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Selenium is an open-source testing framework that supports cross-browser testing of web applications and ensures the product to be market-ready. It is the top automated testing software. If you want to drive yourself into the IT field learn selenium with complete practical sessions and hands-on projects. Selenium training can help business by reducing testing effort, cost-effectiveness, speed, platform compatibility, and much more. The selenium test suite comprises several tools such as WebDriver, Remote Control, IDE, and Grid where each has a distinct functionality. <br>Learn Java with selenium:<br>Learning Java for selenium will enhance your professional prospects. Software testers who learn selenium with java know the programming basics very well and can excel as an effective software tester. During the testing process, java knowledge helps the testers to relate and imagine the code structure, thus providing great value to the developers and system engineers. Learning java with selenium has increasingly easy to use that helps developers by demonstrating exact mistakes and arrangements. <br>Reasons to learn selenium course<br>Selenium that automates web browsers is an open-source tool. Its single interface helps you to write test scripts in programming languages like Java, Ruby, PHP, Python, Perl, and c#, among others.<br>1) Open special source/free tool: Selenium can use anybody for free, where it is an open-source tool. Using selenium WebDiver any organization can use selenium to test their website or web application and even independent programmers can learn and practice automation testing.<br>The other testing tools licensed tools, or their functionality is not as good as Selenium. IBMu2019s RFT, TestComplete, HPu2019s QTP, Ranorex are all proprietary (licensed) tools. Selenium is the clear winner Feature-wise when compared to the others, no second thoughts!<br>2) No Special OS/ Browser/ Hardware Demands: The benefit that you get with Selenium is that you donu2019t need a system with 16gb RAM or high HDD. For Selenium testing, the OS you use for home purpose is good enough.<br>You can test the website on any browser, be it Chrome or Firefox or Internet Explorer or Safari or even Opera for that matter of fact. Work with Selenium easily as it plugin USB drives to your system for transferring data.<br>3) Multiple programming language support: For any programmer to get into the Automation Testing domain, it is the single most important factor. Most tools in the market need you to be specialized in any one particular programming language like Java, VBScript, C#. You can choose to learn selenium in your specialization programming language like looking to learn selenium with python online courses. These are the common scripting languages required by various tools. There are many programming languages and you can choose which you are good at and it also depends on the type of organization you work. If you learn selenium, you may not face too many restrictions.<br>4) Availability of frameworks: <br>Frameworks are simpler to templates where you can make a slight modification to the code as per your requirement for different conditions. The various frameworks are:<br>u2022tData-driven testing<br>u2022tKeyword-driven testing<br>u2022tHybrid testing<br>u2022tModule driven testing and many more<br><br>5) Strong presence in the DevOps lifecycle: Selenium is an integral part of the DevOps lifecycle because most companies are now replacing agile or waterfall approaches with the DevOps approach. DevOps emphasizes on using open source tools, where only very few testing tools qualify as a DevOps tool.<br>Most of the software products developed nowadays are delivered on the cloud, web-based testing tools are the ones that are extensively used, this is where the selenium fits perfectly.<br>6) Easy integration with other tools: Selenium is an open source tool so it can easily be integrated. Where most of the tools used in DevOps are very useful and open source, these tools have a lot of takers. To achieve automation, these tools are integrated with selenium.<br>7) Parallel and distributed testing: On the same machine or remote machine, multiple selenium test cases can be executed in parallel. You can save time to run, execute the test by performing parallel and distributed testing.<br>8) No dependency on GUI Based systems: Without a GUI, Selenium tests can be executed. By integrating it with other tools the tests can be carried out on web servers and automation can be achieved by scheduling its execution by integrating it with other tools. The performance of your machines will drastically improve without GUI. <br>Selenium job roles:<br>Learning selenium will help you to drive into the different fields.<br>u2022tQuality engineer<br>u2022tAutomation test lead <br>u2022tQA engineer<br>u2022tSelenium automation analyst<br>u2022tSenior test engineer, among others<br> <br><br><br>Scope of selenium in automation testing:<br>Learning selenium will help you to drive into the automation testing industry. It is open-source software and those who are interested in selenium automation testing can learn in a better way to find their place in top organizations. Selenium automation testing has an inclusive scope that is developing to make and support Linux, Windows and OSX. Professionally, there are different selenium training offers to learn more clearly about selenium testing web driver scripts and its frameworks. The scope and future are with trained test automation engineers. Learning selenium helps to know more concepts and artificial intelligence as a part of programming tools and languages. Selenium is highly flexible and adds functionality to the framework and test scripts to customize test automation. Learning selenium provides you with the knowledge and hands-on experience that help to excel in your career. <br>Benefits of selenium tools:<br>The automation tools are relied upon by testing professionals most efficiently to test web applications. These automation tools help the professional to write test scripts using the particular programming language. To write test scripts, testers are required. The automation tools help the developer to integrate features to deliver a more vibrant and flawless user experience. <br>Wrapping it up:<br>As technologies continue to evolve, automation tools like selenium can encounter several challenges. Selenium offers a free open-source environment for agile testing and certainly helps testers by reducing the effort of manual testing. Around the globe, selenium is a popular testing tool used in enterprises. The demand for selenium professionals will increase, so if you want to advance a career in IT, selenium training could be the place to start.<br>