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Liora Alschuleralschuler.spinosa, consultantsCo-chair HL7 Structured Documents TC
1. Traditional Remedies for Clinical Trials and Healthcare Information:Patient Care Data in Support of Clinical Research Liora Alschuler, Landen Bain, Rebecca Kush, PhD, Meredith Nahm, Roberto Ruggeri
December, 2003
3. The Challenge: Integrate Patient Care and Clinical Research Data
5. Impact on Healthcare and Drug Information Steve Ruberg, Applied Clinical Trials, February, 2002:
“The essential kernal of the whole clinical development processs is the data… Thus, without a data-centric approach to developing any e-clinical solution, we are unlikely to be fully successful. The data is the foundation on which we build our entire effort.”
6. Business Drivers Need to shorten cycle time of drug development:
Drug company R & D is too high;
Government pressure.
Drive for personalized, prospective medicine.
Patient and investigator convenience.
HHS desire to link research data to physician behavior.
Rationalize provider document workflow.
7. Project opportunities Starbright – a small clinical trial at Duke’s Clinical Research Institute (DCRI)
DCRI’s Data Mgt and IT groups are cooperating with the trial’s investigator.
Goal is to capture both patient care and clinical trial data at the front end, and populate both data streams, using CDA and CDISC standards
8. Obstacles Two different world views between patient care and clinical research:
Bio-statisticians want perfect data;
Clinicians want everything they can grab.
Lack of a structured vocabulary.
Privacy concerns.
CDISC, HL7 divergent data models
9. Starbrite Trial Participants:
Duke Clinic
Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI)
Liora Alschuler, Landen Bain, Rebecca Kush, PhD, Meredith Nahm, Steve Woody, Sally Cassells, Richard Low, John Madden, MD
technology partners, Microsoft (primary), Arbortext, Topsail, Sentillion
10. Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium CDISC is an open, multidisciplinary, non-profit organization committed to the development of worldwide industry standards to support the electronic acquisition, exchange, submission and archiving of clinical trials data and metadata for medical and biopharmaceutical product development.
The CDISC mission is to lead the development of global, vendor-neutral, platform-independent standards to improve data quality and accelerate product development in our industry.
11. CDISC Formed in 1997 as a volunteer group
As of 2000, funded as non-profit organization
Now supported by >140 corporate members: pharmaceutical companies; biotech companies; CROs; technology providers
CDISC Groups now growing in Japan, Europe; initiated in India
Standards developed through consensus-based approach by teams of volunteers; public reviews
No fee for use of the standards; freely available on CDISC website (www.cdisc.org)
12. ICH and CDISC CDISC developed standards for submission of clinical trial data, which was beyond the scope of ICH since only FDA requires that data be included in regulatory submissions at this time.
The current plan is for FDA to reference the HL7-approved CDISC Submission Data Standards (SDS) as a specification in their FDA Guidance on the implementation of the ICH electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD).
13. Health Level Seven ANSI-accredited Standards Development Organization
Established 1987
Approx. 2000 members
23 affiliates in Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Africa
14. HL7 Working group meetings
3 times each year
about 500 attendees
15. a few of the HL7 TCs Modeling & Methodology
Patient Care
Orders & Observations
Structured Documents: Clinical Document Architecture (CDA, SPL)
RCRIM: Regulated Clinical Research Information Management
CCOW: Context Management
16. a few of the HL7 SIGs XML
Clinical Guidelines
Electronic Health Record
Imaging Integration
17. HL7 Standards Version 2.x
used worldwide, 90% of US hospitals
“pipe & hat”: HL7-proprietary, EDI-like PID||2247^^^Primary|098018500^^^MRN||FIX-INTF^PAT||19650618|Female|
Version 2.XML
a normative XML encoding for V2
- <PID PID07_DateOfBirth="19650618" PID08_Sex="Female"
18. HL7 Standards Version 3
based on Reference Information Model (RIM)
technology independent: so far, developing XML schemas, JAVA API
RCRIM/CDISC lab reporting is a V3 draft standard, as is SPL
First normative V3 spec was CDA
19. eSource & electronic data capture (EDC)
redundant with creation of clinic note
full burden lies on investigator
require that information reside in EMR
proprietary data formats
CDA & CDISC in “single-source”
capture trial data, merge it into clinic note (re-use)
works with current technology, workflow (EMR optional destination, not required)
open, non-proprietary data formats
XML bridging disparate data models
Single Source: how is it different?
22. features:
contributes to patient chart, not the reverse, optimizes clinical workflow
no requirement to create/extract from EMR
fewer privacy and regulatory issues
can be driven from electronic protocol
uses HL7 CDA and CDISC ODM CDA & CDISC in Starbrite Trial
23. System features/requirements:
multi-stage, incremental document creation
optimal re-use (minimal redundant entry)
minimal change to current workflow
create both ODM-compliant XML for trials and CDA-compliant XML for clinical records, mapping between ODM.xml and CDA.xml
low cost
rapid development
optimal use of technology partners, off-the-shelf technology
CDA & CDISC in Starbrite Trial
24. XML-encoded information With a few simple tags, and controlled vocabulary, XML can describe anything
the tags need to be defined:
<orderNum> : HL7: order placed
<orderNum> : CDISC: visit sequence
25. Clinical Document Architecture
ANSI/HL7 CDA R1.0-2000
first certified XML spec for healthcare
first balloted portion of HL7’s “V3”
first RIM-based specification
created & maintained by HL7 Structured Documents Technical Committee (SDTC) CDA
26. The scope of the CDA is the standardization of clinical documents for exchange.
CDA enables, but does not constrain:
document management
display CDA: scope
27. priority is patient care, other applications facilitated
minimize technical barriers to implementation
promote longevity of clinical records
scoped by exchange, independent of transfer or storage
enable policy-makers to control information requirements CDA: Release 1.0
28. What can you dowith a few tags? access/portability/exchange
query/locate by patient, provider, practioner, setting, encounter, date
multiple transcription systems
with EHR records
re-use/derivative data
29. CDA: Major Implementations PICNIC (European Union)
SCIPHOX (Germany)
HYGEIAnet/WebOnColl (Greece)
NHS South Staffordshire (United Kingdom)
Aluetietojärjestelmä (Finland)
MERIT-9 (Japan)
e-Claims Supporting Doc Arch (Canada); HIPAA Claims Attachments (US, proposed)
Mayo Clinic (US)
Buenos Aires project (Argentina)
Dalhousie U, QEII Health Sci Ctr (Canada)
31. Requirements for a universal clinical document Span full range of technical sophistication
Minimal constraint on content
Makes all types of information human readable and, to the greatest extent possible, also machine processible
33. XML-encoded info in CDA <Section>
<code code="10123-x" codeSystem="LOINC">Allergies and Adverse
<item><content>Penicillin - Hives</content></item>
<code code="G-1001" codeSystem="SNOMED" displayName="Prior dx"/>
<value xsi:type="CD" code="DF-10074" codeSystem="SNOMED"
displayName="Allergy to penicillin"/>
<pertinentInformation typeCode="MFST">
<code code="G-1001" codeSystem="SNOMED" displayName="Prior dx"/>
<value xsi:type="CD" code="D0-00165"
codeSystem="SNOMED" displayName="Hives"/>
34. Operational Data Model
ver. 1.1, April, 2002
Defined by set of XML DTDs
A database insertion schema CDISC ODM
35. CDISC ODM The technical focus in the development of ODM 1.0 was the definition of structures to represent the three major information components relating to a clinical trial:
clinical study metadata (item definitions and protocol)
clinical study administrative data (users and access privileges)
clinical study data (complete record of patient data and audit trail)
36. CDISC ODM Study allows representation of more than one study in a single file
AdminData includes information about the users of the system, the clinical sites involved in the study, and associated security information
ReferenceData provides information relevant to the interpretation of data that is not necessarily study specific, such as lab normal ranges
ClinicalData contains the actual data item values associated with each study.
37. CDA::ODM XML drives presentation (stylesheet)
Standard vocabulary
38. Use of ODM & CDA in Single-source
41. Five sample data elements BNP Data
Endpoint Summary
Weight gain
45. eProtocol dictates:
Constraints on source XML
Constraints on target XML
46. Status, October, 2003:
preliminary technical design and information analysis complete
information design, in progress: Liora Alschuler, Sally Cassells (Lincoln Technologies, CDISC) completing data CDA/ODM data mapping
technical implementation: kick-off meeting October 14, Durham, NC (attending: Microsoft, Arbortext, Topsail, DCRI)
project pilot in place Q1, 2004
CDA & CDISC in Starbrite Trial
47. Single-source: beyond Starbrite Next steps:
Design and prototype a general solution
Expand scope: integrate with standards-based electronic protocol
Implement at one or more additional sites
Establish base of industry partnerships to sustain second stage design, testing, implementation
49. 49 About me
50. 50 Healthcare IT 101 Largely a failed endeavor
IOM perspective
Institute of Medicine, To Err Is Human
98,000 preventable deaths each year
MOM perspective
Post discharge
What meds?
Office visit: no value
Problems known
Why not fixed?
51. 51 Outline HL7
CDA for exchange networks
Summary, Resources & Questions
52. 52 Health Level Seven (HL7.org) Standards Development Organization
Developing standards for interoperability
Patient care
Public health
Clinical trials
20 years, 2000 members
30+ international affiliates
“A model community”: building standards to a single information model HIPAA DSMO (designated standard maintenance organgization).
HIPAA DSMO (designated standard maintenance organgization).
53. 53
54. 54 HL7 for messaging It’s all about the interface:
Hospital-centric view of HIT
55. 55
56. 56 HL7 beyond the messaging interface CCOW: multi-application context management, single sign-on
Arden Syntax: decision support, guidelines
Electronic Health Record: functional, system and interoperability models
Reference Information Model (RIM)
Clinical Document Architecture
57. 57 Outline HL7
CDA for exchange networks
Summary, Resources & Questions
58. 58 Clinical Document Architecture
ANSI/HL7 CDA R1.0-2000
ANSI/HL7 CDA R2.0-2005
A specification for document exchange using
the HL7 Reference Information Model (RIM)
Version 3 methodology
and vocabulary (SNOMED, ICD, local,…)
CDA XML is the wire format, the RIM is “behind the scenes”
Differences between R1 and R2
The R1 header was derived from the RIM, but the body was hand crafted. This was intentional, because they wanted to limit the scope until they really figured out what they wanted to do.
R2 has coded entries in the body that derive from the RIM.
XML is the wire format, the RIM is “behind the scenes”
Differences between R1 and R2
The R1 header was derived from the RIM, but the body was hand crafted. This was intentional, because they wanted to limit the scope until they really figured out what they wanted to do.
R2 has coded entries in the body that derive from the RIM.
59. 59 CDA: A Document Exchange Specification This is a CDA
and this
and this
and this
and this
and this
and this Animation
Anything that would go in a patient’s chart.
Legally attestable
Has a custodian (i.e. the entity holding the record at the time of creation).Animation
Anything that would go in a patient’s chart.
Legally attestable
Has a custodian (i.e. the entity holding the record at the time of creation).
60. 60 CDA: electronic documents eDocuments for Interoperability
Many CDA documents comprise an individual electronic medical record
Key component for local, regional, national electronic health records
Gentle on-ramp to information exchange
Everyone uses documents
EMR compatible, no EMR required
All types of clinical documents
Can hold very primitive (scanned docs) or highly structured documents.
Does not require physicians to purchase EMR systems or spend a lot of time recoding their records.
Lets people start playing today, while providing for much richer data in the future.Animation
Can hold very primitive (scanned docs) or highly structured documents.
Does not require physicians to purchase EMR systems or spend a lot of time recoding their records.
Lets people start playing today, while providing for much richer data in the future.
61. 61 Sample CDA Animation
The CDA XML and how it is rendered.
Maybe launch the actual CDA sample in a browser (with/without stylesheets).
Open one in FireFox and one in IE.
The CDA XML and how it is rendered.
Maybe launch the actual CDA sample in a browser (with/without stylesheets).
Open one in FireFox and one in IE.
62. 62 CDA Header: Metadata Identify
Document type...
Sufficient for
Medical records management
Document management
Record locator service
Store, query, retrieve
Note that human readable text is required.Animation
Note that human readable text is required.
63. 63 CDA Body: Human-readable report Any type of clinical document
Op note
Discharge Summary...
Format: tif, PDF, HTML, XML:
Presentation Animation
Note that human readable text is required.Animation
Note that human readable text is required.
64. 64 CDA Body: Machine Processible Model-based computable semantics:
Substance Administration
Observation Media
Region Of Interest
Act Animation
Machine processible data is optional.
Machine processible data is optional.
65. 65 CDA: Incremental Computability You have 30 seconds to memorize this, and you be required to recreate this diagram from memory at the end of the class.
You have 30 seconds to memorize this, and you be required to recreate this diagram from memory at the end of the class.
66. 66 Incremental Semantic Interoperability Patients transfer between providers with vastly different IT capabilities
Need to support information requirements at point of care
Full EMR adoption… not predictable based on past adoption curves
Assume gradually rising, but still heterogeneous levels of sophistication
Data formats (imaging, text, XML)
Coded data (metadata, basic structure, simple results reporting, complex clinical statements) Animation
67. 67 Investing in Information CDA can be simple
CDA can be complex
Simple encoding relatively inexpensive
Complex encoding costs more
You get what you pay for:
like charging a battery,
the more detailed the encoding
the greater the potential for reuse
68. 68 Outline HL7
CDA for exchange networks
Summary, Resources & Questions
69. 69 CDA document-based network EHR
Patient Portal
Physician Portal
Health Record Bank
70. 70 CDA for Information Exchange International: basis of interoperability in most advanced national networks
Finland, Greece, Canada, Germany, Japan, Korea, France, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, and more
US: Federal Health Architecture/CHI
CMS Notice of Proposed Rule Making
Claims attachments using CDA + X12
First pilot concluded, others underway
VA/DoD bi-directional exchange
US: Document format for NHIN pilots, RHIO design
NHIN Pilots: preliminary architecture
HITSP: preliminary choice
IHE Medical Summary – CDA for NHIN/RHIO exchange
CMS= center for medicare/medicaid services.
CMS= center for medicare/medicaid services.
71. 71 Major Implementations (outside US) PICNIC (European Union)
SCIPHOX (Germany)
HYGEIAnet/WebOnColl (Greece)
Aluetietojärjestelmä (Finland)
Health Information Summaries (New Zealand)
Referrals (Australia)
MERIT-9 (Japan)
NHS (Wales)
Buenos Aires HMO project (Argentina)
Plus projects in France, Italy, Russia, Estonia, Taiwan, Korea… These are all major CDA based applications.
The german, greek, finish, and japanese started as regional and are now national.
For more info, ask Liora.
These are all major CDA based applications.
The german, greek, finish, and japanese started as regional and are now national.
For more info, ask Liora.
72. 72 CDA: an international standard
73. 73 CDA: Investing in Information CDA at the Mayo Clinic
Initiated in 1999
About 50,000 documents each week
Clinical documents: Most important capital asset
CDA at New York Presbyterian (was Col-Pres)
“CDA Philosophy”
Clinical notes contain critical information in narrative
Best format for information mining and aggregation across applications
1/3 of all discharges summaries Mayo: 50,000/week now.
Made a commitment to this in 99 before R1 was final. Their use case was not regional/national exchange, but rather that their investment in clinical records is their most important capital asset (more important their their buildings, hardware, or even their staff). They needed a format with the best chance at longevity.
NY Pres:
CDA Philosophy – many clinical systems in use.
They want to be able to ask questions about care in the institution which are currently stored in many systems.
Convert to CDA and store centrally, now they can ask those questions.
Also using a medical dictionary and NLP.
Ask Liora if you need to know more.
Mayo: 50,000/week now.
Made a commitment to this in 99 before R1 was final. Their use case was not regional/national exchange, but rather that their investment in clinical records is their most important capital asset (more important their their buildings, hardware, or even their staff). They needed a format with the best chance at longevity.
NY Pres:
CDA Philosophy – many clinical systems in use.
They want to be able to ask questions about care in the institution which are currently stored in many systems.
Convert to CDA and store centrally, now they can ask those questions.
Also using a medical dictionary and NLP.
Ask Liora if you need to know more.
75. IHE Medical Summaries HIMSS 2006: a CDA Gallery - HIMSS 2006
- Apps that implement IHE
- GE has imported the touchworks document, and you can see how they are extracting the coded data.
- EMR to EMR interoperability is almost unheard of.
- MediNotes (not a big player).
- Siemens (generates PDF and XML).
Supported by EHRVA.
- HIMSS 2006
- Apps that implement IHE
- GE has imported the touchworks document, and you can see how they are extracting the coded data.
- EMR to EMR interoperability is almost unheard of.
- MediNotes (not a big player).
- Siemens (generates PDF and XML).
Supported by EHRVA.
76. 76 Here is a list of vendors that support CDA.
At the end we will show some screenshots.
Here is a list of vendors that support CDA.
At the end we will show some screenshots.
77. 77 Outline HL7
CDA for exchange networks
Summary, Resources & Questions
78. 78 Agreements/MOUs * Accredited Standards Committee X12 — ASC-X12
* American Dental Association — ADA
o ADA Joint Project Statement
* American Society for Testing Materials — ASTM
* CEN/TC 251
* Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium — CDISC
* Digital Imaging and Communication In Medicine — DICOM
* eHealth Initiative – eHI
* Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers — IEEE
* Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise — IHE
* Medbiquitous
* National Council for Prescription Drug Program — NCPDP
* Object Management Group — OMG
* University of Nevada Las Vegas — UNLV
* College of American Pathologists - SNOMED International Division — SNOMED
79. 79 HL7’s CDA Clinical Document Architecture
ANSI/HL7 R1-2000, R2-2005
eDocuments for Interoperability
Key component for local, regional, national electronic health records
Gentle on-ramp to information exchange
Everyone uses documents
EMR compatible, no EMR required
All types of clinical documents
80. 80 ASTM’s CCR
81. 81 CDA & CCR: differences CCR: simpler XML, but not as expressive. Schemas are normative for CCR.
CCR: simpler XML, but not as expressive. Schemas are normative for CCR.
82. 82 ASTM CCR vs. HL7 CDA Conflicting?
What if you could have both!#*?I!!
What if you could have your data elements
And send them in a common exchange framework?
83. 83 ASTM CCR + HL7 CDA = CCD CDA is designed to support professional society recommendations, national clinical practice guidelines, standardized data sets, etc.
From the perspective of CDA, the ASTM CCR is a standardized data set that can be used to constrain CDA specifically for summary documents.
The resulting specification, known as the Continuity of Care Document (CCD), is being developed as a collaborative effort between ASTM and HL7.
84. 84 ASTM’s CCR
85. 85 Continuity of Care Document CCD maps the CCR elements into a CDA representation.
86. 86 Continuity of Care Document Did this come out of the blue?
There is a history of collaboration
Many people have participated in both efforts
Presentation on CDA for continuity of care at ASTM CCR meeting, August, 2003
Memorandum of Understanding, 2004
Acapulco demo: CDA for CCR, October, 2004
HL7 partnered with Massachusetts Medical Society, Microsoft, Ramsey Systems (UK)
Initial HL7 Care Record Summary ballot, April, 2005:
Limited to CDA header, no detailed section coding
Anticipated: “Development of detailed (CDA Level 3) Implementation Guides for “continuity of care” (CCR) in collaboration with the ASTM E31 under the 2004 Memorandum of Understanding”
HL7 ballot on CCR, Spring 2005: incorporated changes required for bi-directional exchange and semantic interoperability
87. 87 Continuity of Care Document “ASTM is dedicated and privileged to work in collaboration with HL7 on the expression of ASTM's Continuity of Care Record content within HL7's CDA XML syntax and the seamless transformation of clinical and administrative data between the two standards.”
Rick Peters, MD, E31.28
88. 88 Continuity of Care Document Benefits
Industry concensus on summary document contents and requirements through ASTM ballots (2004, 2005)
Industry concensus on document exchange framework through HL7 ballots (1999-2005)
Summaries for continuity of care
Interoperable with full range of document types
Interoperable with HL7 V3 messages, all RIM-based specifications (public health reporting, clinical trials, structured product labels and more)
89. 89 Outline HL7
CDA for exchange networks
Summary, Resources & Questions
90. 90 CDA for Interoperability HL7/ANSI specification based on
Reference Information Model (RIM)
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Standard Terminology
The spec:
Header+Human-readable report+(optional) computable semantics
Industry acceptance:
Internationally implemented for 6 years
Vendor support: strong & growing
Full patient record, not just the data that can be coded today
Full patient record – summaries and more, implementation guides in the works from multiple professional societies and agencies
91. 91 Current Work HL7
Continuity of Care Document (with ASTM)
Pathology reports (with CAP)
Imaging reports (with DICOM)
Claims attachments, migrate from R1 (with CMS)
Medical Summary (with IHE, EHR Vendors Association)
Dental reports (with ADA)
Anesthesiology Reports (with Anes SIG)
Public health reports (with CDC)
... What should we be doing to develop standard documents for LTC?
92. 92 References & More Info www.HL7.org Structured Documents Technical Committee web page
All meetings, listservs, open to all
Dolin RH, Alschuler L, Boyer S, Beebe C, Behlen FM, Biron PV, Shabo A. HL7 Clinical Document Architecture, Release 2. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2006;13:30–39.
Care Record Summary
CDA Release 2.0 Normative Edition: see HL7.org
AlschulerAssociates.com liora@alschulerassociates.com
Quick Start Guides
CDA/CRS Validator
CDA Gallery
93. 93
96. Alschuler Associates, LLC Consultants in standards-based solutions for healthcare information working with vendors, providers, standards developers
Military Health System
Enterprise-wide documents, files, images (DFIEA)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Implementation Guide for infectious disease reporting (NHSN)
North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
Implementation Guide for cancer abstracts
Department of Health and Human Services
Subcontracts on Health IT Standards Panel (HITSP) and Health Information Standards for Privacy and Confidentiality (HISPC)
American Hospital Association
Use case development for healthcare IT standards initiative
Co-founder & Project Management
Private, commercial clients: Fortune 100 and startups
97. HL7
what is it
where is it used
& the PEHRC
98. Health Level Seven Non-profit ANSI Standards Development Organization
20 years old
2000+ members
individual, corporate
30 affiliates
US affiliate in near future
“A model community”: building standards to a single information model
99. HL7 Steering Divisions
100. CDA: A Document Exchange Specification This is a CDA
and this
and this
and this
and this
and this
and this
102. CDA Design Principles priority is patient care, other applications facilitated
minimize technical barriers to implementation
promote longevity of clinical records
scoped by exchange, independent of transfer or storage
enable policy-makers to control information requirements Animation
103. Sample CDA
104. CDA Header: Metadata Identify
Document type...
Sufficient for
Medical records management
Document management
Record locator service
Store, query, retrieve
105. CDA Body: Human-readable report Any type of clinical document
Op note
Discharge Summary...
Format: tif, PDF, HTML, XML:
106. CDA Body: Machine Processible Model-based computable semantics:
Substance Administration
Observation Media
Region Of Interest
Act Animation
Machine processible data is optional.
Machine processible data is optional.
107. CDA: Incremental Semantic Interoperability
108. Primary Use Cases access/portability/exchange
query/locate by patient, provider, practitioner, setting, encounter, date
access distributed information through common metadata
document management
transcription systems
EHR records
re-use/derivative data
summaries, reports
decision support
109. CDA for Information Exchange in the US Recommended by Health Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP) work groups
CMS Notice of Proposed Rule Making
Claims attachments using CDA + X12
First pilot concluded, others underway
Widespread vendor adoption:
Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise
110. Current Implementation: US Mayo Clinic
Initiated in 1999
About 50,000 documents each week
Clinical documents: Most important capital asset
New York Presbyterian
“CDA Philosophy”: mix of fielded data and narrative
Best format for information mining and aggregation across applications
Clinical notes contain critical information in narrative
1/3 of all discharges summaries
Military Health System
Documents, Files, Images Enhanced AHLTA (DFIEA)
Enterprise-wide document management
Web-services gateway to VA, civilian providers
MHS/VHA Bi-direction Health Information Exchange
Enterprise Wide Referrals and Authorizations
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Narrative notes using speech recognition, NLP
Linking radiology reports with PACS-rendered image
Kaiser, Trinity, Partners, Ochsner...
111. CDA for Information Exchange IHE choice for Medical Summaries: 2006
112. IHE Medical Summaries HIMSS 2006: a CDA Gallery
113. CDA for Information Exchange
114. CDA & CCD IHE Profiles 2005-2007 based on the Care Record Summary (CRS)
first standard implementation guide for CDA
restricted to “level 2” to avoid competition w/CCR
covered a wider number of use cases
IHE 2007-2008 will move to conform with CCD
New CDA implementation guides also conform with CCD
119. CDA beyond CCD Not everything we want to exchange is a summary
Let’s look at what’s happening with development of other document types...
120. Other CDA content profile development Within HL7:
Clinical domains: anatomic pathology, imaging, lab, anesthesiology, pediatrics, long term care, others?
ASIG: HIPAA Attachments – adding dental
Outside HL7: Public health & MDS
NAACCR Cancer abstracts (no HL7 ballot)
CDC Infectious Disease Reports (will be HL7 ballot)
MDS: soon, from HHS
2006: 1 content type built on HL7 CRS
2007: 7 content types, some constrain CRS, others new
Current cycle:
updating all to be consistent with CCD
adding Discharge Summary
121. CDA for Common Document Types Project initiated in January, 2007
Strong support from dictation / transcription and document management industries
Cooperation/coordination with HL7, IHE, EHR vendors and providers
122. CDA4CDT Mission Develop CDA Implementation Guides (IGs) for common types of electronic healthcare documents
Bring them through the HL7 ballot process
Promote their use and adoption by healthcare organizations and health information exchange networks
123. Rationale Enlarge and enrich the flow of data into the electronic health record
Speed the development of interoperable clinical document repositories
Bridge the gap between narrative documents produced through dictation and the structured, computable records within an EHR
124. Assumptions:
EMR/EHR is the solution
Documents are the problem
Are they mutually exclusive or complementary?
Can eDocuments bridge the gap? Why would physicians promoting the EHR have an interest in documents?
125. Problems with Documents Can’t compute
Can’t automate decision support
Can’t validate conformance to content requirements
And why are they still prevalent?
Nuanced & precise
Support human decision making
Retain current workflow
eDocuments support narrative & codes
multiple indices optimized for reimbursement, decision support, quality metrics, research
Document management completes the EMR
126. Why encourage continued use of documents? Worst case:
no computable clinical data
no reuse
+ information at the point of care
Best case:
fully computable data to populate EHR
Likely case:
section-level reuse (i.e. HPI pre-populates Discharge Summary) – we can do this now
gradual rise in semantic interoperability
127. Why not keep pushing for fully interoperable records? Semantic interoperability is hard
over 250,000 concepts in SNOMED CT
we can’t give up, we need safe computability
Need information at the point of care
Networks need data: self-sustaining networks have Big Data
Initial ROI will spur further investment
MTIA members process 300M documents/year
Complex systems are built from simple systems
CDA: no loss of computability
128. CDA4CDT will:
Establish consensus on content using CDA eDocument format
Propagate support for CDA within the dictation/transcription industry
Create consistent electronic documents for importation into EMR, document repositories and health information exchanges
Increase EMR adoption
Highest potential:
Massively increase amount of data in fledgling exchange networks because minimally disruptive to current workflow
Defining success:
At least 25% of RFPs for transcription, EMRs, integration and information exchange cite compliance as a requirement CDA4CDT: bridging the gap between EHRs and eDocuments
129. CDA4CDT Scope
Develop implementation guide for use across the industry
Rapid development, leverage framework, precedents
Establish section-level content, reuse section templates
H&P Timeline
Initial draft in 7 weeks
Balloted as HL7 Draft Standard for Trial Use
March 26 ballot open, April 24 close
Ballot reconciliation approximately 5 weeks
Revised draft to ballot in August
Consult Note Timeline
Target August 2007 initial ballot
Discharge Summary: Coordinating with IHE on publication
Target publication fall 2007
130. Technical working group A focused group of working volunteers
prior knowledge of CDA
experience implementing CDA
familiarity with the current set of CDA implementation guides
Participation is open at all stages of the ballot and ballot review process
CDA4CDT retains no copyright of balloted material
131. H&P Method Review precedents:
ASTM’s Standard Specifications for Healthcare Document Formats (E2184.02) (Headings and subheadings used in the healthcare industry and associated with specific report types)
HL7/ASTM Continuity of Care Document (CCD)
Clinical LOINC document and section codes
HL7 ASIG CDA R2 Attachment for Clinical Notes
HL7 Care Record Summary (CRS)
IHE profiles, including the content profiles within Patient Care Coordination
MHS/DoD-VA-IM-IT Demo Project Discharge Summary and SOAP HL7 CDA R2 Implementation Guides
Review samples/templates:
Sample CDA documents developed for local provider institutions (Mayo Clinic, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, New York Presbyterian, and others)
Non-CDA sample documents supplied by participating providers and vendors
H&P templates from AHIMA, vendors, providers
Statistical analysis: over 15,000 dictated H&Ps by M*Modal
Test design against samples
132. Draft H&P
133. Ballot results 78 comments received
ACP, Trinity Health, Kaiser Permanente, VHA, Regenstreif
Epic, GE, Medquist, Northrop
All comments addressed
All negatives will be withdrawn
Draft in revision
Will re-ballot in August/September
If passed, will be “Draft Standard for Trial Use” (DSTU)
stable platform for implementation
within 2 years either normative or revised
134. Ballot issues Most difficult
balance diversity of current practice against desire for consistency
where can you lead the industry, where must you follow?
Clarify intended content
Past Medical History vs. Surgical History
Physical exam: diversity of practice
Define full set of sub-headings
Allow narrative &/or sub-sections
135. Consult Note Same method as H&P
consistent with precedents
large scale analysis of dictated notes
reuse section-level content
review E&M guidelines
Examine required metadata
Examine report contents
Require “reason for referral”
Relationship with “reason for visit”, “chief complaint”
Seeking pre-ballot review
136. Future work Horizontal: additional document types
Op note
Specialize the History & Physical
Vertical: supporting implementation
Quick Start Guides for implementers
Training for implementers
Promotion: Among providers
Education on utility, strategic value
End-user training for compliance
Whatever it takes to support and promote widespread adoption
137. How can PEHRC, PEHRC members get involved? Participate in design review
through CDA4CDT
through HL7 Structured Documents TC
through HL7 Board of Directors
Participate in the ballot
as HL7 member or non-member
Encourage implementation
within professional society
within practice group
138. CDA for Common Document Types Founders:
Acusis, Kaiser Permanente, Mayo Clinic, Military Health System, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, GE Healthcare
139. Short history of CDA Early 1996: Dr. John Mattison runs into Dr. John Spinosa in the parking lot of the Bank of America, La Jolla, CA
informal group of physicians with interest in SGML meets monthly
build on seminal work of Drs. Lincoln & Essin
Jan. 1997: Joined HL7 as SGML SIG
July 1997: Kona Architecture developed: principles of coordinated document-based specifications for incremental semantic interoperability
Sept. 1997-99: Creation of formal specification; renamed and RIM-based
Sept. 2000: Membership ballot passes unanimously; 108 organizations/individuals participate
January 2005: CDA Release 2.0 passed membership ballot
April 2007: Publication of HL7/ASTM Continuity of Care Document (CCD) Implementation Guide for CDA
Recommended by ANSI HITSP for NHIN
Many other implementation guides in the works
140. HL7’s Clinical Document Architecture Based on:
HL7’s Reference Information Model
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Controlled terminology
Eight years of implementation experience
Mayo Clinic since 1999
PICNIC: EU project across 14 countries
Basis of the most extensive and successful exchange networks
Finland, Greece, Germany, Japan, France, Italy, England, others
141. How do we move forward and achieve a comprehensive electronic record? What if you could continue to use narrative and dictation and at the same time increase usage of the EHR and make more records available for the health information exchange?
142. HL7: patient-centered health information
143. CDA from Dictation narrative documents can be enhanced through natural language processing and use of templates with no disruption to the existing workflow