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Una breve premessa

Explore LHAASO project combining gamma astronomy with cosmic rays research. Discover its goals, technologies, and impact on physics frontier.

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Una breve premessa

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Una breve premessa • Nel 1994 in occasione di un memorabile workshop tenuto a Lhasa, un piccolo gruppo di ricercatori italiani prese contatto con ricercatori dell’IHEP Beijing per collaborare alla realizzazione di un full coverage array situato alla quota di 4300 m, capace di rivelare sciami con energia di soglia di 300 GeV • Questo fu l’atto di nascita dell’esperimento ArgoYBJ • In tempi recenti, il gruppo di fisici dell’IHEP che collabora ad Argo, ha sviluppato il progetto di un array di 1 km2 composto di diversi tipi di rivelatori che punta a studiare l’astronomia gamma nel range 100 GeV – 1 EeV e la fisica di RC nel range 10 TeV – 1 EeV

  2. Le grandi dimensioni del progetto, chiamato LHAASO, e l’enorme investimento di risorse economiche (120 M$) che il governo cinese gli ha accordato, ne fanno un polo di attrazione mondiale che ha gia interessato fisici francesi e russi • La possibilità di una partecipazione italiana a questo progetto, la necessità di re-inquadrare Argo in questo nuovo contesto e di potenziarlo anche in vista di 6 anni di presa dati, prima che Lhaaso cominci a funzionare, sono la necessaria premessa di “Argo and beyond”

  3. The Lhaaso project Miniworkshop “Argo and beyond” Roma “Tor Vergata” 20 Jul 2011 by R. Santonico (based on the tranparencies supplied by Z. Cao)

  4. Charge Particle Array μdetector Array Water C Array Wide FOV C-Telescope Array & Core Detector Array LHAASO Project: γastronomy and origin of CR Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory

  5. Leptonic model ? Hadronic model Three major scientific goalsof LHAASO • TeVγray observation has an opportunity of finding CR origin: 108+ sources discovered • 50+ galactic sources: γat high energy (>30TeV) is crucial (high sensitivity and high energy resolution) • All-sky survey forγsource population is necessary (full duty cycle, wide FOV and sufficient sensitivity) • PeV CR spectra of individual composition • Bridge between space/balloon borne measurements and ground based UHECR measurements • Exploring for new physics frontier

  6. Survey for γsources(extra-galactic)

  7. Above 60TeV • CR BG-free(10-5) • γsurvival rate ~99% • Angular resolution 0.5° γ/p discrimination

  8. Sensitivities for 10TeV γsky YBJ field of view E-resolution 20%

  9. CRs at the first knees • Touch-down at 50TeV: connection with direct measurement • Absolute energy scale: Bottom-up scheme or T.Gaissor’s “anchoring”

  10. ΔE/E resolution < 15% With bias<3% Core resolution <1m Wide FOVCherenkovtelescopes Y (degree) X (degree)

  11. Re-Configuration For fluorescence Signals of sub-EeV showers CR at the second knee Tower CT: 16 μ : 100x400m2 Side Trigger CT: 2x4

  12. Tunka-133 on top of LHAASO: with 19 clusters, 7 detectors ineach cluster Optical cable DAQ center Cluster Electronic box Optical cable DAQ center Cluster Electronic box PMT EMI 9350 Ø 20 cm 4 channel FADC boards 200 MHz, 12 bit

  13. Proposing • In Nov.2010, CCDR reviewed all proposals in 7 groups and LHAASO was selected as the No. 1 in the group of HEP&NP • In Jan.2011, CCDR reviewed again on 21 selected projects and LHAASO was selected as one of projects that will be supported in next 5 years • Reviewing of LHAASO for its design and budget will start next month or so. The proposal is expected to be approved in this year because of the readiness of the project in terms of R/D and site preparation

  14. Prototype of LHAASO at Tibet site • 1% engineering array near the ARGO detector with a budget of ~1M euro since 2009 μ

  15. Observatory Construction now 6 yrs • It is planned for a construction of 5-6 years • yrs • Detector R/D: 1.5 • FEE R/D: 2 • FEE Production: 1.5 • DAQ & installation: 0.5 • Detector deployment: 4 • 1% array test run: 1 The total budget is about 100M euro 西藏羊八井大型高海拔空气簇射观测站LHAASO

  16. Conclusion • A ground based large and complexγ/CR observatory at high altitude (4300m a.s.l.) within 5~6 years • Complementary to CTA in γastronomy • Unique for CR measurements at the knees • Useful for exploring for new physics • Engineering prototype at Tibet site is in progress • The construction is expected to start in this year

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