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Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni - AGCOM -. Introduction to AGCOM. Bodies and structure Headquartes and human resources Competences and tasks. AGCOM Mission.
Introductionto AGCOM Bodies and structure Headquartes and humanresources Competences and tasks
AGCOM Mission AGCOM was established in 1997 by Law 249/97 as the regulatory body for the wholecommunications system in Italy:
AGCOM: a convergent body AGCOM is a convergent regulator entrusted with broad competences in all aspects of communications regulation Structuredesignedtomake AGCOM able to regulate and monitor the TLC market and the convergent media (old and new) Wide experience in dealingwithnewconvergenttechnologies and newregulatorychallenges: digitaltelevision, broadband, electronic networks Italy is among the early starters in launch of DTT and it has been the first Country in Europe to launch Mobile TV, itnowhasone of highestsmartphonepenetration and usage
Convergence The currentregulatoryframework (EU legislation - 2009) clearlyidentifiesconvergenceas a key featurefor the Regulator: “The convergence of telecommunications, media and IT sector means all transmission networks and services should be covered by a single regulatory framework [...]” “It’s necessary to separate the regulation of transmission from the regulation of contents [...], in order to promote cultural and linguistic diversity and to ensure the defence of pluralism [...]” [...]”the separation between the regulation of transmission and the regulation of contents does not prejudice the taking into account the links existing between them, in particular in order to guarantee media pluralism, cultural diversity and consumer protection [...]”; (recital 5, FD). The convergedinstitutionalsolutionadoptedby the italianlawmaker in 1997 hasturned out toberatherforward-looking and hasbeenstudied in depth in the institutional and scientificcontext (Sidney Universityresearchprogramme).
General Secretariat International affairs Board secretariat External relations and press Directorates Services Legal affairs Electronic communication networks and services Supervisory and registry Audiovisual content and media Politics communication and conflict of interests Market analysis and competition Human resources Consumer protection Study, research and training Organizationalstructure IT Services Organization budget and planning General affairs and contracts
Agcom’s Directorates Electronic Communication Networks and Services Directorate • Itdealswithinfrastructure and service - relatedissues • Itmanages the wholeprocedural flow (Regulation, Monitoring, Dispute Settlement and Sanctioning); • Itcopeswith, interalia: • Interconnection and Access; • Wholesale and retail telephony and broadband; • Numbering; • Spectrum issues.
Agcom’s Directorates AudiovisualContents and Media Directorate • Itdealswithallcontent - relevantissues, managing the wholeprocedural flow (Regulation, Monitoring, Dispute Settlement and Sanctioning); • Itcontendswith, interalia: • Regulation licesing/authorisationregime; • Protection of pluralism of information and competition in the media sector; • Protection of minors; • Monitoring of European and independent productions quota in the media; • Advertising regulation; • Public broadcasting.
Agcom’s Directorates Market Analysis and CompetitionDirectorate Itcarries out all market analysisactivitiespursuantto the EU legalframework; Itliaseswith the Competition Authority asfor the opinionsrequiredpursuanttoLaw 249/97; Itisalsoresponsibleforissues of technical nature, suchascost accounting measures. Interdepartmentalgroup (GMI) to monitor Telecom Italia’s undertakings.
Agcom’s Directorates ConsumersProtectionDirectorate Itisresponsiblefordealingwithconsumerscomplaints and relationshipswithConsumersAssociations; Itprovidesopinionsto the Competition Authority regardingmisleadingadvertisement; Itis in chargeofissuessuchasQualityofServicesAgreementswithoperators; Itactsas dispute settlement body.
Agcom’s Directorates Training, Research and StudyDirectorate Itmanages AGCOM’s library and information center; Itpublishes AGCOM’s studies; Itpromotessectorresearch and studies.
AGCOM: an independent body AGCOM is fully independent from the Government Only a very small part of AGCOM’s income (<0,2%) is provided by the State. The vast majority of AGCOM funds (67 mln € in 2010) comesfromoperators’ contributions. AGCOM President isnominatedby the Prime Minster, followingapprovalby the competent Commissions of the Parliament and appointedformallybythe President of the Republic AGCOM Commissioners are elected by the Parliament and appointed by the President of the Republic
Introduction to AGCOM Bodies and structure Headquartes and human resources Competences and tasks
Headquarters in Naples and Rome Current staff: around 350 people from different backgrounds Location & Human Resources
Skills and education The staff from AGCOM is highly qualified and has a vast experience in training and teaching activities AGCOM has built partnerships with many Italian universities for master courses in communications AGCOM senior staff teach and hold seminars in several universities and educational institutions, both Italian and international AGCOM staff is actively involved in international institutional activities (EU, OECD and european working groups; partner in Twinning projects funded by the EU Commission).
Resources and financing • 2 Agcom’s budget items: • Market operators’ contribution • State contribution • Market operators’ contributionisprovidedforby the sectorDirectives, establishing a link between the regulated market resources and anexhaustivelist of Regulator’s activitiesthatmightbefinanced. • A yearlylevy of between 1.5 per thousand and 2 per thousand of the turnover isimposed on allcommunicationsoperators (excluding the smallestones) • Public fundisonly 170.000 Euro for 2011 (<0.21% of the total budget)
Introduction to AGCOM Bodies and structure Headquartes and human resources Competences and tasks
Market analysis Identification of SMP operators Imposition of remediesaccordingto the EU directives Main areas of competences Liberalisationand monitoring the telecom market • Access regulation (interconnection/ULL) • Numbering allocation • Tariff regulation • Monitoring of SMP operators • Universal service • Dispute resolution • Net neutrality • IP protection Implementationof the newframeworkfor electronic communicationnetworks
Drafting of regulatory framework for transition Implementation of the frequency plan Monitoring of the development of the market Main areas of competences Frequency management • Spectrum assignment plan • Regulation for access to scarces resources Regulation and monitoringofcontent • Advertising • Protection of minors • Political pluralism Media concentration & market monitoring • Register of communications operators • Assessment of dominant positions Transitiontodigitalterrestrial TV
International experience AGCOM is actively involved in international activities: • Taking part in several initiatives aimed at enhancing international cooperation and exchanging best practices in the field of electronic communications and audiovisual sectors: EPRA, Council of Europe, OECD • Chairing several sector multilateral bodies (ERG in 2007; ReseauMed in 2008; RSPG in 2011 and 2012) • Twinning Projects with the NRA of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt and Jordan • Engaging bilateral contacts with sector Regulators worldwide