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No one knows the exact dates covering Buddha’s life. Various modern scholars have suggested dates from 420 to 502 BCE. Other scholars have said 567 to 487 BCE. He was born a prince and given the name Siddhãrtha Gautama. Siddhãrtha means " one who has achieved his aim ."
No one knows the exact dates covering Buddha’s life. Various modern scholars have suggested dates from 420 to 502 BCE. Other scholars have said 567 to 487 BCE.
He was born a prince and given the name Siddhãrtha Gautama. Siddhãrtha means "one who has achieved his aim." Gautama was his clan name.
Sometimes Prince Siddhartha would go into the capital city of his father’s kingdom to see how the people lived. During these visits he came into contact with many old people and sick people, and on one occasion he saw a corpse. These encounters left a deep impression on his mind and led him to realize that all living beings without exception have to experience the sufferings of birth, sickness, aging and death.
He developed a sincere wish to free all of them from their suffering. Realizing that only a fully enlightened Buddha has the wisdom and the power to help all living beings in this way, he resolved to leave the palace and retire to the solitude of the forest where he would engage in profound meditation until he attained enlightenment.
He left his wife, child, luxurious lifestyle, and future role as a leader of his people in order to seek truth. It was an accepted practice at the time for some men to leave their family and lead the life of an ascetic.
He determined that a better path to achieve the state of Nirvana -- a state of liberation and freedom from suffering -- was to pursue a "Middle Way." This way was largely defined by moderation and meditation.
One night In 535 BCE, at the age of 35, he was seated underneath a large tree -- later known as the Bodhi tree . He began to experience some major spiritual breakthroughs
After his enlightenment He assumed the title Lord Buddha (one who has awakened; the one who has attained enlightenment by himself. He went into the world to teach his Middle Way and his Dharma (teachings) to other humans so that they could also attain enlightenment.
In general, ‘Buddha’ means ‘Awakened One’, someone who has awakened from the sleep of ignorance and sees things as they really are. A Buddha is a person who is completely free from all faults and mental obstructions.
He wandered around Northeast India for decades, teaching all who would listen. He covered a "territory some 150 miles long by 250 miles wide, an area somewhat smaller than Ireland or the state of Pennsylvania." He had tens of thousands of disciples and accumulated a large public following. He later established an order of monks and a corresponding order of nuns. His wife Yaśodharã became the first nun.
Prayer Wheel - wooden • Tibetan Incense • Buddha Rupa (Amida) • Bell and Dorje (thunderbolt) • Mala Rupacham (prayer beads) • Offering Bowls x7 • Dorje (thunderbolt) • Mi Lo Fu (Chinese Laughing Buddha)
His health began to fail when he was in this late 70s. After forty-five years of teaching, he died in a small town named Kuśinagara, at the age of 80, apparently of natural causes. His final words were: "Decay is inherent in all things. Be sure to strive with clarity of mind" for Nirvana.
Legend says that Buddha has something unusual on his head? What do you think ?
Legend says that when Buddha sat in the hot sun to meditate many little snails crawled up on his head to keep it cool.
The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of many Buddhists today.
http://www.euronet.nl/~advaya/mapbuddh.gif uwacadweb.uwyo.edu/.../er/buddhism/index.htm http://bfcz.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/buddhism_33.jpg