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GridOrbit – An Infrastructure awareness System

GridOrbit is an infrastructure awareness system that aims to increase contributions in volunteer computing by leveraging existing social ties and implementing various awareness technologies.

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GridOrbit – An Infrastructure awareness System

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  1. GridOrbit – An Infrastructure awareness System For increasing contribution in volunteercomputing Juan David Hincapié-Ramos, AurélienTabard& Jakob E. Bardram May 11, 2011 – CHI 2011 – Vancouver, Canada

  2. GridOrbitPersonal Notifications GridOrbit Public Display Mini-Grid

  3. GridOrbit Public Display

  4. GridOrbitPersonal Notifications

  5. What did awareness systems lead to? Increased Participation

  6. GridOrbit – An Infrastructure awareness System For increasing contribution in volunteercomputing Juan David Hincapié-Ramos, AurélienTabard& Jakob E. Bardram

  7. GridOrbit – An Infrastructure awareness System For increasing contribution in volunteercomputing Juan David Hincapié-Ramos, AurélienTabard& Jakob E. Bardram

  8. Problem Data deluge and scientific computational analyses alternatives: Big PC: takes a lot of time Local servers: expensive in man-power and $ Grid computing / Cyber-Infrastructures Volunteer computing infrastructures SETI@HOME World communitygrid

  9. The Mini-Gridvolunteer infrastructure Local vs. Worldwide Symetricvs. Master-Slave Lowcost

  10. Problem of volunteercomputing Invisibility

  11. How do we get people to participate to the Mini-Grid? A local VolunteerComputing infrastructure meanswecanleverageexisting social ties!

  12. Fieldwork and Partipatory Design Details in the paper… Grid Capacity Grid Activity People

  13. GridOrbit Public Displays Notification System 1 2

  14. GridOrbit Building 1: Corridor in front of the Cafeteria Building 2: Elevator +Mail BoxWaitingArea 1 GRIDORBIT PUBLIC DISPLAYS

  15. research folding DNA biology GRIDORBIT PUBLIC DISPLAYS

  16. GridOrbit Ambient Zone (x > 70cm) Notification Zone (40cm < x < 70cm) Interaction Zone (x < 40cm) GRIDORBIT PUBLIC DISPLAYS

  17. Group Activation Personal Motivation You contributed 12% less than other contributors this week You contributed for less than 40 hours to the Mini-Grid this week 2x 2 GRIDORBIT Notification System

  18. Experimental Design Goals 1- See what the impact of theseawarnesstechnologies is in the recruitment of volunteers. 2- Gatherempirical information about the relation of users and theseawarenesstechnologies. 1- See what the impact of theseawarnesstechnologies is in the recruitment of volunteers. 2- Gatherempirical information about the relation of users and theseawarenesstechnologies.

  19. Experimental Design BASELINE NOTIFICATION SYSTEM Public Displays Novelty Factor PUBLIC DISPLAYS Mini-Grid Baseline Computers Official Start

  20. Experimental Design Jun 2Wed Jun 14Mon Jun 21Fri Jul 2Fri BASELINE NOTIFICATION SYSTEM Public Displays Novelty Factor PUBLIC DISPLAYS Mini-Grid Baseline Computers Official Start

  21. Results

  22. Increase in Contributions +75% 35 Mini-Grid installed 19 +51% AVG Computers Contributing 8,02 5,33 Notification System Public Displays Baseline

  23. Types of Contributors • Dedicated Secondary Computers • Work Desktops • Laptops (intermittent use) • Bootstrapping Computers

  24. Δt = 1500 Visits to the public displays Aware60% of the Visits Ambient Zone Curious30% of the Visits Int + Notification Zone - Touch Interaction Explorer 10% of the Visits Interaction Zone + Touch Interaction

  25. Visits to the public displays - + # Visits Activity Capacity

  26. OtherResults Face Time! From: Participant XDate: Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 1:51 PM Subject: Re: GridOrbit hide details 6/16/10 Hi Juan I got the plugin installed and the whole thing should be up and running. Now I just need to figure out how I can get my picture on the screen in the main building... Do I need to set up some profile somewhere or something like that? Cheers

  27. NoResults The on-screenmessagingfunctionality (bulleting board) was not used. Wesawonly 5 messages for the wholedeployment. We did not find anysignificantimpact of the differentnotificationsstrategies.

  28. Conclusions Awareness Technologies can support recruitment 75%increase in total participants, and 51%increase in hourlyaverage participants Different patters of contribution of work desktops, secondary computers and laptops. Therearesustainedpatterns of visitors: aware, curious, explorer. Design for stressing out activitylevels. Find proper ways to scalevisualizations.

  29. Thanks @jhincapie @aurelient @jbardram

  30. Strategies for increasing contribution Stick Force participation: hidden daemon installed by admins Infrastructure properties: you can only use it if you donate Carrot Rewards Competitions Beyond stick and carrot Persuasive technologies Awareness technologies

  31. Motivations

  32. Visits to the public displays sig <= 0,1 10% - Explorer 30% - Curious 60% - Aware + + + Nr of Visits - - - Activity Capacity

  33. Free Pizza 1 2 3 Enforcement Points and Rewards

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