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Evangelizers in the midst of youth Document of reference for Marist Youth Ministry (MYM). Plan for study and application of the document : 2011 – 2013 . Institute of the Marist Brothers Secretariat of Mission International MYM Commission .
Evangelizers in the midst of youthDocument of reference for Marist YouthMinistry (MYM)
Plan for study and application of the document: 2011 – 2013 Institute of the Marist Brothers Secretariat of Mission International MYM Commission
« I cannotsee a childwithoutwanting to teachhim the catechism and to makehimunderstand how muchJesus has lovedhim. »(Champagnat)
We are close to young people in theiractual life-situations, taking the risk of goingintowhatmaybeunexplored areas wherethose in material and spiritual povertyawait the revelation of Christ. In dealingwithyoung people, we show a concernthatis humble, simple and forgetful of self. • Wemake Christ known to them as the Truthwho sets them free, as He who calls everyone by name. We help them to discovertheir vocation in the Church and in the world. Weremainready to respond to the Holy Spirit, who challenges us by the hard facts of the lives of young people, and who urges us on to courageous action. (C. 83)
« We are mindfulthatevangelizationis the work of the Holy Spirit, and thatwithout the Spirit’s action everythingremainsidle talk, gibberish. This document seeksnothing more than to be a modest instrument for benefiting the Institute. Our hopeisthatitwillcontribute to rekindlingflames of passion for the Gospel amongadults and young people themselves, called to take on a grace-filled leadership in evangelizingtheircompanions. » Br Emili Turú – Superior General
« We’re active, welike to share, help, contribute and bepresentwhenneeded; we’reanxious to produceresults, work on things, welike and be able to share the resultswiththosearound us. We long to achieveour goals in spite of adversity and to learnfromourmistakes, and we are usuallyready to do what’sneededratherthanwhatweourselveswouldlike. We’reready to welcomewhat’s new and try to make the world a better place. » (Testimony of a youth – Evangelizers in the midst of youth, p. 20-21)
International MYM Commission Br Ramon Rúbies – L’Hermitage; Br Luiz André da Silva Pereira – Brasil Centro Norte; Br RommellOcasiones – East Asia; Br João Carlos do Prado – Secretariat of Mission, co-ordinator; Br IfeanyiMbaegbu – Nigeria; Mrs Simone Boyd – Melbourne; Mr Carlos UlisesCentenoLópez – MéxicoOcidental
PRESENTATION Wepresent to all the Administrative Units (AUs.) of the Institute the proposal of a process for the study and the application of the document « Evangelizers in the midst of youth ». It has been developed by the International Marist YouthMinistry Commission (MYM) and isaddressed to the whole Marist Institute. The objective of the processis to help the AUs in coming to know and apply the document. This willbe a specialopportunity for the revision and reinforcement of the MYM projectswhich are already in operation in the AUswhereitispresent, and for its introduction in thosewhich do not yet have it. Those for whomthisprocessisdestinedare all the communities of Marist Brothers and the Lay Marists, especiallythosewho are in posts of responsibility in the works, as well as the personsdirectlyinvolved in evangelization.
PROVINCIAL YOUTH COMMISSION The success of the main projectsdependsalso on leaders engaged in heart and spirit. For thisreason, the International MYM Commission recommendsthateach Province/District organise a Provincial/District Commission to co-ordinate the plan for the study and application of the document. This Commission willalsoberesponsible for: • Adapting the process and the methodologyproposed by the International MYM Commission to the situation of the Province / District. • Developingstrategies and resourceswhichcontribute to a processwhichis vital and open to the participation of the Province / District. • Guaranteeing communication with the Secretariat of Mission, in Rome. • Guaranteeing the linking of the MYM plan with the service of animation of vocations of the Province /District. The Commission canbecomposed of brothers, laypersons, and youth leaders. It is important that the Province / District communicate the name of the personresponsible for co-ordination to Br João C. do Prado (jcprado@fms.it) before the end of November 2011.
Plan for the study and application of the document « Evangelizers in the midst of youth »
PROCESS The processisdividedinto four stages: • Communication and study of the document. • Revision and/or development of the proposal of the Administrative Unit. • Formation of leaders for MYM. • Implementation and evaluation of the AU’s MYM proposal The followingdiagramprovides information about the time scale as well as the methodologyproposed. Theseelements are given by way of guidelines sothat the AUscanadaptthem to their situation.
PROPOSAL FOR IMPLEMENTING THE DOCUMENT Methodology: Emmaus • “And beginningwith Moses and goingthrough all the Prophets,heexplained to them all the Scripturesconcerninghim ” • “But theireyeswerepreventedfromrecognizinghim” • “And theytoldhimeverythingthathadtaken place” • “Atthatveryhour, they set out and returned to Jerusalem” meetings • “Jesus in person came up and joinedthem on the road” October 2011 September 2012 January 2013 April 2013 • Communication and study of the document • Revisionanddevelopment of the proposal of the Administrative Unit • Formation of leaders andmultipliers • Implementation and evaluation of the proposal of the Administrative Unit Regional Responsible : Provincial MYM Commission
REGIONAL MEETINGS In addition to the four stages followedat the level of the AU, weoffer the possibility of holding « Regional MYM Meetings » in each continent. Theywillbespecialspaces for becomingfamiliarwith « Evangelizers in the midst of youth », sharing the steps in the study of the document and developingstrategies for implementingit. The Regional Meetings are spreadthrough the first part of the process and the beginning of the second, so as to fit in with the regionalcalendars and encourage the participation of all the AUs. One envisages the participation of 5-6 persons per AU., amongthem: someoneresponsible for the government and animation of the Province; the co-ordinators of MYM in the AU. or future co-ordinators; someyouth leaders. The regional meetings serve as an excellent space for the formation of MYM leaders with international hearts and spirits.
CALENDAR OF REGIONAL MEETINGS The Regional Meetings willtake place according to the followingcalendar: • Asia: 26 – 30/03/ 2012 – Philippines • Oceania: 16 – 20/04/ 2012 - Australia • America: 30/07 – 03/08/2012 – Campinas, Brasil • Africa: 27/08 – 01/09/2012 – Nairobi, Kenya • Europe : 24 – 28/09/2012 - L’Hermitage, France The information about each of the Regional Meetings and the guidelines for enrolmentwillbe sent at the appropriate times.
« Jesus in person came up and joinedthem on the road » (Lk, 24: 13-15).
METHODOLOGY OF THE PROCESS The methodologyproposed for carrying out the plan of study and implementation of the document « Evangelizers in the midst of youth » is the same as thatfound in Ch. 4 of the document, where the pedagogical and methodological options and the itinerary to follow for MYM are described. It is important that the MYM Commission at the provincial /District level envisage: • The organisation of study groups for the Province /District: communities of Brothers, provincial leaders, groups of Brothers and laypartners in the works, leaders of evangelization... • The plan of study and drawing up of proposalsat the Provincial and local levels (communities and works). • The accompaniment of the process.
METHODOLOGY OF THE PROCESS • Organisation of groups, structures, resources for support; communication between groups and, as far as possible, someexperience for living at the provincial / District level. • The formation of multipliers to accompany the processat provincial and local levels. The journey of the disciples to Emmausis a paradigm for the evangelization of young people. It is a journey of accompaniment, where the evangelizer and the one evangelizedpasstogetherthrough a dynamic cycle of dialogue and discovery.
STAGES OF THE PROCESS The processisdividedinto four stages in conformitywith the diagrampresentedabove. For each of these stages, the International MYM Commission indicates: objective, methodology, proposals of strategies, resources, those for whomitisdestined and the one responsible for co-ordinating the processat the provincial / District level. • The methodology, the strategies and the resourcespresented are a minimum for assuring the carrying out of the process. • The Provincial Commission shouldcompletewhatisproposed by the International Commission in order to guarantee a processthatis transformative and prophetic in accord with the local situation. Each of the stages of the processrelating to the study and implementation of the document canbefoundbelow.
Communication and study of the document • Objectives : • Organise the MYM Provincial/District Commission and its plan of work. • Formmultipliers to help in launching the process • Make the document knownat all levels of the AU. • Methodology : • « Jesus in person came up and joinedthem on the road » (Lk 24: 13-15). • Proposal of Strategies to the Provincial Commission : • The International MYM Commission proposes a Guide for the presentation and study of the document. • The AU. organises study groupes for sharing. • The study groups draw up a report withrecommendations to the Provincial MYM Commission. • Resourcesoffered by the International Commission : • - Guide for the presentation and study of the document (annex) • - Posters, post cards, armbands, web site of the Institute (www.champagnat.org) and of the AU, blog, facebook and twitter, page markers, pop-up, songs, videos … Destined for : Communities of Brothers, lay people, youthinvolved in pastoral activity. Responsible : Provincial Council and Provincial MYM Commission
Revision and development of the proposal of the Administrative Unit • Objectives : • Encourage revisionprocesses for the projects of evangelisation of youth in the AU. • In the light of the revision of the international document and the projects of evangelisation of youth, facilitate the evangelizing action of the youth in the AU. • Methodology : • « The disciples sawJesus but theywerepreventedfromrecognizinghim » (v 16-17). • « Theytoldhim about everythingthathadtaken place » (v. 18-24). Proposal of Strategies to the Provincial Commission : Definesomecriteria for revisingevangelizing action withyouth. Suggestions for the Provincial MYM Commission : Create instruments of consultation. From the results of the evaluation and the MYM document, draw up a provincial proposal and a strategic plan of implementation. One could count on the aid of work groups to help withthistask. • Resourcesoffered by the International Commission : • Letterwith guidelines for revising the evangelizing action in the AU. Available on the web site www.champagnat.org , MYM link, fromJanuary 2012. Destined for : Youth of the AU, Leaders, animators of youth of the AU. And Provincial Council. Responsible : Provincial MYM Commission
Formationofleadersandmultipliers • Objectives : • See to the formation of Brothers, laypersons and youth for working in the MYM. • Methodology : • « And beginningwith Moses and goingthrough all the Prophets, heexplained to them all the Scripturesconcerninghim » (v 25-27). • Proposal of Strategies to the Provincial Commission : • Find possible leaders and animatorswhere MYM does not existatpresent. • In the AUswhere the MYM isorganised, reinforce the formation of leaders. • Organise and/or revise the programmes of formation. • Assure the themes of MYM in the programmes of formation for Brothers and laity. • Study possible programmes of formation for MYM at the interprovincial level. • Resourcesoffered by the International Commission : • Propose guidelines for programmes of formation. Available on the web site www.champagnat.org, or on the MYM link, from March 2012. • Provide international assistance for the AUswhichneedit. Destined for : Youth of the AU, leaders, animators of youth of the AU. and Provincial Council. Responsible : Provincial MYM Commission
Implementation and evaluation of the Proposal of the Administrative Unit • Objectives : • Put into practice the accords and decisionsconcerning the proposals of evangelisation for youth in the AU. • Review the results of the implementation of the proposals of the AU. • Methodology : • « Atthatveryhour, they set out and returned to Jerusalem » (v. 33-35). • Proposal of Strategies to the Provincial Commission : • Locate the places which are interested in implementing the MYM. • Carry out a publicitycampaign for the MYM. • Adapt and reinforce the MYM in the AUswhereitexists. • Create and reinforce structures for assuring the follow- up of the process. • Resourcesoffered by the International Commission : • The sameresources for stage 1 maybeused for this stage. Destined for : Youth of the AU, leaders, animators of youth of the AU and Provincial Council. Responsible : Provincial MYM Commission
STRATEGIES AND AIDS The proposals of strategies and aidsoffered are intended to be a support for the process of the AUs. Werecommendalsothatstrategies and aidsbedevelopedat the local level, to reinforce the process and, if possible, beshared. The MYM link of the web page of the Institute (www.champagnat.org) willbe the space made available for the resourcesat the institutionallevel and for the sharing of the processcarried out by each AU. Music, hymns, images ... created for the MYM willbeverywelcome on the web page.
SUPPORT AND GUIDELINES The AdministrativeUnitswhichneedsupport and guidelinesfortheprocess can makecontactwith Br João C. do Prado, Director of theSecretariat of Mission, in Rome, by mail: jcprado@fms.it
THANKS Manythanks to all the Administrative Units for theirwelcome of the document “Evangelizers in the midst of youth” and the plan of study and implementation. Wewishyou all a good journey and a fruitful course of evangelisation of young people. May Mary, Marcellin and ourBrothers, laity and youthwho have gone before us inspire in all a new ardour for following and proclaimingJesus Christ and hisKingdom. International MYM Commission Secretariat of Mission Rome, August 2011.