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Institut de Physique Nucléaire-Orsay . UMR8608 . Faical Azaiez. Aldo and his camera…. Le first and largest nuclear physics lab in France (Founded in 1956 par F.Joliot Curie) . ~ 360 members ~22000 m2 ~ 160 publications/year .
Institut de Physique Nucléaire-Orsay UMR8608 FaicalAzaiez
Le first and largest nuclear physics lab in France (Founded in 1956 par F.JoliotCurie)
~ 360 members ~22000 m2 ~ 160 publications/year
Visit of G. Fioraso, Minister of research and higher education, (November 2012)
1960-1970 the golden era for ISOL @ Orsay SC: 160 MeV Proton 1958 1957 1960
The SC Became 40 yearslater the Orsay proton therapy center
Target Ion-Source and ISOCELE (R. Bernas -1965)
ALTO: The Tandem and the e-driven ISOL facility in Orsay
Two entangled stable and radioactive installations within a unique facility • PAC: • -R. F. CASTEN , Chair (Yale University) • - E. BALANZAT (CIMAP – Caen) • - D. BALABANSKI (Sofia – Bulgarie) • - S. GREVY (CENBG) • - E. KHAN (IPNO) • -P. REITER (Univ of Coogne) • - B. RUBIO (IFIC Valencia) • C. TRAUTMANN (GSI) • A. TUMINO (LNS -Catania) • J. C. THOMAS (GANIL) • -P. REGAN (Uni of Surrey) targetlab/factory
The ALTO facility licence hours of scheduled beam
green light from French nuclear safety authorities March 2012 May 13th 2013 – formal inauguration
ORGAM: the Orsay Gamma Array 2013 ~20 detectors + Loan Pool 201213 BGO + 13 EUROGAM Phase 1 Ge Oups plunger “Development of the Time Dependent Recoil In-Vacuum technique for radioactive-beam geometry” (G. Georgiev, CSNSM Orsay, France) 0 to 20 mm distance target-degrader “Probing the boundary of shape coexistence south of Z=82: Lifetime measurements of excited states in 170Os” (J. Ljungvall, CSNSM Orsay, France) “Search for X(5) symmetry in 168W” (K. Gladnishki, University of Sofia, Bulgaria) 6+ 170Os 4+ 24Mg 2+ g~0.57 ± 0.02 8+ 2+ A KusogluUniv Istanbul A GoasduffCSNSM “Superdeformed Shell Structure in A~40 Nuclei” (E. Ideguchi, University of Osaka, Japan) Silicon Ball
2014: ORGAM & Silicon Ball: the Orsay Gamma Array Super-deformation in 35,36Sand 40Ar via 18O + 26Mg →44Ca* 40Ar 41+→21+ 1431 keV 40Ar 21+→0gs+ 1461 keV 35S 1/2+→3/2gs+ 1572 keV 2p gate Counts [A. u.] 2α gate Ge energy [keV] Analysis in progress by S Go (University of Tokyo)
MINORCA: Miniball at Orsay coupled to Orgam 15-20 coax Ge + 8 Miniball triple clusterswith addback Efficiency at 1332 keV: 8.1% J Ljungvall, CSNSM Orsay Oups plunger, segmented particle detector, ...possibility of installing a large number of LaBr3 detectors Up to 24 weeks of beam time available for the 2014 campaign
Minorca: Miniball at Orsay coupled to Orgam g factor measurements of short-lived states towards the Island of Inversion: 26Mg and 28Mg (G. Georgiev – CSNSM) Shape coexistence in 74Se studied through complete low-spin spectroscopy after Coulomb excitation (M. Zielinska – CEA Saclay) Search for X(5) symmetry in 78Sr (K. Gladnishki – University of Sofia) Lifetime Measurement of 100Ru: A possible candidate for the E(5) critical point symmetry (T. Konstantinopoulos – CSNSM) Lifetime measurements in 113Te: Determining optimal effective charges approaching the N=Z=50 doubly-magic shell closure (D. Cullen – University of Manchester) Measurement of octupole collectivity in Nd, Sm and Gd nuclei using Coulomb excitation (P. Butler – University of Liverpool) Single-particle structure in the second minimum. Search for high-K bands above fission isomers (G. Georgiev – CSNSM) Spectroscopy of the neutron-rich fission fragments produced in the 238U(n,f) reaction (J. Wilson – IPN) ~80 days beam time requested
LICORNE: Lithium Inverse Kinematic Orsay Neutron Source Focused intense mono-energetic neutron source: 107 n/s/sr 0.5 < En < 4 MeV CH target γ n n n 100 nA 7Li 13-17 MeV n γ irradiated sample 2.8 MeV neutrons 700 keV Time of flight TOF (ns) 7Li+12C evaporated neutrons Pulse Shape Analysis (PSA) P Halipré, PhD thesis
Spectroscopy of neutron-rich fission fragments produced in 238U(n,f) Spectroscopy of neutron-rich fragments of 40<Z<50 (A Gottardo) Neutron-rich nuclei around and beyond 132Sn (R Lozeva) Shape coexistence and collectivity around N=60 (A Dijon) Evolution and collectivity development in the vicinity of 78Ni (D Verney)
The Split Pole spectrometer and nuclear astrophysics SPLIT POLE 15 MV MP Tandem • ● 2010-2011 rejuvenation • ● 2012, 5 experiments • ● 2013, 6 experiments • nuclear structure (20%) • nuclear astrophysics (80%) split-pole spectrometer maximum magnetic rigidity : 1.65 Tm maximum solid Angle : 4 msr energy resolution E/DE~2000 focal plane detectors : proportional counter : energy loss DE + localization plastic : residual energy E (+ time of flight if pulsed beam)
Split-pole πf7/2 strength distribution in 69Cu Transfer reactions: 70Zn(d,3He)69Cu, P Morfouace 70Zn(14C,16O)68Ni, I Stefan more foreseen for 2014 36S(d,p) & 36S(14C,16O)O Sorlin & T Roger Orsay Ganil
Physics with the Tandem beams The Split Pole spectrometer and nuclear astrophysics
Low Energy Radioactive Ion Beams at ALTO electron linac 10 µA, 50 MeV target & ion source5 x 1011 photofissions /s Secondary beam lines Parrne mass separator
RIALTO: Resonant laser Ionisation at ALTO Mezzanine of the mass separator/RIB zone Nd:Yag pump laser (532 nm, 90 W) 2 dye lasers (540-850 nm, 8W @ 30W pump, 10 ns pulse width, 3 GHz line width) BBO doubling units (270-425 nm, >100 mW)
RIALTO: Resonant laser ionisation at ALTO First step 2011, 2012: Gallium with two ionisation schemes 2013: Zinc with frequency tripling 2014: Off-line chamber for development of laser schemes Second step R. Li, D. Yordanov, IPN Orsay V. Fedosseev, T. Day Goodacre, B. Marsh, Isolde K. Flanagan, University of Manchester T. Kron, K. Wendt, University of Mainz
Low Energy Radioactive Ion Beams at Alto Parrne mass separator Identification station(existing) TETRA(2014) BEDO/TETRA(existing)
BEDO: Beta decay at Orsay Bedo setup in neutron mode Dubna neutron detector Tetra Bedo setup in gamma mode 4 small Exogam clovers fast timing B Roussière LaBr3 Ge LaBr3 up to 5 Ge detectors ε = 5-6%4π β trigger BGO anti-Compton ~90 3He tubesborated polyethylene shielding
Physics with BEDO @ ALTO beta-decay spectroscopy in the N=50 region Present limit of structure knowledge (at least few excited states are known) hot plasma ionization (1 µA deuteron primary beam) O. Perru PhD – def. 10th December 2004 Eur. Phys. J. A 28, 307 (2006) surface ionization (2-4 µA electron primary beam) M. Lebois PhD – def. 23th September 2008 PRC 80, 044308 (2009) B. Tastet PhD – def. 13th May 2011 PRC 87, 054307 (2013) D. Testov PhD – def. 17th January 2014 laser ionization (10 µA electron primary beam) K. Kolos PhD – def. September 2012 PRC 88, 047301 (2013) Ge85 Ge81 Ge79 Ge80 Ga80 Ga82 Ga83 As82 Ga79 Ge86 Zn82 Zn81 Ga84 Ga85 hot plasma ionization (1 µA deuteron primary beam) PRC 76 (2007) 054312 laser ionization To be done in march 2014 (PhD A. Etile CSNSM)
TETRA: Beta-delayed neutron emission 83As T1/2=13.4 s 84As T1/2=4.2 s βn 83Ge T1/2= 1.85 s 84Ge T1/2=0.954 s Pn=10.2(9)%B Pfeiffer et al βn Pn=49.8(4)% this work 84Ga T1/2=0.085s N=50 4π neutron detector of 90 3He counters ε = 63% 4π beta detector 1 Ge detector D Testov, PhD thesis
In the coming 3 years: three more beam lines Parrne mass separator Identification station(existing) TETRA(2014) POLAREX(project) TAS(project) BEDO/TETRA(existing) SPECOLOR (project)
ALTO is the first ISOL machine based on photo fission operated in the world and one of the few presently running ISOL facilities in Europe JYFL Jyväskylä low energy RIBs ALTO Orsay SPIRAL Caen ISOLDE CERN post-accelerated RIBs Will bepaving the road to SPIRAL2 and SPES…..
The ALTO facility: one possible future Electron scattering on neutron rich nuclei…. (p and n density far from stability)