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VACCINATIONS. VACCINATIONS. Important part of every animal’s health care program Large part of all veterinary practices Lessen chance of contracting a disease When & how vaccinations are given vary from vet to vet and their location. DISEASES. CAUSES OF DISEASES. 2 Categories
VACCINATIONS • Important part of every animal’s health care program • Large part of all veterinary practices • Lessen chance of contracting a disease • When & how vaccinations are given vary from vet to vet and their location
CAUSES OF DISEASES • 2 Categories • Infectious-passed from animal to animal or from animal to human (zoonotic) • Non-infectious-cannot be passed from one animal to another or to humans
INFECTIOUS DISEASES • Caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiae, helminthes, protozoa, and arthropods. • Enter animals through the skin, mouth, mucous membranes, lungs, or reproductive tract
INFECTIOUS DISEASES • Also spread by either direct or indirect means • Direct-occurs by skin contact, ingestion of an infected animal, inhalation, and sexual/reproductive contact • Indirect-vectors (mosquitos, fleas, ticks, flies), vehicles (equipment [brushes & buckets] instruments [needles & scissors]), fomites (water, air, soil, food)
NON-INFECTIOUS DISEASES • Caused by dysfunctions of one or more body systems, nutritional deficiencies, poisoning, physical injuries, or stress. • Genetics and environment are also factors that cause non-infectious diseases.
Causes of Disease • Infectious Diseases - • caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiae, helminthes, protozoa, and arthropods. • enter through skin, mouth, mucous membranes, lungs, or reproductive tract. • Non-infectious Diseases- • caused by dysfunctions of body systems, nutritional deficiencies, poisoning, physical injuries, stress, genetics, and environment. • Direct transmission – • direct skin contact • ingestion of an infected animal • inhalation • sexual/reproductive contact • Indirect transmission – • Vectors – mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, flies • Vehicles – equipment (brushes, buckets), instruments (needles, scissors), utensils • Fomites – water, air, soil, food
IMMUNITY • Function of the lymph system and protects the body from infection, disease and foreign bodies • Immune system produces antibodies, which are specialized proteins designed to fight antigens • Antigens are any foreign substances that induce an immune response • Immunity can be established through passive or active means
PASSIVE IMMUNITY • When an animal is given antibodies that have already been produced by another individual • Only provides short-term immunity, the body breaks down the antibodies • Mothers give newborns passive immunity through placenta and by ingesting colostrum
ACTIVE IMMUNITY • Animal produces antibodies by natural or artificial means in response to an antigen • Produced naturally when an animal is exposed to a disease and builds antibodies in response • Produced artificially when an animal is vaccinated and builds antibodies in response to the vaccines