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Mark Twain. Huckleberry Finn. Dialect and Local Color. Rachel Choi Eunice Jang Daniel Lee. Who is Mark Twain?. Born in 1835, died in 1910 Pen name: Mark Twain Real name: Samuel Clemens Used his personal experiences for his novels Innocents Abroad (1869): own travels
Mark Twain Huckleberry Finn Dialect and Local Color Rachel Choi Eunice Jang Daniel Lee
Who is Mark Twain? Born in 1835, died in 1910 Pen name: Mark Twain Real name: Samuel Clemens Used his personal experiences for his novels Innocents Abroad (1869): own travels Life on Mississippi (1883): riverboat pilot Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884): boyhood Theme of realism in his novels
About Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Written by Mark Twain in 1884 First modern American novel "All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn" – Earnest Hemingway One of the great American literary achievements
Short Summary • River adventures of a boy and a slave • Explore morality, conscience, and society • Setting: time of slavery in the U.S. • Tom vs. Huck • Tom: interested in the adventure of the escape • Huck: interested in liberating Jim • Concept of slavery: Right or wrong? Who belongs to whom?
Quote Analysis 1 • ""The nigger run off the very night Huck Finn was killed. So there's a reward out for him -- three hundred dollars. And there's a reward out for old Finn, too -- two hundred dollars."(Ch. 11. Mrs. Loftus) • When Huck visits the town with his girl dress, he hears the rumor. • Runaway slaves were found quite often in the South • Local color: slavery during this time
Quote Analysis 2 • “I ain't going to hurt you, and I ain't going to tell on you, nuther.” (Ch. 11. Mrs. Loftus) • : I am not going to hurt you, and I am not going to tell on you, either • Mrs. Loftus finds out that Huck is a boy, and tells him to identify himself, in this scene. • Double negatives: ain’t & nuther (neither) are traits of Southern dialect.
Discussion Questions • Why is dialect and local color important in literature? • What other ways, besides the ways I listed on the PowerPoint, could be used for dialect and local color of the specific region? • Answer not on this PowerPoint we will discuss in class!
What is Local Color? • Fiction or verse which emphasizes its setting • Concerned with the district, era, customs, dialects, costumes, landscape, clothes, language, traditions, and other peculiarities • Dual influence of romanticism and realism
First local color writer: Bret Harte • Ex) Location: South Speech: Southern dialect • Mark Twain: great job with local color • Characters’ looks, speeches, acts, etc.
Vernacular • Specific dialect in a region • Boston • Georgia • Kansas • Intension: to make the story realistic
Huck Finn Video & Audio • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poyXLZsjlhs&feature=PlayList&p=6BDB04E5E6B302DC&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=2 • Beginning, 2:48,5:30
Bibliography • "The Development of the Short Story." IWS2.CCCCD.EDU - Collin County Community College District. Web. 17 Nov. 2009. <http://ftp.ccccd.edu/mtolleson/2328online/2328notesshortstory.htm>. • Griess, Kandis S. "Notes on "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County"" Garden City Public Schools. VHS. Web. 17 Nov. 2009. <http://www.gckschools.com/vhs/eng3/Spring/realism/frognotes.htm>. • Kayla. "The Southern Accent pt. 1." Youtube - Broadcast Yourself. YouTube, LLC, 26 June 2008. Web. 23 Nov. 2009. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRyiWKT9L3E>. • "Mark Twain: A Connecticut Yankee 1872-1891." PBS. PBS. Web. 25 Nov. 2009. <http://www.pbs.org/marktwain/scrapbook/06_connecticut_yankee/page2.html>. • "Mark Twain: A Connecticut Yankee 1872-1891." PBS. PBS. Web. 22 Nov. 2009. <http://www.pbs.org/marktwain/scrapbook/06_connecticut_yankee/page3.html>. • "Adventure of Huckleberry Finn DVD." Teach with Movies. Web. 26 Nov. 2009.http://www.teachwithmovies.org/guides/huckleberry-finn-DVDcover.jpg • Murillas, Philip. "Phil the Pill." Phil the Pill. Web. 26 Nov. 2009. <http://philthepill.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/huckjim.jpg>. • Seattle news, sports, entertainment | seattlepi.com - Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Hearst Seattle Media, LLC. Web. 25 Nov. 2009. <http://www.seattlepi.com/dayart/20080715/450theater15.jpg>. • Railton, Stephen. "AMERICAN LITERATURE SINCE 1865." People.Virginia.EDU. Web. 25 Nov. 2009. <http://people.virginia.edu/~sfr/enam312/gallerys/woodhuck.jpg>. • "Huckleberry Finn." Public Domain Fun-Vintage TV, Classic Literature, Film, and Oddities. Web. 25 Nov. 2009. <http://publicdomainfun.com/c01-18.jpg>. • "Picturebook - directory of children's illustration." Picturebook | directory of children's illustration. Drupal. Web. 25 Nov. 2009. <http://picture-book.com/files/userimages/875u/tomsawyer.jpg>. • "19C American Literature." RootsWeb: Freepages. Ancestry Community. Web. 17 Nov. 2009.http://freepages.books.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~rgrosser/19calit.html