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Accelerator Operation Tools with Service-Oriented Architecture

A collaborative project involving BNL, MSU, HZB, ChannelFinder, and Olog, aiming to provide tools for accelerator operations using a decoupled, update-friendly service-oriented architecture. Seeking individuals to join in developing, focused on deliverables and problem-solving. Infrastructure includes continuous build/test processes and standardized Java EE technologies. Client technologies are varied, supporting different languages and platforms. Laundry list and wish list outline development tasks and future service ideas.

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Accelerator Operation Tools with Service-Oriented Architecture

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  1. AccelUtils Gabriele Carcassi, Kunal Shroff – BNL Eric Berryman, Robert Gaul – MSU Ralph Lange – HZB

  2. Publish/subscribe Command/response v3 v4 IOC IOC … IOC IOC … v4 Masar CA client (JCA/CAJ) pvA client … Core Client Technologies CA Data Sources Sim Test pvA AccelUtils Aggregation pvManager Java/Python Web based REST services Data Definition vTypes API ChannelFinder Visualization Graphene API Olog CSS Core ChannelFinder Integration Olog Integration … ... … BOY Web UI and other clients Scripts and utilities Logbook cf-update DataBrowser … … CSS

  3. AccelUtils • Collaboration between: • BNL: Gabriele Carcassi, Kunal Shroff • MSU: Eric Berryman, Robert Gaul • HZB/BESSY II: Ralph Lange • Umbrella project for: • ChannelFinder • Olog • future projects

  4. Overall vision • Provide tools for accelerator operation • Using Service Oriented Architecture • Provides decoupling and ability to update while in production • The service and the protocol is the main contract where compatibility is kept (not the database, api, etc…) • Using web technologies for the server • Very solid support from industry • Work with firewalls • Use-case driven • Start from a need not from technology • Focused on deliverables products • Something you can download and install

  5. Looking for people • That work well with others • Share the architecture vision • Task focused • Deliverable oriented • With a need to solve • Various level of expertise are welcome • Could use this as a learning experience • That work well with others

  6. Infrastructure • Continuous build/test infrastructure • Each subproject is on both sourceforge and java.net • Sourforge: website, wiki, mercurial repository • Java.net: JIRA bug tracking • We (should) have a once a month meeting • Round the table, what I have released past month, what I’ll be working next month • Inpromptu meetings with Google hangout

  7. Server technologies • More requirements on how services are done • It’s the important part • Multiple people need to be able to support it • Should be homogeneous • All installable in a cluster with similar configuration • Standardize on Java EE • Using Glassfish (standard implementation) • Still haven’t standardized on internals • JDBC vs JPA or JAX-RS or …

  8. Client technologies • Whatever you want! • Php/Ruby/… for web ui • Python for scriptsor uis with pyQt • Java for CSS, Swing uis, applets, Android • Objective C for Apple • As long the end product is buildable from command line, packaged, deployable and functional

  9. Laundry list • Move build/test infrastructure out of BNL • In the cloud! • Factor out common parts • Server authorization scheme • Client side configuration management • Client side connection management • Single sign on • Authenticate once for all applications • Integrate with Linux and/or Windows logon • Forward credentials for web ui

  10. Laundry list • Support different databases • Move database layer to JPA • Provide different scripts • Setup test infrastructure • Support different application servers (jboss, websphere, …) • Setup test infrastructure

  11. Wish list • Equipment status and schedule management • Something along the lines of ISA 95 part 2 • Lock Out Tag Out service • Manages requests for locking devices during maintenance • Other services • Do you have another service that fits the architecture and spirit? Let us know!

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