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Teaching and Learning Phonics at RA Butler

Join us on Tuesday, 29th November 2016 to understand new phonics teaching methods, empower parents to aid children in phonics and reading, explore key phonics terms, stages of development, and engaging resources. Learn about phonemes, graphemes, digraphs, CVC words, and tricky words. Discover Phase 1 to 6 phonics development stages and practical activities.

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Teaching and Learning Phonics at RA Butler

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  1. Teaching and Learning Phonics at RA Butler • Tuesday 29th November 2016

  2. Aims • To explain why we have made a change to the way we teach phonics. • To share how phonics is now taught. • To develop parents’ confidence in helping their children with phonics and reading • To teach the basics of phonics and some useful phonics terms • To outline the different stages in phonic development • To show examples of activities and resources we use to teach phonics

  3. Letters and Sounds • A high quality phonics resource produced and recommended by the government • Takes account of the best practice seen in the most successful early years settings and schools.

  4. Why teach phonics?

  5. Phonics is all about using … skills for reading and spelling Segmenting and blending knowledge of the alphabet +

  6. Daily Phonics Sessions with their class teacher

  7. Phonic terms your child will learn at school • Phonemes: The smallest units of sound that are found within a word. A phoneme is something you hear.

  8. Grapheme: The spelling of the sound e.g. th • A grapheme is what you see Children need to practise recognising the grapheme and saying the phoneme that it represents.

  9. Digraph: Two letters that make one sound when read e.g. sh • Trigraphs: Three letters that make one sound e.g. igh • CVC: Stands for consonant, vowel, consonante.g c a t • Tricky words: Words that cannot easily be decoded, sometimes referred to as ‘red’ words.

  10. Sound buttons • Using ‘sound buttons’ can you say how many phonemes are in each word? • shelf • dress • sprint • string

  11. Did you get it right? • shelf = sh – e – l – f = 4 phonemes • dress = d - r - e – ss = 4 phonemes • sprint = s – p – r – i – n – t = 6 phonemes • string = s – t – r – i – ng = 5 phonemes

  12. Phase 1:Getting ready for phonics Begun in pre-school but continued throughout EYFS & KS1 1. Tuning into sounds 2. Listening and remembering sounds 3. Talking about sounds

  13. Phase 2:Learning phonemes to read and write simple words • Children will learn their first 19 phonemes: Set 1: s a t p Set 2: i n m d Set 3: g o c k Set 4: ck (as in duck) e u r Set 5: h b l f ff (as in puff) ll (as in hill) ss (as in hiss)

  14. Saying the sounds

  15. Simple Speed Sounds chart

  16. Segmenting and Blending Segmenting: Children need to be able toheara whole word and say every sound that they hear. e.g. If the teacher says ‘dog’ the child should be able to say ‘d o g – dog’ Blending: Children need to be able to hear the separate sounds in a word and then blend them together to say the whole word. e.g. If the teacher says ‘c a t’ the child should be able to say ‘c a t – cat’

  17. Segmenting bed = /b/ /e/ /d/ Blending: /t/ /i/ /n/ = tin

  18. Phase 3:Learning the long vowel phonemes • They will learn another 26 phonemes: • j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu • ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er • They will use these phonemes (and the ones from Phase 2) to read and spell words: chip, shop, thin, ring, pain, feet, night, boat, boot, look, farm, fork, burn, town, coin, dear, fair, sure

  19. Phase 4:Introducing consonant clusters: reading and spelling words with four or more phonemes • Phase 4 doesn’t introduce any new phonemes. • It focuses on reading and spelling longer words with the phonemes they already know. CCVC (black), CCCVC (strong), CVCC (felt), CCVCC (blend)

  20. Phase 5 (usually Yr 1) • Teach new graphemes for reading • ay, ou, ie, ea, oy, ir, ue, aw, wh, ph, ew, oe, au, a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e • Learn alternative pronunciations of graphemes (the same grapheme can represent more than one phoneme): Fin/find, hot/cold, cat/cent, got/giant,

  21. Learning all the variations! Learning that the same phoneme can be represented in more than one way: burn first term heard work

  22. Learning all the variations! Learning that the same grapheme can represent more than one phoneme: meat bread hebed bearhear cowlow

  23. Teaching the split digraph A split diagraph is a two-letter sound that has another letter in the middle. tie time toe tone cue cube pie pine We don’t call it ‘magic e’ or ‘modifying e’

  24. Phase 6(usually Yr 2) • Phase 6 focuses on spellings and learning rules for spelling alternatives. Children look at syllables, base words, and mnemonics.

  25. Structure of a typical lesson • Revisit/Review • Teach • Practise • Apply

  26. Typical Phase 2 lesson

  27. A typical week in Phase 2

  28. Typical Phase 3 or 5 lesson

  29. A typical week in Phase 3 or 5

  30. Guided reading • In Year 1 & Year 2 after their daily 20 minute phonic input the children complete a carousel of activities. • Each week every child reads as part of a guided group with their teacher.

  31. Tracking and progress

  32. Year 1 Phonic Screening • A screening check for Year 1 to encourage schools to pursue a rigorous phonics programme. • Aimed at identifying the children who need extra help are given the support. • Assesses decoding skills using phonics • 40 items to be read (20 real words, 20 pseudo words)

  33. Is there anything I can do at home?

  34. At home... • Read everyday with your child if possible • Help your child practise their reading words (EYFS) • Help your child practise their spellings (these sheets do not need to come back to school) • Play ‘I spy’ • Continue to play with magnetic letters, using some two-grapheme (letter) combinations, eg: r-ai-n = rain blending for reading rain = r-ai-n segmenting for spelling • Praise your child for trying out words • Look at tricky words • Look for phonic games online • Play pairs with words and pictures

  35. Don’t forget… Learning to read should be fun for both children and parents.

  36. Any questions?

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