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Learn about maximizing yarn production with reduced electricity, optimizing machine efficiency, reducing waste, energy conservation, & voltage regulation in textile mills. Discover tips on improving energy management.
Before it was UKG, Now it is Kg per Unit! • Previously textile manager talked often the UKG. To produce more Kgs, how much they max utilize the units • Now, the same manager talks how much more Kg of yarn can be produced in the given reduced quota of electricity • A blessing in disguise in a way, this quota crisis makes us “Lesser we get, More we become wise now” • Many mills responded to wakeup call. They have maximized production and they reduced internal losses.
Energy Saving is not possible in a system running with defect. We have to first remove the defect and then only, we can achieve energy savings automatically. மனத்துக்கண் மாசு இலன் ஆதல் அனைத்து அறன்ஆகுல நீர பிற. Our World poet Tiruvalluvar says. மனசுலேமாசு இல்லாம நாம சுத்தமா இருந்தாலேஒரு வகையிலே நாமும் அறம் செய்தமாதிரி தானே?
To efficiently run Textile mill in Lean mode • Improve the individual efficiency of machine, say frame to frame. • find the optimum speed of ring frames at this half load quota. • Improve utilization of the frames & utility at lean mode working • Tune down utilities like AC plant, compressor etc & preparatory. • Mainly reduce waste evacuation system sizing • Motor takes power based on load only. So steps to reduce Load • Give more thrust to KVA instead of KW now & Compensate at load. • Make use of Maximum Demand Controller fully using Auto mode.
Sustained & Regulated & Metered Energy intake makes the industry profitable in the long run.------------------------------------------------------------------ நாட்டில் உண்டு களைத்தவனை விட களைத்து உண்டவனே நெடுநாள் ஆரோக்கியமாக உயிர் வாழ்கிறான்
Energy Intake by Textile Mill • Energy Losses (Between the Cup & Lip in industry) • Voltage Regulation in Stages upto Load End • Power Factor Regulation in Stages • Compressed Air – Cool Dry Air in Stages • Energy Measured Digitally & Accurately • Measure Energy from Entrance to Load End .
Consumer Power bill – what is the breakup ? • EB charges the industry in terms of KWH, KVA, PF and we in the industry maintenance must measure the same KW, KVA, PF, KVAR and Harmonics at our load end machines. • By energy conservation in industry, we try to recover the losses which go as waste as Excess input, and wasted output of machines. • By Energy Measurement, we draw a line between Avoidable and Unavoidable Losses and plan to minimize same.
Meter is your tool to show motor is a efficient or not and your Machine is healthy or not, instantaneously. Clamp on Multi function Power meter cost Rs.9000+ • Active power (KW) ,Reactive (KVAR), Apparent Power • (KVA). Power Factor (PF) & Harmonics too. • PF, other parameters for 3f 4W, 3f 3W, 1f 2W, 1f 3W. • Triple display : KW, V, A easy to read. • Reads V, A, KW, KVA, KVAR, PF, HZ, total 25 type • AC Current up to 1000A, AC Voltage up to 600V. • Dimensions of Conductor : 46.5mm
Do we give right volts to our mill now ? • In the mill having Transformer with OLTC, we can now reduce the voltage settings from 420 to 400 volts. • when mill having transformer without OLTC operated at 400 volt instead of 440 volt especially at night, • A standard motor operated at an average half the load • – its efficiency increases around 4 % • The same standard motor at average half the load • - its power factor improves around 10% • This is applicable to standard motors and the above change is not that much in Energy Efficient motors.
The table below Compares the behavior of 5 H.P motor at Higher than 400 voltscourtesy – Muskan Servo OEM study
Motor de-rates at higher ambient temperature. Why at all our Ring frame motors should lose efficiency up to 3 % due to hotter & starved ambient harsh surroundings ?
RING FRAME MOTOR IS A BULLOCK CART UNDER HOT SUN • greasing the motor bearing is not to protect the bearing only, it should catalyze the smooth working of motor • Existing motor is like a bullock cart climbing up the hill. Please make motor to drive like cart smooth down the hill. • Right Quality & Quantity Lubrication at Frequent intervals • Active & Forced Ventilation surrounding the motor • Motor shaft loses 10 rpm, spindle speed loses by 100 rpm. • The more motor heat, more losses & less Spindle speed.
Motors with different Efficiency working in industry now. Of the 5 Levels, Premium, Efficiency1, Efficiency2, Standard, Rewound motor,Where do your motor stand?
Motors – Loading Automatic • Our motors are always partly loaded say 50 % Low end option Automatic Delta to Star converter • High end option – Variable Speed Drives • The ideal thing to operate VSD in closed loop • This gives excellent saving with due protections taken care to avoid power quality disturbances.
Are we loading our motors efficiently ? Please focus on your motor’s Part Load Efficiency to achieve practical savings, when you BUY & OPERATE
Running ring frame motors in star mode • Running ring frame main motors on Automatic Star mode gives savings around 5 to 10 %. • Retrofit to utilize the star connection of the same motor • cost effective option to maximize the motor loading. • Now the conditions are that instead of 18000 rpm, only 12000 rpm run say & loading is around 30 to 40 % level • The mill sees the visible loss only in few tube lights watts loss etc in unwanted areas at daylight times. • The mill to look into more of internal losses in machine now • by measuring the power and assess its breakdown.
Thermal Imaging – Tool to Predictive Energy Management & Maintenance
MOTOR BURNOUT & HOW TO PREVENT? Focus on your Rewound motors now. • Motors strained due to overloaded condition, unbalance inputs, under voltage, over voltage, misalignment, poor ventilation, loose joints etc • Detected by, bearing tester Infrared Gun, power clamp on meter and 3 phase 4 wire meter etc • Electronic Overload relays act better & fool-proof compared to Thermal Overload relays to prevent burnout at shock, quick Overloads, current unbalance, single phasing etc hazards.
Thermal Imaging is a tool to find hot spots, a symptom of energy loss in the industry.----------------------------------------------Please gift a Nail cutter & a Lens to the staff. Cleaned hands without nails & dirt And lens viewinghelps the man to avoid infections from hand to mouth.---------------------------------------------------------------------- அகத்தின்அழகுமுகத்தில்தெரியும் எப்பொழுதும் ஆனால்இப்பொழுது நகத்திலும்தெரிகிறதே
Motor gets hotter without cooling fan & poor ventilation.Raw Cogged Edged Belt reduces transmission loss from motor to load by 3 to 5 % compared to Vee Belt.
Power Factor Correction on your 50HP Motor and this is how your capacitor is checked not only by its input current but by its output to increase PF & decrease KVA at load. Check your Capacitors.
Transformers, which work on of electro-magnetic induction, consume reactive power for their own needs even when its secondary is not connected to any load. • To improve power factor, it is required to connect a fixed capacitor bank at LT side of transformer • kVA of Transformer - kvar Required for compensation • Upto 315 kVA Up to 5% of kVA rating • 315 – 1000 kVA Up to 6% of kVA rating • Above 1000 kVA Up to 8% of kVA rating Capacitor KVAR rating for Transformers
Current Based Power Quality Problems • Reactive Power Compensation • Voltage Regulation • Current Harmonics Compensation • Load Unbalancing (for 3-phase systems) • Neutral Current Compensation (for 3-ph 4-wire systems)
Inverters and what effect on Power Quality at Incoming & at motor end ?
How can Harmonics be Reduced? • PROPER GROUNDING -Neutral to ground conductor connect at one location; at main panel or transformer secondary • When neutral is connected to ground at multiple locations, interference can occur with sensitive electronic devices. • Run power and control conductors in separate raceways • Sensitive loads not to share neutral & ground conductors. • Avoid using conduit as the ground return path, run dedicated ground wire with circuit conductors • Refer to IEEE Std 1100-1992 (Emerald Book)
Please Be Aware that your Compressor produces Milk too! • If the Compressor is not healthy and overloaded and poorly maintained, • Compressed air is polluted and Compressed air header gets choked & pressure drops • This will affect the Machine Health of the User machine and machine breaks down due to faulty pneumatics.
CA system Air intake –Rupee wise, Paisa Foolish • Compr. Air intake Temp. 3*C raise, Power Up 1 % • 100 scfm @ 7 bar Annual Comp Air use Rs. 6 Lacs • Daily clean Pre Air Filter before Air intake Filter • 160 Scfm Compr. @ 7 bar at 45*C air outlet pumps 1 Litre more water in air per hour than at 35 * C
Hot air Receiver is a symptom of poor compressor health; Let us cool the air before dryer to improve energy savings in CA system & compressed air health
DG Set building should be well cross ventilated DG set surrounding temperature must not exceed 5 * C above the ambient temperature. And this makes Engine Healthy and Early choking of air intake filter leads to Low power, Black smoke, Turbo-charger failure
Why Less Units per Liter in DG set now? • Ageing • Inadequate maintenance • Inadequate operation practices. • Low capacity utilisation • Fluctuating load • De-rating effect • Exhaust temperature limit the loading & KVA • Lagging of exhaust pipe is required.
Increase in air intake temperature from 25°C to 40°C, the air fuel ratio decreases by about 5% resulting in increase in fuel consumption in range of 0.5 to 2% , depends on engine design.
Automation – a Tool to improve productivity with less power consumption • Achieve more & accurate output with less input. • Reduction of Peak Loads • Environment Protection. • Improve Safety and Health. • Reduce Maintenance. • Minimize Energy consumption • Easy diagnosis of fault • Reduction in Resources • (Chemicals ,water , energy etc.)
Energy Saving is in your Hands. Now we are in Hare &Tortoise race. We must not be like Hare to do ECON once and relax for ever. We have to be like a Tortoise to do ECON steadily at all times, and by all our people • சக்தியை சிக்கனம் பண்ணஊழியம் தேடத்தேடஊதியம் தானே கிடைக்கும். • நன்மையையும் தீமையும் பிறர் தர வாரா.
ENERGY CONSERVATION IS IN YOUR HANDS • There are two kinds of employees in your industry. • Some believe they can make things happen, • and others believe that things happen to them. • The first group believes that the outcome of Energy conservation works is more or less in their own hands • The other group takes wait and watch approach: - • They sit around & wait for bus to take them somewhere slowly. • Now please Decide where & how fast you can save ourenergy
Humidification effect on mill • Less water, more air yields more humidity to mill • Nozzles to operate at rated Pressure and Flow • Hour meter on water pump,water meter online. • High Efficiency Aerofoil designed Aluminum Pressure die cast alloy fan Exhaust fan to suit to air changes • Nozzles not to jetting / pissing /oozing but Fogging but spray dwell time of water in air must be more for mill. • Ring main type water distribution to the nozzles in water circuit, instead of the present Radial system
Pumping system – savingsparameters existing’ new pump • Motor rating hp 7.5 5 • Suction pipe mm 65 75 • Delivery pipe mm 50 75 • Piping material GI White PVC • Foot valve local ISI • Discharge LPS 3.68 5.03 • Input power KW 6.18 4.35 • Increase in discharge -- 36 % • Input power reduction 30 % -- • Saving in Energy -- 48 %
Energy Audit shows where we stand • What to do, • where to start, • at what cost and • for what benefits • First step is start with Preliminary Audit with existing Datas. • Second step is Detailed Audit & Generate more Parameters. • Indicative saving potential to achieve • Good House-keeping yields 5 - 10% • Minor Investment gives 10 - 15% • Reasonable Investment pays back 20 - 25%
Lighting – Lumens per watt Are we sure we get max lumens at the place of work? If not, productivity loses by 6 %
Tube light– variation in Light output & Power output • Particulars at 10% low-360 volt - at10% high – 450 V • Light output Decreases by 9 % - Increases by 8 % • Power input Decreases by 15 % - Increases by 8 % • Take the case of your transformer without OLTC • Low & High voltages are 400 to 450 volts in day & night • Lighting wants safe regulated working 360 volts only • Priority is towards Energy Savings in Lighting • More priority is in Safety in lighting voltages • Tube light life increases and inventory comes down • Not only for tube lights but also for ballasts also.
In Electrical Loads, Motors are Heavy loads and Lighting is Soft load. So Lighting needs Regulated & Reduced Steady voltages so as to achieve savings &we can avoid this Waste Too.
Safe working practices leads to Energy savings automatically. • Thinking & Acting on Conservation Measures catalyzes our social responsibility,caring for others and sacrificing our selfish comforts. • When we are safe and healthy, conservation prevails. If safety fails, conservation fails and Pollution starts. • The Good Things & Bad Things happen to us because of us Only and others can only Catalyze. • So Cultivate good House Keeping Habits to visualize & reduce Internal Invisible Losses than showing to others that we reduced the visible losses externally.
Where we follow Safe & Best operating practices in the machines and in process, along with sustainable environment, then automatically the Energy Savings achieved & the mill operating profit margins improves. சுற்றுப்புற சுக ஆதாரத்துக்கு நாம பாடு பட்டாலே நம்ம மில்லோட பொருளாதாரம் தானாகவே மேம்படும்.
Removal of Barriers • Technical barrier to start with:- • First stage to measure the Macro SPC of the industry • II stage to measure in the micro SPC of equipments • Measure First & then to Minimize Energy consumption. • We need both the Macro & Micro SPC as a tool to show the mill is healthy and to catalyze the mill to go how fast & quick in for Energy Efficient retrofits / changes in equipments
FIVE COST REDUCTION MEASURES OF ENERGY CONSERVATION • Identify inefficient energy use • Upgrade machinery & process in context of energy efficiency • Improve maintenance practice • Promote employee awareness and • Conservation in domestic consumption.
Love to Conserve Energy to become EfficientDo not conserve out of fear, or force or for publicity. Please Cultivate a Passion to ECON. • அறன் செயவிரும்பு ! - திறன் பெற விரும்பு ! ! • எல்லாருக்கும் தேவையான சக்தியை • நாம மிச்சப்படுத்தறதுஒரு வகையிலே • நாமும் அறம் செய்த மாதிரியே! • விரும்பி நாம அறம் செய்யணும்! • பயம்கொண்டோ, புண்ணியம் தேடவோ, • விளம்பரத்துகாகவோஅறம் செய்ய வேண்டாம்
CONSERVE ENERGY & SERVE NATION • www.energymanagertraining.com • Please go through the Govt. Website • and you will find mine & more articles on Industry • Thank YouS.ASHOK / COIMBATORE PCRA FACULTY, BEE certified Energy Auditor cell : - 9 4 4 3 7 - 2 0 2 2 0 ID :- ashok.anbesivam@gmail.com Pl visit my site www.energymeasuretosave.com
SHARE KNOWLEDGE TO SAVE OUR ENERGY Let us link to collectively Act & Consistently Educate ourselves for the benefit of sustainable environment. THANK YOU