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Gastrointestinal Cancer Epidemiology and Risk Factors. A. Pourshams M.D Gastroenterologist Tehran University , Tehran , Iran pourshams@ams.ac.ir. Epidemiology and risk factors for Oesophageal Cancer 4 . Apr. 2010 Istanbul , Turkey . EC Among 10 most ca Almost fatal
Gastrointestinal Cancer Epidemiology and Risk Factors A. Pourshams M.DGastroenterologist Tehran University , Tehran , Iranpourshams@ams.ac.ir Epidemiology and risk factors for Oesophageal Cancer 4 . Apr. 2010 Istanbul , Turkey
EC • Among 10 most ca • Almost fatal • 2 histological types • World : ESCC> EADC • ESCC in: Asian EC belt, • S. Africa, S. America • (France $ UK)* • EADC: Western count, • Rapidly ↑ in world ESCC epidemiology
Risk factors Genetic
Protective factors : Formal education water piped into the home Socio-economic status and oesophageal cancer: results from a population-basedcase-control study in a high-risk area[ Iran] . Int J Epidemiol 2009 . Prospective Study of Risk Factors for Esophageal and Gastric Cancers in the Linxian General Population Trial Cohort in China. Int. J. Cancer 2005. Socioeconomic ESCC
Occupation • ↑EADC : ever employed in administrative support ; financial, insurance, real estate ; and health services (OR = 2.2) • ↑ ESCC : among occupations potentially associated with exposure to silica dust and chemical solvents or detergents • No association with farming & pesticide exposure • Job strain?? Engel et al. Occupation and risk of esophageal and gastric cardia adenocarcinoma.Am J Ind Med 2002 ;42:11-22. Cucino et al.Occupational mortality from squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus in the United States during 1991-1996. Dig Dis Sci. 2002 ;47:568-72
EC Dietary habit • ↑levels of N-nitroso • fried foods • preserved • processed • hot or boiled • rapidly eating • salted food • pickle • butter • Saturated fats • animal fats • fish juice • Pipe water • Meat, poultry • Egg • Fresh Fruits • Raw vegetable • green tea ? • pasta and rice • vitamin supplements ? • olive oil • dietary fiber? • fish Risk factors CANCER Protective
EC Dietary habit I. a diet deficient in fruits and vegetables (Cook-Mozaffari et al, 1979 & again DDRC group in 2009) II. a thermal injury from consumption of very hot beverages (Cook-Mozaffari et al, 1979; Ghadirian,1987) Tea drinking habits and oesophageal cancer in high risk area in northern Iran: population based case-control study. Islami F, Pourshams A, et al. BMJ 2009.
Alcohol, Tobacco & Opium EC Alcohol ,Tobacco: ? Opium consumption : (Joint Iran-IARC Study Group, 1977; Dowlatshahi and Miller, 1985; Ghadirian et al, 1985,Tehran DDRC group 2009)
EC Absence of H. pylori ? ~↑EADC Helicobacter pylori and esophageal cancer risk: a meta-analysis .Islami F, et al. Cancer Prev Res 2008: inverse association between Cag A-positive H. pylori colonization and risk of EADC. HPV ? Fumonisins ? Infections Iran & China studies
ESCC Tooth loss & lack of regular oral hygiene are associated with higher risk of ESCC. Iran & China studies Oral hygiene
Toxic agents Benzo (a) pyrene Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) • Present in tobacco smoke, cooked food, automobile exhaust etc. • Act as cancer initiators and promoters • Metabolism may activate or detoxify PAHs • There are suggestions of high exposure in high risk populations
High exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may contribute to high risk of esophageal cancer in northeastern Iran. Anticancer Res 2005 . • Dietary intake of benzo(a)pyrene and risk of esophageal cancer in north of Iran. Nutr Cancer 2008. • High levels of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mate drinks. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2008 .
Susceptible genes to chemicals Genetic & Molecular Enzymes produce by these genes : • Cytochromes P450 :bioactivation 2. Glutathione S-transferases : detoxifying 3. Alcohol dehydrogenases & Aldehyde dehydrogenases : alcohol-metabolizing Current data on genetic polymorphisms of these gene & their role for EC developing is still insufficient !
Tumor suppressor genes important role in switch ► from G1 to S by CDKs (cyclin D1 is the key). 1. p 53 (most common genetic alteration in human cancers & most frequently studied genetic alteration in ESCC) * 10–85% mutation in ESCC * ethnical variation in incidence & patterns 2. p 21: have a role 3. p 16 & p 15: - p16 have a prognostic role - p15 :to be clarified 4. p 27 ~aggressive behavior.
Oncogenes Genetic & Molecular I-GF : EGF ,TGF a, c-sis Cause cells in G 0 to enter & proceed through cell cycle There is no evidence that growth factors play an important role in EC ! II -GF receptors: erbB- 1, erbB- 2, erbB- 3 ,erbB- 4 GFR genes translates proteins on cell membrane that act as receptors ►DNA amplification or over-production of mRNA Evidences : erb-B-1 expression is a useful maker for poor prognosis in ESCC Over-production of erb B2 is usually noted in EADC
Metastasis related factors 1.Cell adhesion molecules integrin receptors ,cadherins ,immunoglobulin lectin-like cell ,lamin-binding protein ,CD44 receptor 2. Enzymes in degradation of extra-cellular matrix matrix metalloproteinase ,, plasminogen activator & cathespins More data should be obtained !
Apoptosis genes * The most important regulators of apoptosis are the proteins of the bcl- 2 family no important role !
Familial risks of esophageal cancer among the Turkmen population of the Caspian littoral of Iran . Int J Cancer 2006.
in the Van region of Eastern Turkey probable culprit factors for EC were: • Low educational & socioeconomic status • smoked, salted, hot, fatty food • over drinking hot tea & well water • cigarette smoking • poor intake of fresh fruits & vegetables • poor hygienic conditions Turkdogan et al .Epidemiological aspects of endemic upper gastrointestinal cancers in eastern Turkey. Hepatogastroenterology 2005 ;52:496-500.
Our recent studies shows in high risk area of Iran : Socioeconomic level has gone up ESCC is coming down but still is high E AC is increasing Obesity , metabolic syndrome , GERD are very common , is comparable to the western countries not the Asian countries. PAH & oral hygiene should be emphasis
Remarks ●There are regional differences in the study populations as a result of exposures to different local environmental risk factors & genetic differences ●Socioeconomic & life style are most important factors