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David Welch. Gifted Education in Missouri. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. July 22, 2014. Why we do what we do. Minimum Requirements. 1. Students must be selected using minimum state criteria 2. Teacher MUST have appropriate gifted certificate
David Welch Gifted Education in Missouri Missouri Departmentof Elementary and Secondary Education July 22, 2014
Minimum Requirements • 1. Students must be selected using minimum state criteria • 2. Teacher MUST have appropriate gifted certificate • 3. Identified students MUST have a minimum of 150 contact minutes per week.
Senate Bill 599 Part of that legislation contains this language: “whether the school district currently has a state-approved gifted education program, and the percentage and number of students who are currently being served in the district's state-approved gifted education program.” This requires that this data is on each district annual report card.
Senate Bill 17 161.249. 1. There is hereby created the "Advisory Council on the Education of Gifted and Talented Children" which shall consist of seven members appointed by the commissioner of education.
Senate Bill 17 The commissioner of education shall consider recommendations for membership on the council from organizations of educators and parents of gifted and talented children and other groups with an interest in the education of gifted and talented children. The members appointed shall be residents of the state of Missouri and selected on the basis of their knowledge of, or experience in, programs and problems of the education of gifted and talented children.
Senate Bill 17 The commissioner of education shall seek the advice of the council regarding all rules and policies to be adopted by the state board of education relating to the education of gifted and talented children
MOSIS – CORE DATA • MOSIS Student data codes • GS- Identified and served in current district • GN - Identified in any district but not served in current district • NI - Not Identified
Gifted 2013 - 2014 • 213 School Districts • 42,064 identified students • 36,650 served
2012-2013 School Districts Elementary Districts = 72 Secondary Districts = 448 Charter LEA’s = 38 TOTAL 558 • Fall Enrollment Grades K-8 = 618,034 Grades 9-12 = 270,213 TOTAL 888,247
Missouri public schools: the best choice...the best results!
Opportunities and Challenges Professional Learning Communities 1. What should students know and be able to do? 2. How will the school determine that students have learned the essential knowledge and skills? 3. How will the school respond when students do not learn? 4. How will the school respond when they already know it?
Contact David Welch Phone (573) 751-7754 Fax (573) 526-6698 David.welch@dese.mo.gov