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Dynamically adapting parasite virulence to combat coevolutionary disengagement

Dynamically adapting parasite virulence to combat coevolutionary disengagement. Synopsis. Disengagement in coevolutionary systems Review Reduced Virulence (RV) Analysis of RV in Counting Ones domain Present Dynamic Virulence (DV), a novel method for adapting Virulence online

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Dynamically adapting parasite virulence to combat coevolutionary disengagement

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  1. Dynamically adapting parasite virulence to combat coevolutionary disengagement John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  2. Synopsis • Disengagement in coevolutionary systems • Review Reduced Virulence (RV) • Analysis of RV in Counting Ones domain • Present Dynamic Virulence (DV), a novel method for adapting Virulence online • Summary/Conclusions John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  3. Disengagement • Competitive Coevolutionary Systems • Relative fitness assessment through self-play • Fitness varies as opponents vary in ability • Relativity leads to Disengagement • Occurs when one population gets the “upper hand” • Can’t discriminate individuals  no selection pressure • Occurs when competitors are badly matched • Suits of armour and nuclear weapons • There must be no outright winner John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  4. Reduced Virulence (RV) • Cartlidge, J. & Bullock, S. (2002, 2004) • Reward competitors that sometimes lose RV Fitness Transform f(x,v) = 2x ∕ v – x2∕ v2 virulence: 0.5 ≤ v ≤ 1.0 relative score: x John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  5. RV: An illustrative Example • Selection only. No mutation. Linear fitness ranking • Population B has an innovation (20) not found in A • Trade-off between engagement and innovation loss V = 1 (standard) V = 0.75 V = 0.5 Selection drives pop B to 20 causing disengagement Pop B drops genotype 20 and remains engaged at 19 Lots of innovation loss as populations move to 12 John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  6. Symmetry • Mutation introduces genetic novelty • Symmetric system with unbiased mutation profile • Populations have equal chance of +/– mutation • Neither population has an advantage John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  7. Asymmetry • Here population B has a favourable mutation bias • A finds it harder to discover +ve/beneficial genetic innovations • Disengagement is exacerbated by asymmetry • In genetic representations, genotype-phenotype mappings, genetic operators, interaction rules, location in genotype space, etc. John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  8. Couting Ones • Watson & Pollack, GECCO 2001 • Two populations of binary strings • Goal: evolve as many 1s as possible • Asymmetrical bias controlled by varying mutation bias of one population (parasites) • When is it best to reduce virulence? John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  9. Parasite Bias / Asymmetry 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.6 Maximums Engagement Parasite virulence ‘Sweet-Spot’ Host virulence Virulence ‘Sweet-Spot’ • Low bias requires high virulence for both populations • As bias increases, want progressively lower parasite V John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  10. Choosing RV Value • Problem: • How do we know a priori what the asymmetry is likely to be? • Is asymmetry is likely to remain fixed? • Solution: • Adapt virulence dynamically during runtime John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  11. Dynamic Virulence (DV) • Reinforcement learning approach: • Value(t+1)  Value(t) + LearningRate [Target(t) – Value(t)] • Each generation, t, update virulence, Vt • ∆Vt = ρ(1 − Xt ∕φ) (1) • Xt: Mean relative score of population at time t • φ: Target mean relative score of population • ρ: Acceleration (rate of change of virulence) • Μt = μΜt-1 + (1−μ)∆Vt (2) • μ: Momentum, Μ0 = V0 • if μ = 0, then t, Μt = ∆Vt no momentum • if μ = 1, then t, Μt = V0 fixed virulence • Vt+1 = Vt+Μt (3) • 0 ≤ φ, ρ, μ ≤ 1 John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  12. 15 runs. Mean value of parameter in population each generation. Bias varying during each evaluation Evolving φ, ρ, μ 30 runs. Mean value of parameter in population each generation. Bias fixed for each evaluation John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  13. 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Parasite Bias / Asymmetry DV Performance • Performance of DV in the Counting Ones domain • DV Parameters: φ = 0.56; ρ = 0.0125; μ = 0.3 • 180/180 successful runs. 31/135,000 disengaged generations • Compare with maximum virulence • 79/180 successful runs. 68,900 disengaged generations Dynamic Virulence Fixed Virulence Fixed Virulence Successful runs using fixed virulence (total 180 runs) 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Parasite Bias / Asymmetry John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  14. DV in Action John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  15. Lessons for epidemiology? • Can we use DV for modelling virulence in natural systems? • Can we translate ideas of RV to the natural world for control of infectious diseases? • Rather than attack parasites and encourage an arms-race, creating ‘super-bugs’, can we take a reduced virulence approach? • E.g.: ‘Scientists create GM mosquitoes to fight malaria and save thousands of lives’ (Guardian 2005) • ‘Plan to breed and sterilize millions of male insects’ • Project ‘almost ready for testing in wild’ John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  16. Summary / Conclusions • Disengagement is problematic and is exacerbated by asymmetry • Reducing virulence helps to promote engagement • As asymmetry increases, virulence should fall • Its hard to know a priori what virulence level to set • DV is able to adapt virulence during evolution to find the best value • DV has been shown to vastly outperform fixed virulence (and standard virulence) in the Counting Ones domain John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

  17. Further Reading • Cartlidge & Bullock (2002) CEC, p.1420, IEEE Press • Cartlidge & Bullock (2003) ECAL, p.299, Springer Verlag • Cartlidge & Bullock (2004) Evolutionary Comp., 12, p.193 • Cartlidge (2004) PhD Thesis, University of Leeds Dr John Cartlidge, Research Associate University of Central Lancashire jpcartlidge@uclan.ac.uk John Cartlidge: ALife XI, Winchester, UK

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