Detailed Pitch By Sanjana Philip.
The Track Seesaw by Valerie Casey
The Meaning The meaning of the song I have chosen is about the ups and down of a relationship between a her and the boy she was with and it is represented by the title Seesaw. A couple who doesn’t were they stand with each other, they both like each other but don’t know how to tell each other and be open with each other. They want to be together but don’t know if it will work out and they keep pushing and pulling each other away.
The Genre – R&B R&B Conventions: • Combines elements of rhythm and blues, pop, soul, funk and hip hop • Very sexual and men wearing ;less clothing/ shirtless (expressing sexuality • Women expressing sexuality through makeup which is always dramatic and eye-catching they are portrayed as goddess like and are powerful women • Colours are soft and add to the tone of the song and colour are used to show emotion and normal lighting to show a sense of reality. • In fast R&B song which my songs has elements of and it includes bright colours which I want to do in my video (like puerples and blues • Actors are important part as they are trying to tell a story and they are usually narrative
Visual Cues • For visual the colour palette would be n integral part of the design and would mainly cool tones of purple and blues expressing an euphoric feeling as well as creating mystery among the audience
The Idea • I would go for a performative video and do a mix of colour and focus on the aesthetics of the video. But still have elements of narration • For the colours, I would go for purples and blue hues to project on the scene. • I would have just her in the video no other actors. • As the song is called Seesaw there would have to include an actual Seesaw in the video as its talking about the ups and downs of a relationship • I would have her and a boy sitting on the seesaw then she is left alone • I would have her dressed in a dress matching the colours of the video • Sitting alone in an empty room mimicking her feelings of being alone
The Cast Female Lead Male Lead. Mysterious male you never see his face so his looks would matter but I would look for someone with good hair like curly for example. For the female I would cast a brunette lead as she would fit the aesthetic of the video. Someone with cool style for the song there is no specific look
For our music video we are going to have two main actors involved in the shot originally was only going to be one female but I decided to make a narrative video To develop her star persona I would have her as someone one who can relate to an audience and can connect. I would also want her to be perceived as bubbly and fun We will represent our artist through social medias and thesong the choose to release How are you going to represent your artists.
Narrative For the narrative I want there to be elements of this broken love story but be a performance video focus on the visual of her and the room she's in and random objects. I still want the motif of the boy as I want there to be some hinting that she in this toxic love that isn’t sustainable.
The style Retro R&B. Lots of colourful lights purple and blues to match the artwork Visuals will be a key component of the video and its style as I am trying to create and aesthetic video Mine is a set in the current times but I want it to give retro vibe with camcorders to show of the relation ship she had versus what she has now
The structure 10 seconds in: The purple and blue lights have gone on and there shining on her face and you can see a silhouette on a boy walk away from her 20 second in: There is a wide of him and her on the seesaw and then he disappears leaving her there all by herself to be alone Opening shot: The lights are all of are off the there is a white spotlight of her on the floor by herself left alone