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Ih Hnoi Nyei Zunh Doz Waac. Sunday/May 11,2014. Nqox Beu Goux Nye Gong-Bou Jauv Responsibility of Husband 4kitsohkmuv’lk,u. 1 Ti^mo^tai 5:8 = 1 Timothy 5:8.
Ih Hnoi Nyei Zunh Doz Waac Sunday/May 11,2014 Nqox Beu Goux Nye Gong-Bou Jauv Responsibility of Husband 4kitsohkmu\v’lk,u 1 Ti^mo^tai 5:8 = 1 Timothy 5:8
“Se gorngv haaix dauh maiv goux ganh nyei cien-ceqv, lengc jeiv goux ganh nyei hmuangv doic, wuov dauh se ngaengc zien doz aqv. Ninh zungv gauh waaic jiex maiv sienx Yesu nyei mienh.” “If any one does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his own family, he has disowned the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” (RSV)
Biux Mengh Waac IntroductionNaaiv yiemc Ging-Sou mbuox mbuo oix zuqc ziux goux mbuo nyei hmuangv doic. Se gorngv haaix dauh maiv ziux goux mbuo nyei hmuangv doic, wuov dauh se ngaengc zien leiz yaac gauh waaic jiex maiv sienx nyei mienh. This verse of scripture tells us, we have to provide for our family. If any one who does not provide for his family, he has disowned the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
14 Ninh hnangv zoux saeng-eix nyei nzangv nor, wuonc ninh nyei nyanc hopv yiem go nyei daaih. 15 Lungh maiv gaengh njang ninh jiez sin daaih mbenc nyanc hopv bun hmuangv doic, yaac paaiv gong bun ninh nyei m'sieqv bou. 14 She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. 15 She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls. (NIV)
16 Ninh samx mangc lingh deic yaac maaiz daaih. Ninh longc ganh nyei buoz zornc daaih nyei nyaanh zoux huingx zuangx a'ngunc biouv. 17 Ninh cuotv qaqv zoux gong jienh, yaac bun ninh nyei buoz henv. 16 She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. 17 She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. (NIV)
18 Ninh hiuv duqv ninh zoux daaih nyei huox maaih jaax-zinh, ninh lungh muonz buov dang zoux gong lauh nyei. 19 Ninh weic ganh baeng suix yaac weic ganh ndatv ndie. 18 She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night. 19 In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. (NIV)
20 Ninh cuotv fim nzie mienh jomc mienh, yaac sung buoz tengx dangx-donx mienh. 21 Duih sorng nyei ziangh hoc ninh maiv nzauh ninh nyei biauv zong mienh, weic zuqc ninh nyei ziangh biauv mienh maaih lui-siouv zuqv. 20 She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. 21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. (NIV)
22 Ninh zoux dimc coux nyei ndie, yaac longc la'maah ndie-muonc caux setv luoqc nyei ndie zoux ganh nyei lui-houx. 23 Ninh nyei nqox caux buonv-deic mienh gox zueiz zingh gaengh nyei ziangh hoc, zuangx mienh hiuv duqv ninh nyei nqox. 22 She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple. 23 Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. (NIV)
24 Ninh longc la'maah ndie-muonc zoux lui-houx maaic, yaac fungx la'sin maaic bun saeng-eix mienh. 25 Ninh maaih qaqv yaac duqv mienh taaih, ninh yaac jatv hoz nqaang nyei hnoi-nyieqc. 24 She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes. 25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. (NIV)
26 Ninh nyei nzuih gorngv cong-mengh waac. Ninh yaac longc suonc nyei hnyouv njaaux. 27 Ninh zaangv longx ninh nyei jaa-dingh, maiv qopv jienv buoz yiem. 26 She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. 27 She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. (NIV)
28 Ninh nyei fu'jueiv jiez daaih gorngv ninh maaih fuqv, ninh nyei nqox yaac ceng ninh gorngv, 29 "Maaih ziangh horngh nyei m'sieqv dorn camv nyei, mv baac meih gauh ziangh horngh jiex." 28 Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 29 "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." (NIV)
30 Mienh maaih yuoqc fei mv baac haih jaav nyei. Nzueic nyei jauv yaac haih jiex. Mv baac taaih ZIOUV nyei m'sieqv dorn puix duqv ceng. 31 Tov bun ninh duqv zingh nyeic ziux ninh nyei buoz zoux nyei gong, yaac bun ninh zoux nyei gong yiem wuov zingh gaengh duqv mienh ceng. 30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. 31 Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. (NIV)
Biux Mengh waac Introduction Ih hnoi mbuo oix hoqc taux kuv m’sieqv dorn nyei juoqc setv caux banh zeic nyei jauv hnangv haaix nor. Mbuo oix mangc gaax kuv m’sieqv dorn ziangh nyei maengc hnangv haaix nor. Today we are going to learn about the Characteristic of a virtuous woman. We are going to look at how the godly woman live out her life.
Kuv maa kuv auv nyei mienh ciev ziec ganh nyei maengc weic hmuangv doic, ninh zoux longx jiex nyei jauv bun ninh nyei hmuangv doic. Weic ninh zoux nyei kuv sic, bun Tin-Hungh caux ninh nyei hmuangv doic duqv mienh taaih ninh mbuo. The godly mother, and godly wife who sacrificed her life for her family. She gives the best for her family. By her deeds both God and her family received honor and respect by others.
Koux-gong = implication: Naaiv dauh maa fai naaiv dauh auv nyei juoqc setv caux banh zeic jauv maaih 31 nyungc. This mother or this wife had 31 characteristic and virtuous. 1. Ninh maiv zoux haaix nyungc waaic. Her morally is perfect. (v.10) 2. Ninh ziangh maaih jaax-zinh nyei maengc. She live out her life Invaluable (v.10)
3. Ninh nyei nqox kaux duqv zuqc ninh, yaac maiv ndortv buonv aqv. (ys. 11) Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. (vs. 11)
4. Ninh yietc seix zoux longx bun ninh nyei nqox. Ninh yietc liuz maiv zoux haaix nyungc hoic ninh nyei nqox (ys.12). She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. (vs.12).
5. Ninh ziangh zingx nyei zien nyei maengc. Inherently good and true (v.12) 6. Ninh ziangh longx jiex nyei maengc. Ingenious – Proficient (v.13) 7. Ninh maaih buoz-dauh zeix nyungc-nyungc ga’naaiv. She had thrifty – laborious (v.14) 8. Ninh yaac jienh zoux gong. Dutiful – considerate (v.15)
9. Ninh muangx yaac samx mangc zoux baengh fim nyei jauv. Versatile – judicious (v.16) 10. Ninh maiv kouv – yaac wangc-siangx nyei. Tireless –healthy (v.17) 11. Ninh nyei njien-youh – orn-lorqc jauv yietc liuz maiv nzengc. Joyful – efficient (v.18) 12. Ninh mangc yaac faix fim nyei zoux gong. Watchful – cautious (v.18)
13. Ninh maaih buoz-dauh zoux nyungc-nyungc gong. Thrifty – skillful (v.19) 14. Ninh nzie mienh jomc mienh yaac cuotv fim tengx dangx-donx nyei mienh. Charitable – benevolent (v.20) 15. Ninh yaac maiv njapv – maaih hnyouv kor-lienh mienh. Generous –merciful (v.20)
16. Juangv nyei ziangh hoc ninh yaac maiv zuqc nzauh – weic zuqc ninh lunh ziangx lui-siouv bun ninh nyei muangv doic zuqv. She fearless in the winter time – because all of them are clothed in scarlet. (v.21)
17. Ninh zoux dimc coux nyei ndie, yaac longc la'maah ndie-muonc caux setv luoqc nyei ndie zoux ganh nyei lui-houx. (ys. 22) She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple.(vs.22)
18. Ninh yaac duqv mienh taaih – haaix dauh yaac hiuv duqv ninh. Respected – popular (v.23) 19. Ninh longc la'maah ndie-muonc zoux lui-houx maaic, yaac fungx la'sin maaic bun saeng-eix mienh. Industrious – prosperous (v.24) 20. Mienh camv yaac haih bangc duqv zuqc ninh – zuangx mienh yaac taaih ninh. Dependable – honest (v.25)
21. Ninh yaac maaih lamh hnamv dorngx yaac bungx hnyouv duqv dongh ninh zoux nyei nyungc-nyungc gong. She is confident in her work – and hopeful (v.25) 22. Ninh yaac guaix – yaac haih samx duqv cuotv maanc sic. Wise – discreet (v.26) 23. Ninh nyei hnyouv yaac longx–yaac bieqc hnyouv nyungc-nyungc sic. She is Kind - and understanding (v.26)
24. Ninh zaangv longx ninh nyei jaa-dingh, yaac maiv qopv jienv buoz yiem. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. (v.27) 25. Ninh nyei buoz haaix zanc yaac zoux jienv gong yiem, maiv dingh liouh nyei. She is an energetic – ever active (v.27)
26. Ninh se benx kuv auv caux kuv maa. She is an ideal wife and mother (v.28) 27. Ninh nyei hmuangv doic ginx dauh yaac taaih ninh. Honored by her family (v. 27-28) 28. Ninh zoux nyei sic jiex ndaangc yietc zungv. She is an excels in virtue of all (v.28)
29. Ninh se benx taaih Tin-Hungh nyei m’sieqv dorn – yaac nyiemc ganh zoux faix nyei mienh. God-fearing – humble (v.30) 30. Yaac zic duqv zipv taaih nyei jauv – caux fungx benx dunh yunh nyei m’sieqv dorn. Deserving – successful (v.31) 31. Zuangx mienh yaac tongx nimc taaih ninh zoux nyei sic. Honored by the public (v.31).
Setv Mueiz Waac ConclusionIh hnoi nyei Ging-Sou mbuox mbuo taux zoux maa nyei mienh hnangv haaix nor ciev ziec ninh mbuo nyei maengc weic hmuangv doic, mbuo laanh laanh mienh horpc zuqc taaih mbuo nyei maa, yaac tongx nimc ninh. Today Scripture tells us, how mother sacrifices her life for her family. Because of this, we have to honor and respect our mother.
Ging-Sou gorngv, "Oix zuqc tongx nimc meih mbuo nyei diex maac." Naaiv se da'yietv diuh lingc maaih laengz nyei waac caux jienv. 3 Hnangv naaiv, "Weic bun meih mbuo duqv longx yaac ziangh duqv siouc nyuonh ndaauv yiem baamh gen." (E^fe^so 6:2-3) Bible said, "Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise—"that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” (Ephesians 6:2-3).
"Oix zuqc tongx nimc meih mbuo nyei diex maac, meih mbuo cingx daaih ziangh duqv siouc nyuonh ndaauv yiem ZIOUV, meih mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh, jiu bun meih mbuo nyei deic-bung.” (Cuotv I^yipv 20:12). "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” (Exodus 20:12)