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PLM Summit Meeting February 28 – March 1, 2005

PLM Summit Meeting February 28 – March 1, 2005 Introductions Agenda Review Bob Grossman President, R. Grossman and Associates An independent consulting firm specializing in electronic security products and projects Bob Grossman President, R. Grossman and Associates

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PLM Summit Meeting February 28 – March 1, 2005

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  1. PLM Summit MeetingFebruary 28 – March 1, 2005 Introductions Agenda Review

  2. Bob Grossman President, R. Grossman and Associates An independent consulting firm specializing in electronic security products and projects

  3. Bob Grossman President, R. Grossman and Associates An independent consulting firm specializing in electronic security products and projects

  4. R. Grossman and Associates Products American Fibertek BuyerZone.com Cernium SyPixx Networks Visionary Solutions Winsted Projects Bristol-Myers Squibb Foxwoods Casino Resort Mystic Lake Casino U.S. Postal Service U.S. Forest Service

  5. Bob Grossman • Tyco/Sensormatic • Director, Product Line Management • Senior Manager, Technical Services (Tech Support, Applications) • Senior Project Manager, Advanced Systems Design • Vicon • Vice President, Technical Services, Inside Sales, Customer Services, Product Line Management • Bally’s • Communications and Electronics Manager • Entertainment Technical Director

  6. Housekeeping • Start on time • Participation from all • Laptops OK if you can pay attention • Phones and pagers off • Scribe documents action items • Timekeeper keeps us on schedule • Collector keeps track of follow up material • Group dinner tonight, time permitting

  7. Monday, February 28, 2005

  8. Monday, February 28, 2005

  9. Tuesday, March 1, 2005

  10. (Wendy, it’s your turn…)

  11. What is Product Line Management?

  12. PLM Group A focused team of professionals, working together to specify a portfolio of products. Each product does exactly what the customer needs, and the collection is greater than the sum of it’s parts. Product Line Management

  13. PLM responsibilities • Evaluating available technologies • Defining market needs • Determining likelihood of success • Defining product specifications • Communicating product status • Managing deadlines • Product launch responsibilities • Sustaining and eliminating products (refreshing product line)

  14. Evaluating Available Technologies • Outside our own industry • Products ahead of the “commodity” curve • Consumer DVR’s • Digital photography • Personal computers • Broadcast television • Voice recognition • Telecommunications

  15. Evaluating Available Technologies • Report Card? • We focus on our own industry • Trade Shows • CES, NAB, InfoComm, PC Expo, AES, Comdex) • Trade Publications for other industries • Specialized Consumer Publications • General Interest Publications

  16. Defining Market Needs • Not “What the customer wants.” • What the customer will buy. • Familiarity and Innovation together • Avoiding “me too” products • Technology products are generally “top down”

  17. Defining Market Needs • Report Card? • Few internal resources • External Resources have strong bias • For and Against • Personal Resources • Dealers and end users • Friends and associates • Fellow PLM Team Members

  18. Determine Likelihood of Success • Can we reach the target customer? • Do we have the appropriate sales channel? • Is the sales channel interested? • Is the market already well served? • Why will they choose us?

  19. Determine Likelihood of Success • Report Card? • Good idea versus practical idea • “BS Filter”

  20. Define Product Specifications • Features, Form Factor, Functionality • Driven by previously mentioned factors • Clearly defined • Cost/Benefit Analysis • You can’t please everybody, but you can please nobody.

  21. Define Product Specifications • Report Card? • More focus on installability and usability • Radio Shack test • Interconnectivity

  22. Define Product Specifications • Report Card? • More focus on installability and usability • Radio Shack test • Interconnectivity • Products must be smarter than our customers. • Know your target market

  23. Communicate Status and manage deadlines • Clear map of progress • Buy in from constituents and customers • Adherence to a Strategic Plan • Consistent Message

  24. Communicate Status and manage deadlines • Report Card? • Departmental Documentation • Short Term – Release plan • Long Term – Product Strategy • Streamline Paperwork • Documents people want to read • Predict essential information to avoid last minute scrambles • Change emphasis • From “CYA” to “inform and build consensus”.

  25. Product Launch • Assist groups in launch of product • Ensure the product is available • Ensure that others follow through as required • Training, support, applications, marketing • Trade Show Participation

  26. Product Launch • Report Card? • Personal stress level • There’s got to be a better way • Tighter links to other groups.

  27. Sustaining and EOL • Ensure longest possible salability of product • Drive feature enhancements, cost reductions • Continually evaluate vendors • Eliminate Products that no longer make sense • Report Card? • Formalize Process

  28. Mixed Product Lines(OEM and Internal Development) • How do we reconcile a mixed product line? • Horizontal (product based) and Vertical (specialty based) tasking • Vendor relationships • Glueware

  29. Redistributing Product Lines • Are we all handling the product lines we want to handle? • Do we all have the right amount of work? • Should we periodically switch off product lines to cross-train and bring experience gained in one product line to another?

  30. Identifying Needed Resources • Do we have the right people in the right places? • Where do we need to add people to ensure success?

  31. Communications Issues • How can we work effectively as a group while spread out across geographies? • How much communication is needed? • Are we wasting time overcommunicating?

  32. Questions

  33. Industry Trends

  34. Market Overview Electronic Security Market Demand/Sales ($US Billion)

  35. Access Control CCTV Systems Integration EAS Fire Alarm Burglar Alarms Home Automation Biometrics Central Station Monitoring Market Overview Electronic Security Market

  36. Market Overview Electronic Security Market Revenue by Type of Business Source: Security Sales & Integration, January 2005

  37. Market Overview Average number of annual installations (per dealer) * Commercial Source: Security Sales & Integration, 2004 Annual Business Report

  38. Market Overview Decision Makers Source: Access Control & Security Systems Integration Magazine, December 2000

  39. Market Overview Top End-User Security Issues for 2005 Source: J.P. Freeman, 2005

  40. Market Survey When choosing a new product to install, what factors are most important to you? Source: Security Sales & Integration, June 2002

  41. Market Overview Actual and Projected IP Camera Adoption by Manufacturer and End User Source: J.P. Freeman Co. 2004

  42. Market Survey What features do your customers demand the most? Source: Security Sales & Integration, February 2005

  43. Market Survey If you could improve one thing about your primary security equipment vendor, what would it be? Source: Security Sales & Integration, February 2005

  44. Market Survey How neutral do you believe your distributor is in recommending products? Source: Security Sales & Integration, February 2005

  45. Market Opportunity IP Functionality Integration Infrastructure Inexpensive

  46. Market Opportunity • IP Functionality • Hybrid Systems • Clustered Architecture • Performance moving up the user pyramid • Integration is an issue for customers

  47. Market Opportunity • Integration • Many use lowest common denominator (“it works”) • Sell related systems • Bundling works! • Applications support

  48. Market Opportunity • Infrastructure • IP or UTP? • Is coax fading? • Fiber Optic back to a specialty. • Wireless

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