1. The MIX Vision:the Web emerges as a distributed database with XML as its data model
2. Mediated XML views
3. The Homebuyer Scenario
4. California Digital Library (CDL) PrototypeThe Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO)
5. MIX Components Wrapper toolkit
model information in a resource using XML DTD (or, XML schema), including a mapping of source data to DTD
provide mapping from XML query language to source query language / operations
Mediator toolkit
allows definition of views across multiple resources
views are expressed in a declarative query language
query engine to execute queries on views
6. MIX components... XML Matching And Structuring (XMAS) query language
operates on a given set of XML documents to produce a new XML documents, using XMAS algebra
DOM-VXD: DOM Virtual XML Document extension
a lazy implementation of DOM. Supports browsing/ navigation of XML documents with a server-side, compute as you go model
7. MIX components... Blended Browsing and Querying (BBQ) interface
supports navigation and querying of XML documents
generates XMAS queries on mediator views
generates XMAS queries modified by DOM-VXD operations to incrementally evaluate the result set, to support navigation of XML documents
8. The MIX Project Team UCSD CSE
Prof. Yannis Papakonstantinou
Prof. Victor Vianu
Pavel Velikhov
Vincent Chu
Chaitan Baru
Amarnath Gupta
Bertram Ludaescher
Richard Marciano
9. MIX System Overview