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This talk discusses the motivations, literature references, and our contribution to estimating the dose-response function. It also covers the econometrics of the dose-response and how to implement it using our programs. Various applications are also discussed.
ESTIMATING THE DOSE-RESPONSE FUNCTION THROUGH THE GLM APPROACH Barbara Guardabascio, Marco Ventura Italian National InstituteofStatistics 7th June 2013, Potsdam
Outline of the talk • Motivations; • literature references; • our contribution to the topic; • the econometrics of the dose-response; • how to implement the dose-response; • our programs; • applications.
Motivations • Main question: • how effective are public policy programs with continuous treatment exposure? • Fundamental problem: • treated individuals are self-selected and not randomly. • Treatment is not randomly assigned • (possible) solution: • estimating a dose-response function
Motivations • What is a dose-response function? • It is a relationship between treatment and an outcome variable e.g.: birth weight, employment, bank debt, etc
Motivations • How can we estimate a dose-response function? • It can be estimated by using the Generalized Propensity Score (GPS)
Literature references • Propensity Score for binary treatments: • Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983), (1984) 2. for categorical treatment variables: Imbens (2000), Lechner (2001) 3. Generalized Propensity Score for continuous treatments: Hirano and Imbens, 2004; Imai and Van Dyk (2004)
Our contribution • Ad hoc programs have been provided to STATA users (Bia and Mattei, 2008), but … • … these programs contemplate only Normal distribution of the treatment variable • (gpscore.ado and doseresponse.ado) • We provide new programs to accommodate other distributions, not Normal. • (gpscore2.ado and doseresponse2.ado)
The econometrics of the dose-response • {Yi(t)} set of potential outcomes for • Where is the set of potential treatments over • [t0, t1]
The econometrics of the dose-response Let us suppose to have N individuals, i=1 … N Xi vector of pre-treatment covariates; Ti level of treatment delivered; Yi (Ti) outcome corresponding to the treatment Ti
The econometrics of the dose-response • We want the average dose response function • Hirano-Imbens define the GPS as the conditional density of the actual treatment given the covariates
The econometrics of the dose-response • Balancing property: Within strata with the same r(t,x) the probability that T=t does not depend on X
The econometrics of the dose-response • If weak unconfoundedness holds we have This means that the GPS can be used to eliminate any bias associated with differences in the covariates and …
The econometrics of the dose-response • The dose-response function can be computed as:
How to implement the GPS • The dose-respone can be implemented in 3 steps: FIRST STEP: • Regress Ti on Xi and take the conditional distribution of the treatment given the covariates Ti| Xi
How to implement the GPS Where f(.) is a suitable transformation of T (link) D is a distribution of the exponential family β parameters to be estimated σ conditional SE of T|X
How to implement the GPS GPS 1a. Test the balancing property
How to implement the GPS SECOND STEP: Model the conditional expectation of E[Yi| Ti, Ri ] as a function of Ti and Ri
How to implement the GPS THIRD STEP: Estimate the dose-response function by averaging the estimated conditionl expectation over the GPS at each level of the treatment we are interested in
How to implement the GPS • Where is the novelty? in the FIRST STEP • Instead of a ML we use a GLM • exponential distribution (family) • combined with a link function
our programs • We have written two programs: • doserepsonse2.ado; • estimates the dose-response function and graphs the result. • It carries out step 1 – 2 – 3 of the previous slides by running other 2 programs
our programs • gpscore2.ado: • evaluates the gpscore under 6 different distributional assumptions • step 1 of the previous slides • doseresponse_model.ado: • Carries out step 2 of the previous slides
our programs doseresponse2varlist , outcome(varname) t(varname) family(string) link(string) gpscore(newvarname) predict(newvarname) sigma(newvarname) cutpoints(varname) nq_gps(#) index(string) dose_response(newvarlist) Options t_transf(transformation) normal_test(test) normal_level(#) test_varlist(varlist) test(type) flag(#) cmd(regression_cmd) reg_type_t(string) reg_type_gps(string) interaction(#) t_points(vector) npoints(#) delta(#) bootstrap(string) filename(filename) boot_reps(#) analysis(string) analysis_leve(#) graph(filename) flag_b(#) opt_nb(string) opt_b(varname) detail
our programs gpscore2varlist , t(varname) family(string) link(string) gpscore(newvarname) predict(newvarname) sigma(newvarname) cutpoints(varname) index(string) nq_gps(#) Options t_transf(transformation) normal_test(test) normal_level(#) test_varlist(varlist) test(type) flag_b(#) opt_nb(string) opt_b(varname) detail
Application Data set byImbens, Rubin and Sacerdote (2001); The winnersof a lottery in Massachussets: amountof the prize (treatment) Ti earnings 6 yearsafterwinning (outcome) Yi age, gender, education, # ofticketsbought, working status, earningsbeforewinning up to 6 Xi
Application: flogit Fractional data: flogit model. Treatment: prize/max(prize) outcome: earnings after 6 year family(binomial) link(logit)
Application: count data Count data: Poisson model. Treatment: years of college+ high school outcome: earnings after 6 year family(poisson) link(log)
Application: gamma distribution Gamma distribution: Treatment: age outcome: earnings after 6 year family(gamma) link(log)