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Web 2.0

Web 2.0. Do you Web 2.0?. The following slides will show you different Web 2.0 websites and tools. To check out the websites, you can either click on the link at the bottom of the slide or click on the icon in the title. A is for. http://animoto.com/. B is for. http://blabberize.com/.

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Web 2.0

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Web 2.0

  2. Do you Web 2.0? • The following slides will show you different Web 2.0 websites and tools. • To check out the websites, you can either click on the link at the bottom of the slide or click on the icon in the title.

  3. A is for http://animoto.com/

  4. B is for http://blabberize.com/

  5. C is for http://www.mainada.net/comicssketch

  6. D is for http://del.icio.us/

  7. E is for http://www.evernote.com/

  8. F is for http://www.freesound.org/tagsView.php

  9. G is for http://www.google.com/intl/en/options/

  10. H is for http://www.hotchalk.com/mydesk/

  11. I is for http://www.apple.com/itunes/store/

  12. J is for http://jott.com/default.aspx

  13. K is for http://www.kerpoof.com/

  14. L is for http://www.conversationsnetwork.org/levelator

  15. M is for http://www.mogulus.com/

  16. N is for http://www.ning.com/

  17. O is for http://www.ourstory.com/

  18. P is for http://pbwiki.com/education.wiki

  19. Q is for http://quizlet.com/

  20. R is for http://rssfwd.com/

  21. S is for http://www.skype.com/

  22. T is for http://twitter.com/

  23. U is for http://www.ustream.tv/

  24. V is for http://voicethread.com/#home

  25. W is for http://www.wetpaint.com/

  26. X is for http://www.xoost.com/

  27. Y is for http://www.yelp.com/

  28. Z is for http://www.zamzar.com/

  29. Created for DEN National Institute 2008 Discovery Headquarters Silver Spring, MD Genny Kahlweiss Carol Anne McGuire Julie MIldrew Linda Rush Suzanne Wesp Cheryl Zuckerman

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