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S/MIME Gateway Demo

S/MIME Gateway Demo. Ben Littauer, Technology Consultant. What You’re Seeing. Unimportant: Encrypted Message Exchange Important: True Multi-Vendor Interoperability Product Pricing Range Product Feature Range Product Performance Range Vendor Range Ireland, Germany, Sweden, USA, Israel

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S/MIME Gateway Demo

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Presentation Transcript

  1. S/MIME Gateway Demo Ben Littauer, Technology Consultant

  2. What You’re Seeing • Unimportant: Encrypted Message Exchange • Important: True Multi-Vendor Interoperability • Product Pricing Range • Product Feature Range • Product Performance Range • Vendor Range • Ireland, Germany, Sweden, USA, Israel • All have US representation

  3. What You’re Seeing • Important: Operational Simplicity • No Specific CA Required • User Transparency • No User Authentication • Important: Does Not Do • User Authentication • Domain Authentication

  4. Next Steps • Complete interoperability testing • Pilot program • Several large IDNs and payors in MA likely candidates • True pilot, not a throw-away implementation

  5. Baltimore Technologies • MIMEsweeper S/MIME Gateway • MAILsweeper for SMTP • SECRETsweeper • Ken Sokol, Marketing Manager, Healthcare ken.sokol@baltimore.com • http://www.baltimore.com

  6. DICA Technologies • ScryptGuard • Bob Tonti General Manager Americas btonti@dicatech.com • http://www.dica.de

  7. TFS Technology • TFS Secure Messaging Server • Krister Fransson CEO krister.fransson@tfstech.com • http://www.tfstech.se

  8. Tumbleweed Communications • Messaging Management System (MMS) • Brian Shell Product Manager brian.shell@tumbleweed.com • http://www.tumbleweed.com

  9. Vanguard Security Technologies • MAILguardian Gateway • Hanan Friedman President and CEO hanan@vguard.com • http://www.vguard.com

  10. Participating Vendors • Baltimore Technologies • http://www.baltimore.com • DICA Technologies • http://www.dica.de • TFS Technology • http://www.tfstech.se • Tumbleweed Communications • http://www.tumbleweed.com • Vanguard Security Technologies • http://www.vguard.com

  11. Contact Information Ben Littauer, Technology Consultant littauer@blkk.com http://www.blkk.com

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