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Christians, Muslims, & Jews in the Crusades

Christians, Muslims, & Jews in the Crusades. Warm Up.

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Christians, Muslims, & Jews in the Crusades

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  1. Christians,Muslims, & Jews in the Crusades

  2. Warm Up On a new page in your notebook complete the following task: pick Christianity, Islam, or Judaism and explain why you WOULD want this to be your religion if you lived during the times of the Crusades. This should be done using complete sentences, you have 5 minutes…

  3. Warm Up In your notebook, please write the questions on the next slide. Make sure you leave room for your answers. This will be checked for a grade but does not have to be turned in.

  4. Survey/Question/Read/Recite/Review • Survey– look at the pages 124 – 126 • Question– from what you see on these pages, write down any questions you have on your notebook… • Read • Recite • Review

  5. Think/Pair/Share THINK = By yourself, quietly COMPLETE all of the questions that go along with what we just read. PAIR = Quietly DISCUSS your answers with the person sitting next to you. SHARE your BEST answers with the class.

  6. Christians and the Crusades • What were some bad consequences of the Crusades for the European Christians? • How was Europe changed for the better because of the Crusades? • What did Christians learn from coming in contact with the cultures in the East?

  7. Muslims and the Crusades • Why did the Muslims learn less from the Christians than the Christians learned from the Muslims? • Why were the Crusades bad for the Muslims? • What changes did the Crusades bring to the Middle East?

  8. Jews and the Crusades • What happened to some Jews as crusaders traveled to the Middle East? • What happened to the Jewish place in society by the end of the Crusades? • How were Jews discriminated against?

  9. Terms and Definitions Anti-Semitism – prejudice against Jews

  10. You must pick one of the following Rolls: Christian Crusader, Wife of a Muslim Warrior, or the Youngest child of a Jewish Family and write about the Topic, using the correct Format and considering the Audience. Use the chart below to find the appropriate information for the roll you pick. This will be based on effort and completeness using the information we have learned in class.

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