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Index-Velocity Rating Development. Streamflow Record Computation using ADVMs and Index Velocity Methods Office of Surface Water. Goals for This Presentation. Provide an overview of the next steps in rating development: Make Q measurements over range of conditions
Index-Velocity Rating Development Streamflow Record Computation using ADVMs and Index Velocity Methods Office of Surface Water
Goals for This Presentation • Provide an overview of the next steps in rating development: • Make Q measurements over range of conditions • Develop a rating “workbook” • Organize Q measurement data • Synchronize stage and velocity data with Q measurements • Plot data • Review plots before proceeding with rating analysis
How Many Q Measurements? • Rule of thumb: • Need minimum 10 measurements per explanatory variable used in the regression • Example: In a simple relation between Vi and Vmean, Vi is the only explanatory variable, so need a minimum of 10 measurements before developing a rating • But……measurements need to be over a range of hydrologic conditions!!
Measurement Considerations • Strive to collect measurements over the complete range of discharge • All ratings have uncertainties outside the range of discharge measurements
Proper Q Measurement Techniques • Follow guidelines in: • ADCP Measurements: T&M 3A-22 by Mueller and Wagner at: http://pubs.usgs.gov/tm/3a22/ • General Q Measurements: T&M 3A-8 by Turnipseedand Sauer at: http://pubs.usgs.gov/tm/tm3-a8/ • OSW Memoranda at: http://water.usgs.gov/osw/pubs/techmemos.html
Q Measurements • Do a good job in the field! • Your rating will reflect the quality of the collected data • A rating error can be related to field data collection procedures • Make the best discharge measurements possible Is this a good idea?
Steady vs. Unsteady Flow Review: • Steady flow – negligible change in stage, velocity, or discharge • Unsteady flow – continuous change in stage, velocity, or discharge
Unsteady Flow • Exposure time rule (minimum 12 minutes) applies to steady flow; not to unsteady flow! • For unsteady flow, if at all possible, collect reciprocal transects to average together to make a measurement • In highly unsteady flow, it may be necessary to use a single transect as a measurement • Subjective determination!
Unsteady Flow • One example is tidally-affected flow • Tidal cycle measurements: 7 to 13 hours • How would you group transects in this example?
Unsteady Flow • With very rapidly changing flows, compromises may need to be made – for example, running ADCP transects faster than recommended • This can result in reduced data quality • The record from such sites may be poor 2009 flood on the Red River at Grand Forks, ND
Data Collection For Rating Development OR….. • Record data to the ADVM internal recorder • Disables SDI-12 communication withdata logger • Can manually input regular sampling interval to data base
Reminder • Check and, if needed, sync clocks in DCP, ADCP, and ADVM • Within 1-2 seconds Correct Time: www.time.gov http://tf.nist.gov/
Step 3: Organize Data • One example as a starting point…
Compute Vmean • For every Q measurement, compute Vmean: Vmean = Q / Rated Area from Standard X-Section NOTVmean output in your ADCP software
Rating Workbook Template • We have developed a template • Let’s do a demo…..
Step 4: Synchronizing Data • Inaccurate synchronization of stage and velocity data with Q measurements can give you a headache when developing your rating!
Example • Measurement on 6/1/12 • Start: 12:10:15 • End: 12:25:26 • What is the time of the FIRST velocity/stage data point that should be used in the average? • What is the time of the LAST velocity/stage data point that should be used in the average?
Synchronizing 15-Minute Data • If have Vi and/or Stage data at intervals other than 1 minute (most commonly 15 minutes)…. • Interpolate to the mid-time of the Q measurement
Example • Measurement on 6/1/12 • Start: 12:10:15 • End: 12:25:26 • What is the measurement mid-time? • What is the approx. interpolated stage at the mid-time?
Rating Workbook Template • The provided template automatically synchronizes GH and Vi data to your measurements • You have to add GH and Vi data and enter averaging interval/measurement period
Rating Workbook Template • Document your analysis in the workbook!!! • Otherwise you will forget your logic, and others who check your work will be confused!
Data Synchronized With Q Measurements • Data synchronized • Now what?
Scatter Plots • In Excel, highlight x and y data and go to Insert-Scatter (under Charts) • Let’s do some scatter plots together in Excel….
Multi-cell Plots • Look for which cells or combination of cells have the best relation with Vmean • Also look for any abnormalities – some cells (or the range-averaged cell) should be excluded from the rating
Multi-cell Plots • The best relation with Vmean may be an average of multiple cells’ Vx • Experiment with and plot different explanatory variables!
Mean vertical velocity Stage vsVmean A relatively “flat” velocity profile --change in position of mean velocity with respect to the instrument is insignificant Note that for the flatter profile, measuring any place between positions A and B, the difference between measured and mean velocity could be negligible – whereas the difference is significant with the more curved profile A B
Outliers • If you see outliers in your plots, first check that all date and time synchronizations are correct! • Also check raw data files • Beams obstructed? • Changing cell end? • Affected by biofouling? • Don’t exclude a measurement unless you can document a reason it is erroneous
Rating Development • Ratings can be based on single or multiple parameters: • Velocity • Stage • Velocity (x,y) and stage • Uncommon: Velocity (x,y), stage, and Velocity (x,y)2
Rating Development • For bi-directional flow sites (i.e. tidal), the rating might need to be separated into positive andnegative flow directions (compound rating) • Velocity • Stage • Velocity and stage • Velocity (x,y), stage, and Velocity (x,y)2 • Wind? • Specific Conductance?
Rating Development • The rating should: • Be the best fit of the field data • Make hydraulic sense for the site • Be expressible as one or more mathematical equations
Rating Types • Simple Linear • 1 explanatory variable • Find best relation with Vmean • Compound • 2 or more simple linear regressions • Group data based on slope changes • Multiple Linear • 2 or more explanatory variables