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Stosowanie prawa UE – perspektywa Polski i Komisji Europejskiej Arkadiusz Pluciński MSZ, Departament Prawa UE. Plan. Unijny cykl legislacyjny a wdrażanie prawa UE Skargi jako źródło naruszenia prawa Praktyczne aspekty postępowania o naruszenie prawa (art. 258; 260 TFUE).
Stosowanie prawa UE – perspektywa Polski i Komisji Europejskiej Arkadiusz Pluciński MSZ, Departament Prawa UE
Plan • Unijny cykl legislacyjny a wdrażanie prawa UE • Skargi jako źródło naruszenia prawa • Praktyczne aspekty postępowania o naruszenie prawa (art. 258; 260 TFUE)
Cykl legislacyjny NaruszeniaKomunikacja z KEPrzyjęcie nowej dyrektywy Ewaluacja Propozycja Komisji Consultations Impact Assessment Interservice Consultation Negotiation in EP/ Council Application by MS Transposition
Explanatory documents and implementation plans • From Jan 2014 a need to accompany transposition measures by explanatory documents (ED) • A necessity for the Commission to follow-up on transposition • Policy based on political agreement/no infringement will be launched for not providing ED • Implementation plan provides for assistance to MS and it is now available together with the Commission legislative proposal Joint Political Declarations on explanatorydocuments ( OJ C 369, 17.12.2011, p. 14and OJ C 369, 17.12.2011, p. 15) Example of IP: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=SWD:2013:0270:FIN:EN:PDF
Skargi (1) • Complainants have no formal role in the infringement procedure, BUT… • …Complaints are important for helping to detect potential infringements • 2012 Commission Communication (COM(2012) 154) contains rules on complaint-handling and lists administrative guarantees for complainants
Skargi (2) Anyone may lodge a complaint without proof of interest Infringement-related complaints must: • be sent by a citizen or an organization (anonymous letters are not registered as complaints) • concern the application of EU law • identify a responsible Member State • be written in an EU official language
Skargi (3) Administrative guarantees for complainants: • Registration of a complaint in CHAP (central Commission registry for complaints) • Acknowledgement of receipt is sent within 15 working days of the receipt of the complaint • 12-month time limit within which the Commission decides, as a general rule, whether it initiates an infringement procedure • Complainant has possibility to meet with the Commission in order to present his/her arguments • Requirement to give prior notice should the Commission intend to close a case, thus allowing the complainant to raise new arguments within 4 weeks (pre-closure letter and final closure letter)
Skargi (4) • Commission enjoys a wide discretionary power in deciding whether or not to follow-up on a complaint • If the Commission decides to follow-up on the complaint and contact the Member State concerned for further information, the case is transferred to EU Pilot
Pre-infringement Overall objective • To clarify the situation (fact or law) with the Member State, or • To find a solution for the problem without an infringement procedure • If no solution compatible with EU law is found, to launch without delay a formal infringement procedure Main instrument:EU Pilot Framework for dialogue with the Member States supported by IT platform EU Pilot streamlines the process which existed before and replaces ‘administrative letters’
EU Pilot Established in 2008; Polska przyłączyła do systemu 1 stycznia 2011 All Member States participate in EU Pilot Standard deadlines: • At the Commission’s request, the Member State delivers its response in 10 weeks • The Commission evaluates the response in further 10 weeks Success rate and results: • In 10.2013 statistics (PL) – 35 filesresultedin the launch of formal infringement proceedings, out of the total of assessed 238 files (in 85% no infringement proceedings were started)
EU Pilot Success rate and results: • 2012 statistics –in 72% of files, replies of the Member States were assessed as acceptable (no infringement proceedings were started) • Reduction of the volume of new formal infringements • Overview of the management of issues related to the application of EU law
Skargi(obywatele, organizacje, podmiotygospodarcze) Brak komunikacji(dyrektywy, sankcjefinansowezwiązane z I wyrokiem Trybunału) Własne dochodzenie Komisji Źródła postepowania o naruszenie (art. 258 TFEU)
Rejestracja skargi do 6 msc Decyzja o wycofaniu sprawy ok2 msc LFN 260/ 2 odesłanie do Trybunału 18 msc Orzeczenie 2 lata (?) Etapy postepowania o naruszenie prawa UE Uzasadniona opinia 4-6 msc List formalny 258 4-6 msc Przekazanie sprawy do Trybunału 2 msc II wyrok 2 lata (?) EU Pilot do 6 msc Brak notyfikacji 1-2 msc Faza przed-sądowa (sprawy art. 260.3 do 12 msc) Własne dochodzenie 2-3 lat Faza sądowa 14
Postępowanie o naruszenie Article 260 TFEU Article 258 TFEU • Letter of formal notice • deadline: 2 months • Reasoned opinion • deadline: 2 months • Referral to the Court • Financial sanctions for failure to communicate transposition measures (Lisbon Treaty) • Letter of formal notice • NO reasoned opinion Second referral to the Court • Financial sanctions (all cases) Closure • at any time, if the Member State remedies the infringement
Letter of formal notice • The Commission requests observations on an alleged infringement • Drafted by the lead DG (LS and associated DGs to agree) • Deadline for the Member State to respond: 2 months (it can be extended upon request and under certain conditions) • Limited information to the public http://ec.europa.eu/eu_law/infringements/infringements_decisions_en.htm
Reasoned Opinion • The Commission sets its position in more detail with regard to alleged infringement following the Member State’s response or lack of response to the letter of formal notice • Reasoned opinion defines the subject-matter of the dispute • If new grievances have to be added, the Commission cannot proceed with a reasoned opinion but has to adopt a complementary letter of formal notice instead • Drafted by the lead DG (LS and assoc. DGs to agree) • Deadline for the Member State to respond: 2 months (it can be extended upon request and under certain conditions) • Press release: http://europa.eu/rapid/
1st referral to the court • Opens litigation procedure • Reasoned opinion and application to the Court must be based on the same objections (the subject matter of the dispute cannot be extended or altered) • Lead service drafts synopsis for the Legal Service • Drafting and presentation of the application to the Court by the Legal Service • Press release: http://europa.eu/rapid/
2nd referralto the court Subject-matter is the alleged non-compliance of the Member State with the Court’s first judgment (non or bad execution of the judgement) • Initiated by the “pre-260” letter • Letter of formal notice • No reasoned opinion (abolished by Lisbon Treaty) Main relevant Commission documents: Commission Communication [SEC(2005) 1658]; Commission Communication [SEC(2010) 1371], Implementation of Article 260(3) TFEU
Financial sanctions (1) • Financial sanctions may be requested in all cases (complaint, own initiative, non-communication) Ważna różnica: • Article 260 (3) TFEU: • Special procedure: non-communication cases only • A financial sanction can be proposed with the first referral of the case to the Court of Justice under Art. 258 TFEU • Art 260 (2) TFEU: • 'Normal' procedure: all cases • Letter of formal notice, then second referral to the Court with a proposal to impose financial sanctions
Financial sanctions (2) Apenalty payment, which has a persuasive function: Basic rate * seriousness * duration * national factor Basicrate: 650 € / day; Seriousness: factor 1 <> 20 Duration: factor between 1 and 3 (0.10 points per month's delayfollowing delivery of initial judgment (Art. 258) «N» factor (national): 0,35(MT); 7,75 (PL); 21,29(DE) [GDP + number of votes in Council) OR/AND A lump sum, which has a dissuasive function: Basic rate * seriousness * national factor * number of days between 1stjudgment and compliance or 2ndjudgment Basic rate 220 € / day Minimum lump sum: 186000 € (MT), 4.171.000€ (PL), 11.467.000 € (DE), Examples: C-304/02, Commission v France: penalty payment of 57,76 million € / six months, lump sum of 20 million € Commission v Greece, C-407/09 (lump sum 3 million €) Commission v Italy, C-496/09 (lump sum 30 million €)
Podsumowanie • Problemy zw. z wdrożeniem prawa UE powinny być rozwiązywane na etapie tworzenia/transpozycji prawa • Skarga od obywateli/podmiotów podstawowym źródłem wiedzy o naruszeniu prawa dla KE • KE decyduje czy i kiedy rozpocząć/zamknąć postępowanie • Preferowane polubowne rozstrzyganie sporu • Państwa członkowskie są zainteresowane przewlekaniem postępowania • Brak interpretacji Trybunału co do zakresu zastosowania art. 260.3 TFUE [non-comm v. non-conformity]