binge drinking, once only really associated with young lads now is common place among young women. Headlines such as those above make us long all the more for Jesus to return. Let us take comfort from the fact the Jesus knew these things would happen. Bible Quote Matt24 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark