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Particle Physics Theory. i n Austria. RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011. A.H. Hoang. University of Vienna. Outline. Locations Research Groups & Numbers Topical Physics Research O verview Conclusions. Particle Physics Theory. Locations and Number of FTE ’ s *. Vienna.
ParticlePhysicsTheory in Austria RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011 A.H. Hoang University of Vienna
Outline • Locations • Research Groups & Numbers • TopicalPhysics Research Overview • Conclusions
ParticlePhysicsTheory Locations and Number of FTE’s* Vienna Innsbruck Graz * diploma students not counted RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
ParticlePhysicsTheory Locations and Number of FTE’s (status 2011)* Vienna: 68 • University of Vienna • Vienna University of Technology • Institute for High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Science (HEPHY) • Institute for Atomic and Subatomic Physics (Atominstitut) Innsbruck: 1 • University of Innsbruck Graz: 26 • Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz * all but diploma students are counted RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Vienna: 68 Project Leaders and Research Areas • University of Vienna • Vienna University of Technology • Institute for High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Science (HEPHY) • Institute for Atomic and Subatomic Physics (Atominstitut) Faculty of Physics: 16 experimental groups (no particle physics) 3 theoretical groups Particle Physics Group: A. Hoang (P) H. Neufeld (assP) W. Grimus (assP) H. Hüffel (assP) B. Hiesmayr (PD) A. Bartl (emer) E. Ecker (ret) appointed 2010* Collider and Jet Physics Precision and perturbative QCD Low energy hadron dynamics (chiral perturbation theory) SUSY phenomenology (LHC and ILC) Neutrino physics Quantum entanglement Mathematical Physics Group:+ J. Yngvason (P) H. Grosse (assP) G. Lechner (PD) H. Steinacker (PD) Gravity Deformed quantum field theory Matrix models * from Max-Planck-Institute Munich + with particle physics activities RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Vienna: 68 Project Leaders and Research Areas • University of Vienna • Vienna University of Technology • Institute for High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Science (HEPHY) • Institute for Atomic and Subatomic Physics (Atominstitut) Faculty of Physics: 4 institutes (1 theoretical physics) 1 group “Fundamental Interactions” Particle Physics Group: A. Rebhan (P) H. Balasin (assP) D. Grumiller (juniorP) R. Rashakov (gP) J. Knapp (assP) A. Schmitt (assP) H. Skarke (PD) promoted 2008 QCD at extreme condition (thermal, high pressure) String theory Gravity and black holes Supersymmetry Non-commutative field theory RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Vienna: 68 Project Leaders and Research Areas • University of Vienna • Vienna University of Technology • Institute for High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Science (HEPHY) • Institute for Atomic and Subatomic Physics (Atominstitut) Emphasis of experimental particle physics, small theory group Particle Physics Group: SUSY phenomenology (LHC and ILC) Perturbative QCD, sum rulesRelativistic hadronic bound states H. Eberl (pStaff) W. Lucha (pStaff) RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Vienna: 68 Project Leaders and Research Areas • University of Vienna • Vienna University of Technology • Institute for High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Science (HEPHY) • Institute for Atomic and Subatomic Physics (Atominstitut) 1 formal institute of the VUT: Emphasis of experimental particle physics Larger nuclear physics theory group, small particle physics theory group Particle Physics Group:* M. Faber (pStaff) H. Leeb (pStaff) Theory of nuclear reactionsHadronic bound states * with substantial nuclear physics component RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Project Leaders and Research Areas Graz: 26 • Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Faculty of Natural Sciences: 9 Institutes (1 Physics Institute) 1 area Theoretical Physics (cond. matter + particle) Particle Physics Group: R. Alkofer (P) C. Gattringer (P) C.B. Lang (P) W. Plessas (P) W. Scheiger (P) B.J. Schäfer (PD) appointed 2005 * Lattice QCD Non-perturbative QCD Thermal QCD Perturbative QCD, Hadronic bound states appointed 2005 + * from University of Tübingen + from University of Regensburg RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Project Leaders and Research Areas Innsbruck: 1 • University of Innsbruck Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics: 7 Institutes 1 Theoretical Physics Institute Astro and Particle Physics Group: Hadronic bound states Proton spin and properties S. Bass (PD) RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Personnel in Numbers (FTE) (particle physics) (mathematical physics) RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Personnel in Numbers (FTE) (particle physics) (mathematical physics) 2009 • Uni Graz: substantial increase (+2 full Prof + FWF Graduate School “Hadrons in Vacuum, Nuclei and Stars” (2006)) • Uni Vienna (particle): (2 full Prof + 4 ass Prof)2004 (1 full Prof + 2 Uni Assistant [6 year positions])2011 • Vienna Tech. Uni.: (2 full Prof + 2 ass Prof)2004 (1 full Prof + 1 ass Prof)2011 • Overall decline in permanent positions. • Development towards fewer professor ships and more PD-type positions. CERN crisis ? 2004 2011 2018 RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Research in (some) Numbers (status 2011, as of today) Current FWF/EU funded single projects: 14 Current FWF/EU funded networks: 6 Current FWF funded graduate schools: 1 International collaborations: > O(100) Regular International Meetings: Schladming Winter School for Theoretical Physics (Graz) Central European Seminar (former Triangle Meeting) (Uni Vienna) Oberwölz Workshop in Strong Interactions (Graz) RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Research in (some) Numbers (status 2011, as of today) Graz (3): DFG SFB TR55 + EU FP7 +STRONGnet Current FWF/EU funded single projects: VTU (2): ESF RNP + FWF I192 (Vienna-ITEP Moscow) 14 UV+HEPHY (1): FWF I297 (Vienna-Würzburg) Current FWF/EU funded networks: 6 Current FWF funded graduate schools: 1 FWF Graduate School “Hadrons in Vacuum, Nuclei and Stars” (Graz,2006, max 12 years) FWF Graduate School “Particles and Interactions” (Vienna,2006) future [Invited to submit main application (9.3.2011)] International collaborations: D-A-CH Cooperation (FWF+DFG+SNF): joint application at one single funding agency. > O(100) Recently: higher success rate for single project applications at the FWF. Regular International Meetings: Schladming Winter School for Theoretical Physics (Graz) Central European Seminar (former Triangle Meeting) (Uni Vienna) Oberwölz Workshop in Strong Interactions (Graz) Development toward situation with: Personal View: • fewer permanent positions (younger Profs) • very good oportunities • more 3rd party funded positions • many 3rd party funded students • more international competition • improved outreach (FAKT) (Fachausschuss für Kern- und Teilchenphysik) 2018 2004 2011 RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Research Directions in Theory QCD: 70% of all project leaders, at all Austrian institutions • Theory of nucleon interactions • Hadronic bound states • Lattice gauge theory • Thermal QCD (extreme conditions) • Chiral perturbation theory • Collider and Jet Physics • Structure functions • Perturbative & precision QCD • Monte-Carlo Tuning • AdS/CFT correspondence Lattice & low-energy QCD Autria: Center for QCD High-energy, perturbative QCD QCD at finite T and pressure Collider QCD & flavor physics Effective theories for QCD New ways to solve QCD BSM physics: 20% of all project leaders, at Uni Vienna, TU Vienna • SUSY phenomenology • Grand Unified Theories • Neutrino Physics QFT, Gravity & String Theory: 30% of all project leaders, at Uni Vienna, TU Vienna, • String theory, matrix models • Non-commutative QFT • Gravity & quantum gravity Quantum Entanglement: 4% of all project leaders, at Uni Vienna • Decoherence • Quantum erasor RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
LatticeGauge Theory Prelovsek, Draper, Lang, Limmer, Liu, Mathur, Mohler 2010 Spectrum results for π-π states compatible with existence of Tetraquark states (qqqq). attractive repulsive RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Dyson Schwinger Equation Blank, Krassnigg 2010 Relation between Green functions from equation of motion. Require approximations and interaction models for solutions. Chiral phase transition interaction dependent. RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Relativistic Quark Models (Baryons) Plessas, Melde 2010 Baryon spectrum and form factors predictable. Electric and magnetic form factors spectrum RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Chiral Perturbation Theory Effective theory for low energy dynamics of the lightest mesons (Goldstone bosons of chiral symmetry breaking). Chiral extrapolation to physical meson masses for lattice results for low-energy constants. Ecker, Masjuan, Neufeld 2010 Electromagnetic effects and Vus determination from Kl3 decays. Cirigliano, Giannotti, Neufeld 2008 RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
QCD Sum Rules for D, DsDecay Constants Lucha etal. 2009 - 2011 Use perturbative QCD, causality and quark-hadron duality to constrain non-perturbative parameters. Agreement with lattice and experiment for improved sum rule algorithm. Ds D fD = (206.2 ± 7.3OPE ± 5.1syst) MeV fDs = (245.3 ± 15.7OPE ± 4.5syst) MeV RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Multi-Loop Calculations Hoang, Stahlhofen 2011 Top threshold production at a future ILC. O(104) Feynman diagrams for NNLL order anomalous dimension of quark production current. Stabilization of NNLL prediction. RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
QCD Factorization in Soft-Collinear-EffectiveTheory Abbate, Fickinger, Hoang, Mateu, Stewart 2011 Predictions of thrust distribution at NNNLL order. RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Top Quark MassReconstruction Fleming, Hoang, Mantri, Stewart 2008 SCET factorization allows for theoretical computation of invariant mass distribution accounting for non-perturbative effects. (e+e-) ATLAS RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Quark Gluon Plasma Rebhan, Romatschke, Strickland, Attems 2005, 2008 Proper interpretation of observed thermalization properties in relativistic heavy ion collisions need to account for non-Abelian plasma instabilities. Effective theory for non-Abelian plasma instabilities and numerical simulations. RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
SUSY Phenomenology Bartl, Majoretto, Eberl etal. 2009, 2010 Impact of flavor structure of SUSY extensions of the SM on SUSY searches at the LHC. Squark mixing effects have strong impact of observed distributions in decay chains. RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Neutrino Physics Grimus, Lavoura 2009 Scales of Dirac and Majorana mass terms in Sea-Saw mechanism model-dependent. Can be realized in multi-Higgs doublet model. No visible effect at Hadron colliders. Enhanced charged Higgs production in electron-electron collisions. RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Black Hole Physics Grumiller, Johansson 2008 Mathematical properties of black holes relevant for many applications outside gravity due to dualities. (Mathematical equivalences to other problems). RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Quantum Entanglement & Decoherence Bertelmann, Grimus, Hiesmayr EPR quantum entanglement basis of measurement of time-dependent CP-violation. Possible intrinsic quantum mechanical (particle dependent) decoherence potentially measureable experimentally. High experimental sensitivity could distinguish decoherence models. RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011
Conclusions • Austrian particletheoryvery strong in QCD. • Weak in BSM physics(flavor+collider) and astro-particlephysics. • Verylocalizedcentersforphysics. • Verygoodstudents. • International connectionsexcellent. • On theway: modern andcompetitivestructures. • Outreachtogeneralpublic must bepartofscientificlife. • Personal view: Austria/Vienna = landofshortways. • Personal view: Opportunitiestocreate strong andvisiblegroups. Thanksyou. RECFA Meeting, Vienna, March 11, 2011