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CHAMPS. C onversation H elp A ctivity M ovement P articipation S uccess!!. Randy Sprick, one of the authors of CHAMPs (A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management) in an overview of his Safe and Civil Schools Series includes the following beliefs:.
CHAMPS Conversation Help Activity Movement Participation Success!!
Randy Sprick, one of the authors of CHAMPs(A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management) in an overview of hisSafe and Civil Schools Series includes the following beliefs:
All students must be treated with dignity and respect. • Students should be taught the skills and behaviors necessary for success. • Staff members should encourage motivation through positive interactions and building relationships with students. • Student misbehavior provides a teaching opportunity.
With these beliefs in mind how do we at Alcott want to treat our kids? “A gentle answer turns away wrath, a harsh answer stirs up anger.” Kindness Calm Understanding “The Bank”—3 deposits to every withdrawal Honesty Fairness Reinforce the positive
Arrival 1. All car riders should be dropped off in the oval on Boyd Street. 2. Bus drop off ONLY on Garrison Street. 3. ALL students should go immediately to the playground area. 4. No student is to be in the building before 8:30 a.m. without a signed pass.
Departure 1. All bike riders and walkers should leave campus immediately after school. 2. All car riders should wait in the front of the school for their ride. 3. Once students leave campus they should not return. 4. The crossing guard has authority.
Cafeteria 1. Raise your hand for permission to leave the table. 2. Clear tables before dismissal.
Recess 1. Play safe. 2. Wait for duty teacher to move to basketball side. 3. Start moving toward the building when you hear the signal.
Bathroom 1. Quick and Clean!
Hallways 1. Walk with a purpose on the right side. 2. No more than 2 people to a lane. 3. Leave room for the locker lane. 4. Line up along the wall for the water fountain.
Assemblies 1. Stay with your class during transition. 2. Be respectful and positive. 3. Act appropriately for the program.
Teacher Expectations • Be instructional • Be professional • Scanning • Visibility • Circulating • Proactively intervene • Be positive • Use professional discretion
Arrival • Report to duty at 8:10am with a walkie talkie. • All students should be in the basketball area upon arrival. • Students coming off the bus should go around the building to the basketball area. • Students may use cell phones/ipods/etc. before and after school only. • During bad weather students move to the south gym. • Grade levels enter through grade level doors. • Teacher will issue a pass for student to enter the building at their discretion. *** Specific expectations will be discussed at a meeting with your duty teams***
Departure • Report to duty at 3:30pm with a walkie talkie. • Stay in assigned area until cleared by administrator or students are gone in the area. • Get to know the kids: who walks, who gets a ride, who rides a bus, etc. • Encourage students to leave campus. *** Specific expectations will be discussed at a meeting with your duty teams***
Cafeteria • Report to cafeteria promptly after the bell rings with walkie talkie. • Move throughout the cafeteria during lunch. • Acknowledge students who raise hands. • Place trash cans strategically throughout room or push trash cans to tables. • Tables are clean before dismissal (8th grade stacks chairs). • Teachers will accept or issue a pass as needed. Students with passes are dismissed before recess dismissal.
Recess • Supervise where needed with a walkie talkie. • Move throughout the playground area. • Keep students off softball field and fence. • Enforce boundaries.
Bathrooms • Have a sign out sheet for students leaving to the restroom. • Have a consistent bathroom pass in classroom. • Monitor bathrooms during passing periods.
Hallways • In passing periods move to your designated supervision area. • Teach and re-teach student hallway expectations.
Assemblies • Go over appropriate assembly behavior before dismissal. • Move to the assembly with your class. • Sit among students during the assembly time.
Level 1Classroom Interventions/ Notifications The following is not an exhaustive list. These behaviors are those that interfere with the individual’s learning process. These are behaviors that are to be handled within the classroom. • Missing materials • Missing class assignments • PDA • Cell phones, head phones, electronic devices that are not educational in purpose • Lack of preparation in class • Not following classroom expectations, procedures, or routines set by teacher • Not staying in seat • Excessive talking • Excessive need to leave class • Repetitive noises or actions that disrupt class • Conversational profanity • Dress code violations
Level 2Written Referrals Writing a referral does not include removing the student from class. The student remains in class until called to the office. A referral may be written only for behaviors that interfere with the learning of other students. • Overt defiance, insubordination, and/or refusal to comply in such a manner that significant teacher time and interaction in required • Persistent misbehavior • Stealing or theft • Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation
Level 3Immediate Removal A student creating a hostile environment for any member of the AMS community must be immediately removed to the office. • Fighting or extreme physical threat • Suspicion of a concealed weapon • Student under the influence of drugs or alcohol • Arson • Sexual Harassment • Repeated Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation
Teacher interventions of Level 1 student behavior at AMS • These following interventions are arranged more or less in the order to be taken. As you undertake an intervention, document in specific terms the student behavior and all the steps you take to address the behavior. This documentation will be essential if a situation eventually involves parents /guardians and school personnel. • First, talk directly with the student. • Positive, verbal re-direction of behavior. • Redirect privately when situation/behavior warrants one-on-one interaction. • Allow wait time and personal space for student to comply and otherwise provide real opportunity for redemption or do-over. • Avoid a power struggle with the student. • Contact parent. • Should student walk out of the classroom, notify the Office.
Teacher interventions of Level 1 student behavior at AMS (cont.) If continued non-compliance during class time, consider taking one or more of the following steps: • Consult with subteam • Consult with colleagues in reference to student’s behaviors • Consult with counselor • Consult with principal • Hold a parent conference • Consult PBIS internal coach • Steps of last resort • A meeting with all student’s teachers, principal, counselor, parent, and a PBIS representative to plan effective intervention whereupon the effective intervention plan will be implemented by all teachers.