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How to safely dispose of face masks and gloves?

Some of us are knowingly or unknowingly disposing of masks and gloves very incorrectly, which, according to experts, increases the rate of PPE (Personal protective equipment) waste. Germs are spreading vigorously because of improper disposal of infected masks and gloves. To know more, visit our site: https://sanitizekart.com/<br>

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How to safely dispose of face masks and gloves?

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  1. Stop Littering UsedFace Masks &Gloves GUIDELINESON THEDISPOSAL

  2. Face masks are usually used during medicalprocedures, medical treatments, chemical cleanups, or for generalinfection control. Most face masks are disposable and are for one time usepurposes.

  3. But did youknow? Some of us are knowingly or unknowingly disposingof masks and gloves very incorrectly, which, according to experts, increases the rate of PPE (Personal protective equipment)waste. Disposing of used masks or gloves incorrectly could risk spreading the infectionthey’re designed to protectagainst.

  4. Ways to disposeof the face masks properly: Remove mask from face, be gentle so as to not disturb liquid andsolid contaminants on themask Place mask in a plastic bag – likea grocery shopping bag or a ziplock bag Secure bagtightly Place plastic bag into thegarbage can or waste disposalunit Wash hands immediatelyafter disposing of yourmask Never put on a new face mask until you have properlywashed yourhands

  5. Ways to dispose of theglovesproperly: Again, peel downwards,away from the wrist, turningthe glove insideout. Continue to pull theglove down and over the inside-out glove being held in your gloved hand. This will ensure that bothgloves are inside out, one glove enveloped inside the other, with no contaminant on thebare hands. Pinch and hold the outside ofthe glove near the wristarea. Peel downwards, away from the wrist, turning the glove insideout. Pull the glove away until it is removed from the hand and hold the inside-out glove withthe glovedhand. With your ungloved hand, slide your finger/s under the wrist ofthe remaining glove, taking care not to touch the outside of theglove.

  6. SanitizeKart is an ultimate online platform forall your sanitization needs. We help to provide all your required sanitization and protection equipment, like masks, gloves, sanitizers, dispensers, and many more from the comfort of yourhome.

  7. ContactUs: Office-1: E 48, Industrial Area, Phase 8, Mohali,Punjab-160059 Office-2: Plot No 151, First Floor Ind Area Phase 1,Panchkula-1341137 Call us: 888963031,9780461452 Email Id:sales@sanitizekart.com Website:www.sanitizekart.com

  8. Thankyou!

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