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Unit 4. 3 rd period. Earthquakes. Hongling Middle School Liu Xiaohua. Check homework. Learning about language & Grammar. 1.A great part of the city was d________in the earthquake. 2.The e________should be cut off in the earthquake.

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  1. Unit 4 3rd period Earthquakes Hongling Middle School Liu Xiaohua

  2. Check homework

  3. Learning about language & Grammar

  4. 1.A great part of the city was d________in the earthquake. 2.The e________should be cut off in the earthquake. 3.I felt everything s______during the earthquake. 4.The firemen r______ a baby from the burning house. 5.He was badly i______ in the accident. 6. She _______(蒙住) her face in her hands and cried. 7. There were a lot of fish in the _____(池) 8. She looked _____(清新的; 气色好的) whenever I saw her. 9. The fish is a bit______(味道). We can’t eat it. 10. They are planning to build a _____ (运河) through the desert. destroyed electricity shaking rescued injured buried pond fresh smelly canal

  5. destroy , rescue, strange, much, earthquake, shake, bury, fall, team, trap Several days before July 28, 1976, many s______ things happed in Tanshan. They were signs for the e_________. But people in the city of Tangshan didn’t think m____ of these. At 3: 42 am that day, the earth began to s_____, which d________ the city. Many people, including workers and doctors, came to r_____ those t______ under the ruins. Later that afternoon, another big earthquake struck Tangshan. More people were killed or injured and more building f____down. Soldiers were called in to help the rescue workers. T______ were organized to dig out the trapped and b ___ the dead. strange earthquake much shake destroyed rescue trapped fell Teams bury

  6. Grammar Restrictive Attributive Clause & Non- restrictive Attributive Clauses

  7. 1. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, went to bed as usual that nigh. 2. It was heard in Beijing, which is one hundred kilometers away. 3. A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty metres wide cut across houses, roads and canals. 4. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000. 5. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. 6. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.

  8. Restrictive Attributive Clause Look at the following sentences and try to understand the meaning of them. 1.The man who robbed him has been arrested. 2.The girl whom I saw told me to come back again today. 3.That’s the best hotel ( that ) I know. 4.These are the books ( which ) you ordered. 5.The friend with whom I was traveling spoke French. 6.At the time when I saw him, he was quite strong. 7. This is the village where I was born.

  9. 8. These are the reason why we do it. 9. Have you got the postcard (which) I sent you? 10. These are the things (that) you need. 11. Anything I can do for you? 12. All you have to do is to fill out this form. 13. That’s the only thing we can do now. 14. You can take any room you like. Is there anything that I can do for you?

  10. Non- restrictive Attributive Clauses • Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested • stopping at the next town. • 2. This house, for which he paid $ 150,000, is now • worth $ 300,000 • 3. They went to the theatre, where they sawHero. • 4. Sunday is a holiday, when people do not go to • work. • 5. His house, whose windows were all broken, • was a depressing sight • 6. It was an island, whose name I have forgotten..

  11. the handsome the tall the strong the clever the naughty boy The boy is Tom. The boywho is handsome is Tom. The boywho is tall is Tom. The boywho is strong is Tom The boywho is clever is Tom The boywho is naughty is Tom.

  12. The woman got the job. The woman can speak Russian. The womanwho can speak Russian got the job. The teacher will give us a talk. The teacher is famous. The teacher whois famous will give us a talk.

  13. The lady stepped on his foot. He was dancing with the lady. The lady (whom) he was dancing with stepped on his foot. The lady with whom he was dancing stepped on his foot. Do you know the man? You will visit him today. Do you know the man (whom)you will visit today?

  14. 关系代词: 1. who指人,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略) The man who I talked with is our teacher. A person who steals things is called a thief. 2. whom指人,作宾语 (作宾语可省略, 如介词提前则不能省) The man (whom/who) I nodded to is Mr. Li. The man to whom I nodded is Professor Li.

  15. the red the green the small the big apple The apple which is red is mine. The apple which is green is yours. The apple which is red is small. The apple which is green is big.

  16. Mrs. Clark is angry with the goat. The goat is eating her flowers. Mrs. Clark is angry with the goat which is eating her flowers. Can you lend me the book? You talked about it last night. Can you lend me the book (which) you talked about last night. Can you lend me the book about which you talked last night?

  17. 3. which指物,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略, 如介词提前则不能省) These are the trees which were planted last year. This recorder (which) he is using is made in Japan. Is this the library (which) you borrow books from? Is this the library from which you borrow books?

  18. that指人/物,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略) A plane is a machine. It can fly. A plane is a machine that can fly. He is the man. I told you about him. He is the man (that) I told you about.

  19. Is this the library from which you borrow books? from that 4.that指人/物,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略) A plane is a machine that can fly. He is the man (that) I told you about.  注意:介词提前时只能用which 而不能用that 。

  20. that和which在指物的情况下一般都可以互换, 但在下列情况下, 一般用that而不用which。 (1) 先行词为all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much等不定代词时。 I am sure she has something (that)you can borrow. (2)先行词被all, every, no, some, any, little, much等 修饰时。 I’ve read all the books that are not mine. (3)先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时。 This is the first book (that) he has read. (4)先行词被theonly, the very, the same, the last修饰时。 This is the very book that belongs to him.

  21. that和which在指物的情况下一般都可以互换, 但在下列情况下, 一般用that而不用which。 • (5) 先行词是who或who引导的主句。 • Who is the girlthat drove the car? Whothat broke the window will be punished. • (6) 主句以There be 引导时There are 200 people that didn’t know the thing.

  22. (1) The scientist is very famous in the world. We met her yesterday. The scientistØwe met yesterday is very famous whoin the world. whom that (2) The dress is new. She is wearing it. The dress thatshe is wearing is new. which Ø

  23. (3) He is the kind person. I have ever worked with him. He is the kind person thatI have ever worked with. who whom Ø (4) This is the best film. I have ever seen this film. This is the best film thatI have ever seen. Ø

  24.  that和which在指物的情况下一般都可以互换, 但在下列情况下, 一般用which而不用that。 • (1) 关系代词在限制性定语从句中紧跟介词作宾语(介词提前) • Those are many trees under(which) they can have a rest. • (2) 在非限制性定语从句中 • Football ,which is a very popular game, is played all over the world.

  25. whose 在定语从句中的用法 1 . whose既可引导限制性定语从句,又可引导 非限制性定语从句。 My uncle whose office we have just passed , is a lawyer . Once there was a wise king whose name was Alfred . 2. whose代指“……的”,既可以指人,也可以指物。 Look at the building , whose roof is white . The girl lives in the house , whose windows face south .

  26. Practice

  27. 1.He made another wonderful discovery, ____ was more than we could expect. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think which is 2. --- I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. --Is that the reason ____ you had a few days off? A. why B. when C. what D. where 3. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person____ she could turn for help. A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom

  28. 4. All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those ____ in the forest. A. once the grew B. they grew once C. that once grew D. once grew. 5. I don’t like ____ you speak to her. A. the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way of which

  29. 6. the weather turned out to be very good, ____ was more than we expected. A. what B. which C. that D. it 7. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten window; most of ____ hadn’t been cleaned for ten years. A. these B. those C. that D. which

  30. Fill in the banks with who, whose, which and that. 1. The girls ____ served in the shop were the owner’s daughter. 2.  The man ___ I saw told me to come back today. 3.  The girl ___ spoke is my best friend. 4.  The man with ___ I was traveling didn’t speak English. 5.  The man ____ I saw told me to wait. 6.  The girl ____ I spoke to was a student. 7.  The man to ____ I spoke was a foreigner. 8.  The man from ___ I bought it told me to read the instructions.

  31. 9.I know a boy ____ father is an acrobat.( 杂技演员 ) 10. He saw a house ___ windows were all broken. 11. All the apples ____ fall are eaten by wild boars. 12. Can you think of anyone ____ could look after him? 13. This is the best hotel ____ I know. 14.  He showed a machine ____ parts are too small to be seen. 15. You can take any room ____ you like.

  32. Using structures

  33. Homework 1.  Finish the Summing up and Learning Tip on Page 32. 2. Finish the exercises 1 and 2 on page 64.

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