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Burnmark's PropTech Quadrant Q1 '19

Burnmark has analysed 150 PropTech startups to place them on a quadrant showcasing their unique skills and strengths. To subscribe, please write to info@burnmark.com.

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Burnmark's PropTech Quadrant Q1 '19

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  1. The PropTech Quadrant Q1 2019 Pioneering Transformative MARKET STRENGTH , GROWTH POTENTIAL Meteoric Embryonic PRODUCT INNOVATION, BRAND MOMENTUM

  2. Data Points Used Product Innovation and Brand Momentum (x-axis) Technology Innovation (Technology initiatives including blockchain, AI, data analytics, AR/VR etc. ) Products & Services Offered (Different types of offerings and their quality) Customer acquisition (User base, types of customers, acquisition trends, strategies) Accelerator program (Part of an accelerator, funding thereafter) Social Media Presence (Twitter followers, LinkedIn followers, Social media engagement) Mobile app performance (App deployment, app ratings) Awards & recognition Market Strength and Growth Potential (y-axis) Funding & Investors (Total funding, latest funding, quality of investors) Partnership quality (Business partners, technology partners, channel partners) Executive team & founders strength Employee strength & hiring plan (Number of employees, future hiring plans, open positions) Financials (Revenue, profits & financial performance) Geographical reach (Regions serviced, expansion plans)

  3. § Burnmarkhasalistof150+PropTechstartupsthatisregularly kepttrackofanddatameasuredeveryquarter SomeexamplesofPropTechs wecoverare..

  4. Top 10 PropTech startups to watch out for Figurehasamissionof leveragingblockchain,AI, andadvancedanalyticsto unlocknewaccesspoints forconsumercredit productsthatcantransform thefinanciallivesof customers ATLANThasadecentralized blockchainplatformto addresstwoofthemost pertinentproblemsinreal estatei.e.tokenized ownershipandglobalP2P rentals acasaisahousehold managementtoolandbill splittingpackagethathelps students,sharersandcouples. Itis backedtothetuneof $1.2million fromVCs and angelinvestors RefinerehasbuiltaPortfolio Intelligenceplatformfor occupiersandbrokersby leveragingbigdataand machinelearning.Theywere builtbyformertechnologists, brokers andcorporatereal estateexecutives Cloudvirgaofferscloud-based intelligentMortgagePlatform (iMP)designedtostreamline themortgageprocess.The platformisdigitizingthe mortgageindustryby leveragingdataandautomating workflows Avvirprovidesanend-to-end constructionmonitoring service.Byautomatingthe processesarounddata acquisition,visualization,and analysis,Avvirprovidesnear realtimeinsightsintothestate ofaprojectincludingprogress monitoringanddefect detection OnSiteIQ collects360-degree imageryandtransformsitinto interactivewalkthroughs, mappedtofloorplans. OnSiteIQ usestheirexpertisein constructionandtechnology to delivermorecontroltolarge- scaledevelopmentand constructionprojects HqO isatenantexperience platformthathelpslandlords createplacespeoplelove. Itprovidetransportation integration,smartbuilding, retailandcommerce.In september 2018,HqO raiseda $6.6Mroundofseedfunding from multiplecommercialreal estatepartners Upsuite isanonlineB2B marketplacethatmakesiteasy forteamstofindthebestco- workingspaces.Upsuite provides completeverifiedinventoryin localmarketssothatteamscan find,compare,share,andtour spaces Baskingisbringinganaffordable, simple,andintelligentbuilding automationsolutiontotheoffice buildingsofthedigitalage. Basking.io isanROI-driven occupancyanalyticsplatform for flexibleofficespaceproviders andcorporaterealestate managers

  5. PropTech insights Market movements ToreceivemonthlyinsightonPropTechStartups,their marketmovements,andnewplayersinthespace, pleasereachouttoinfo@burnmark.com tobecomea client. Funding rounds Announcements Product updates Patents filed New customers New market entry Founding team changes Awards Partnerships Trends and analysis Hiring plans Industry view

  6. The Fine Print • Burnmark defines Property Technology, or PropTech for short, as a collective term used to define startups offering technologically innovative products or new business models for the real estate industry. PropTech startups spectrum spreads across the entire lifecycle of a property, residential or commercial, and helps architects & builders, landlords & tenants and property sellers & buyers, during the planning, building, selling, renting and management stages. • For this PropTech Quadrant, Burnmark has primarily focused on new age technology startups who have a digital interface with the users through App, chatbots or AR/VR technologies. Some of the key sub-segments that we have covered in our research includes: property search, digital mortgage, App-based utility bills payments, App-based property management, ConstructionTech, Architect planning(AR/VR), data analytics, blockchain-based investments and smart cities (devices, IoT, sensors). • We did not include online property aggregator portals i.e. players like Zillow, Trulia, Redfin, Procure etc. We have also excluded shared economy technology-based platforms, which facilitate the access and use of real estate assets, such as land or buildings, including offices, shops, storage, housing etc., such as WeWork, AirBnB, WhyHotel etc. Methodology • Burnmark conducted an initial research to identify 150+ PropTech startups active across the UK, continental Europe, USA, Asia, Australia and Latin America. We did an initial comparative analysis of 80+ PropTech startups to shortlist the top 30 PropTech firms who have shown a strong performance across various parameters such as product innovation, market movements, funding rounds, geographic expansion and financial performance. • Detailed research was done on these top 30 PropTech startups by collecting data from primary sources such as the PropTech startup’s website, self-published blogs, annual reports, social media accounts, app store reviews, etc. Additional supporting data was collected from secondary sources such as crunchbase.com, craft.co, bankingtech.com, finextra.com, Financial Times, sifter.com, LinkedIn etc. We also took qualitative feedback from key stakeholders in the market.

  7. Disrupting market research, data by data. info@burnmark.com www.burnmark.com @burnmark_

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