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God That Madest Earth and Heaven (1)

God That Madest Earth and Heaven (1). God, That Madest Earth and Heaven. 688. WORDS: St. 1, Reginald Heber, 1827; st. 2, Frederick Lucian Hosmer, 1912 (Gen. 1:1-15). 1. God, that madest earth and heaven, darkness and light, who the day for toil hast given, for rest the night:.

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God That Madest Earth and Heaven (1)

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  1. God That Madest Earth and Heaven(1) God, That MadestEarth and Heaven 688 WORDS: St. 1, Reginald Heber, 1827; st. 2, Frederick Lucian Hosmer, 1912 (Gen. 1:1-15) 1.God, that madestearth and heaven,darkness and light,who the day for toil hast given,for rest the night:

  2. may thine angelguards defend us,slumber sweet thymercy send us;holy dreams andhopes attend us,this live-long night.

  3. God That Madest Earth and Heaven(2) 2. When the constantsun returningunseals our eyes,may we, bornanew like morning,to labor rise.

  4. Gird us forthe task that calls us,let not easeand self enthrall us,strong through theewhate’er befall us,O God most wise!

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