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Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: On the future of the IG THz Date Submitted: 30 October 2012 Source: Thomas Kürner Company: TU Braunschweig , Institut für Nachrichtentechnik
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title:On the future of the IG THz Date Submitted: 30 October 2012 Source: Thomas Kürner Company: TU Braunschweig, Institut für Nachrichtentechnik Address: Schleinitzstr. 22, D-38092 Braunschweig, Germany Voice: +495313912416 FAX: +495313915192, E-Mail: t.kuerner@tu-bs.de Re: IEEE 802.15-12-0145-01-0-thz Abstract:[This short contribution discusses briefly the current status in the development of THz communication systems and points out the possible next steps towards standardization of THz communications. The document is a revison and further enhancement of IEEE 802.15-12-0145-00-0-thz] Purpose:[Supporting the discussion within IG THz on the next steps towards standardization of THZ communications] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Current Situation in the Development ofTHz Communications • Since 2008, when the IG THz was established, manytechnology and market boundary conditions have improved: • Progress in semiconductortechnology • see e.g. [1] where data rates of 25 Gbit/s over a distance of 10 m have been demonstrated using MMIC technology • WRC 2012 resulted in a stable situation in terms of spectrum activity • Worldwide manyresearchprojects on THzcommunicationshavebeenstarted, • E. g. bigGovernmentfundedprojectsarecurrentlyrunning in Germany, Korea, and Japan • Industryshowssomeinterestnow • Recently the International Wireless Industry Cinsortium (IWPC) has established a Millimeter and sub-Millimeter Wave Nanocell Working Group (http://www.iwpc.org/WorkingGroups.aspx) • CORF spectrum coexistence activity has been initiated with 802.15 Hz IG and MoGIG
Headingtowards a Standard on THzCommunications • It‘s time tothinkabouttriggeringtheprocessofgeneratingstandardsforTHz Communications • Presentations on possibleapplications [2],[3],[4] haveclearlyshownthatthevariousapplicationsrequire also solutionswith different technicalcomplexities • As a consequenceinstead of a singlestandardrather a setor a family of individuallyapplicablestandardsmayberequired • A reasonablestartingpointistobeginwithshortrangeapplicationsthatrequireslesscomplexsolutions, e. g. a kioskdownloadingapplication
Pre-requisitstostart a Study Group • To start a study group, a more expanded engagement and committment withappropriatespectrum, industry and industry groups such as the IWPC would be beneficial. • Currentcontributions in the IG THzarefocussing on PHY issues. More participants with expertise on MAC, HetNet, SON, cluster radio management are welcome. • Howtoachieveenhancingawareness on THz Communications andincreaseparticipationfromindustryandexperts on MAC? • The followingmeasurehasbeentaken: • A tutorialhasbeengivenattheJulyplenary
What happend after thetutorial in July? • Excerpt form the meeting minutes (IEEE P802.15-12-0417-00-0thz): • Wrap-up of the Tutorial presentation from July 16: The tutorial triggered a discussion on the next steps to be followed by the IG THz and the possible applications on which a Study Group could be spinned-off from the IG THz. An intensive discussion was held on the concept of nano-cells and backhauling of wireless systems . It was decided to set-up relation with the IWPC-MoGIG WG to increase industry participation. • Discussion on a possible contribution to IEEE 802.15 WNG during the November Plenary: The IG THz chair informed the group that during the AC meeting on Wednesday the chair of WG 15 motivated the IG THz to make a presentation to WNG during the November plenary offering the creation of a study group. The preparation will be done via the e-mail reflector and phone conferences if necessary.
Whatistheimpact of a Presentationat IEEE 802.15 WNG? • Typically a presentationtothe IEEE 802.15 WNG isgiventopropose a new IG or SG. In order topropose a SG thispresentation will benecessary. • Anotheroption will be just topresent a status of theplans of the IG THztocreate a SG in thenearfuturetothe WNG • In order todecide on a presentationand a possibleformat a IG THzmeeting via Telco will takeplace on Oct. 31, 15 CET
QuestionstobediscussedduringtheTelco • Whatarethepossibleapplicationsthatcouldbesubjectto a SG potentiallystartingwithinthenext 12 months? • Whatareongoingactivities in researchandindustry, thatcouldsuppportthework in a SG and a future TG? • What is the optimum time line for these applications to trigger the creation of a SG? • Is the market ready – who will be the industry sponsors to drive the standards activity?
DecisionandPreparation of a Presentationto WNG • Atthe end of theTelco a decisionhastobemade on whether a presentation will bemadeto WNG. • Iftheanswerisyes, a decisonisrequired on whatshouldbepresented. • Proposalfortheprocedure: • A smalleditorialteamisset-up, which will prepare a draftofthepresentation via e-mailbeforetheplenarymeeting • The draft will bepresentedtothe IG THz in San Antonio on Tue AM2 • Presentationtothe WNG on Wed PM2
References [1] I. Kallfass, J. Antes, D. Lopez-Diaz, S. Diebold, H. Massler, A. Leuther, A. Tessmann, “All Active MMIC Based Wireless Communication at 220 GHz," IEEE Trans. on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 477-487, Nov. 2011 [2] T. Kürner, “Scenarios for the Application of THz Communications”; Document 15-11-0749-00-0thz [3] H.-J. Song, “Some consideration on KIOSK downloading model of THz communications”; Document 15-12-0135-00-0thz [4] A. Kasamatsu, “Preliminary Proposal of Usage model for THz communication in WLAN”; Document 15-12-0133-00-0thz