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New Orleans Area YouthBuild Initiative. The Basics.
The Basics • In March 2008 four programs began YouthBuild operations with NEG funds through the Louisiana Department of Labor. Each program will operate 2 cycles of youth for a total enrollment of 300 youth. Cycle 1 March 2008-October 2008 and November 2008-June 2009. • YouthBuild Helping Hands, a program of Catholic Charities • Youthworks NOLA, a program of New Orleans Parish Juvenile Court • River Parish YouthBuild, a program of St. James Parish Government • Youth ReBuilding Louisiana, a program of the Hope Center
Our Cycle 1 Federal Collaborations to date: • US Dept. of Labor: NEG funds, WIA services through 4 One Stop Career Centers, coordination on placement,opportunity fairs, recruitment and visibility • US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development: Coordination on recruitment, housing units, potential employment • OJJDP (DOJ) Coordination around potential funding, recruitment, Coordinated case management, drug testing • US Department of Education: GED instruction, testing, facility partnership, literacy education, community college partnerships • Corporation for National and Community Service: Education awards available for 150 youth • US Dept. of Health and Human Services: TANF, Food Stamps and Childcare for eligible youth
Projected Federal collaborations in 2009 and beyond… • US Dept. of Labor: Continued employment and other placement options, assisting sites to use market data to plan for their future • US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development: Increased coordination in renovation of 3-5 Section 3 Housing communities in New Orleans • OJJDP: (DOJ) Increased staff training around youth justice issues and potential sustainability funding for programs • US Dept. of Education: Coordination with DOE and the Recovery School District to work toward Charter Schools for Youth ReBuilding LA and Youthworks NOLA • Corporation for National and Community Service: Continued presence of AmeriCorps members in New Orleans receiving education awards and providing service • US Dept. of Health and Human Service: Continued coordination of concrete services to assist these youth as they move toward self-sufficiency