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Understanding Quantum and Classical Gases: Essential Concepts and Analyses

Explore fundamental ideas on density of states, internal energy, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics, and chemical potential in classical and quantum gases. Delve into the Maxwellian limit, ideal classical gases, quantum concentration, and Saha equation. Grasp the significance of average number of particles and energy in various quantum states.

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Understanding Quantum and Classical Gases: Essential Concepts and Analyses

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  1. Classical and Quantum Gases • Fundamental Ideas • Density of States • Internal Energy • Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein Statistics • Chemical potential • Quantum concentration

  2. Density of States • Derived by considering the gas particles as wave-like and confined in a certain volume, V. • Density of states as a function of momentum, g(p), between p and p + dp: • gs= number of polarisations • 2 for protons, neutrons, electrons and photons

  3. No. of quantum states in p to p +dp Average no. of particles in state with energy Ep Internal Energy • The energy of a particle with momentum p is given by: • Hence the total energy is:

  4. No. of quantum states in p to p +dp Average no. of particles in state with energy Ep Total Number of Particles

  5. Fermi-Dirac Statistics • For fermions, no more than one particle can occupy a given quantum state • Pauli exclusion principle • Hence:

  6. Bose-Einstein Statistics • For Bosons, any number of particles can occupy a given quantum state • Hence:

  7. F-D vs. B-E Statistics

  8. The Maxwellian Limit • Note that Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics coincide for large E/kT and small occupancy • Maxwellian limit

  9. Ideal Classical Gases • Classical Þ occupancy of any one quantum state is small • I.e., Maxwellian • Equation of State: • Valid for both non- and ultra-relativistic gases

  10. Ideal Classical Gases • Recall: • Non-relativistic: • Pressure = 2/3 kinetic energy density • Hence average KE = 2/3 kT • Ultra-relativistic • Pressure = 1/3 kinetic energy density • Hence average KE = 1/3 kT

  11. Ideal Classical Gases • Total number of particles N in a volume V is given by:

  12. Ideal Classical Gases • Rearranging, we obtain an expression for m, the chemical potential

  13. Ideal Classical Gases • Interpretation of m • From statistical mechanics, the change of energy of a system brought about by a change in the number of particles is:

  14. Ideal Classical Gases • Interpretation of nQ (non-relativistic) • Consider the de Broglie Wavelength • Hence, since the average separation of particles in a gas of density n is ~n-1/3 • If n << nQ , the average separation is greater than l and the gas is classical rather than quantum

  15. Ideal Classical Gases • A similar calculation is possible for a gas of ultra-relativistic particles:

  16. Quantum Gases • Low concentration/high temperature electron gases behave classically • Quantum effects large for high electron concentration/”low” temperature • Electrons obey Fermi-Dirac statistics • All states occupied up to an energy Ef , the Fermi Energy with a momentum pf • Described as a degenerate gas

  17. Quantum Gases • Equations of State: • (See Physics of Stars secn 2.2) • Non-relativistic: • Ultra-relativistic:

  18. Quantum Gases • Note: • Pressure rises more slowly with density for an ultra-relativistic degenerate gas compared to non-relativistic • Consequences for the upper mass of degenerate stellar cores and white dwarfs

  19. The Saha Equation • Atoms within a star are ionised via interaction with photons • We have a dynamic equilibrium between photons and atoms on one hand and electrons and ions on the other • Considering the case of hydrogen:H + g« e- + p

  20. The Saha Equation • Thermodynamic equilibrium is reached when the chemical potentials on both sides of the equation are equal • I.e, changes in numbers of particles doesn’t affect the energy, hence:m(H) + m(g) = m(e-) + m(p)

  21. The Saha Equation • Chemical potential of a photon: m(g) = 0 • Also have to allow the hydrogen atom to be in any electronic quantum state, q, with energy:Eq = -13.6/q2 eV • Then:m(Hq) = m(e-) + m(p) (1)

  22. The Saha Equation • Assuming the density is low and energies are non-relativistic: • See Workshop 3, Question 1 • Evaluate the chemical potentials in terms of the quantum concentrations using functions derived in Lecture 5:

  23. The Saha Equation • For electrons: • For protons: • For atoms: • (Note nQdepends on mass and is almost identical for protons and hydrogen atoms)

  24. The Saha Equation • Note that the total energy of a hydrogen atom in state q is: • Also, gse = gsp = 2 andgsH = gq gse gsp with gq=q2

  25. The Saha Equation • Combining these relationships with the condition for equilibrium (equation (1)), we obtain:

  26. Consequences • Degree of ionisation • Sum over all q levels to obtain the ratio of protons to all neutral states of H

  27. Degree of Ionisation • We may re-write this in the form: • The summation is truncated at a value of q such that the spatial extent of the atom is comparable to the separation of the atoms • In practice, the summation ~1

  28. Degree of Ionisation • The ratio of ionised to neutral hydrogen (or indeed, any atom) can now be written as:

  29. Degree of Ionisation • Degree of ionisation in the sun: • Average density, r~1.4x103 kg/m-3 • Typical temperature T~ 6x106 K • nQe ~ 1021T3/2 • Assume electron density ~ proton density

  30. Degree of Ionisation • Denote the fraction of hydrogen ionised as x(H+). Then, we can write: • ne= n(H+) = x(H+).r/mH • n(H) = (1-x(H+)).r/mH • We can now re-write (2) as:

  31. Degree of Ionisation • Substituting the values for the sun and for hydrogen, we obtainx(H+) ~ 95% • I.e., the interior of the sun is almost completely ionised • For further discussion, see Phillips, ch. 2 secn 2.5

  32. Balmer Absorption • To find the degree of Balmer absorption in a stellar atmosphere, we require:n(H(2))/(n(H)+n(H+)) (3) • Saha gives us n(H+)/n(H) • Boltzmann gives us n(H(2))/n(H(1)) • Assume n(H(1))~ n(H)

  33. From Boltzmann From Saha Balmer Absorption • We can rewrite (3) as:

  34. Balmer Absorption • Hence: • Typically, ne~ 1019 m-3

  35. Balmer Absorption A B F O G K M

  36. Reminder • Assignment 1 available today on module website

  37. Next Week • Private Study Week - Suggestions • Assessment Worksheet • Review Lectures 1-3 • Photons in Stars (Phillips ch. 2 secn 2.3) • The Photon Gas • Radiation Pressure • Reactions at High Temperatures (Phillips ch. 2 secn 2.6) • Pair Production • Photodisintegration of Nuclei

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