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Strategy: Moving Beyond Good Intentions

Learn how to turn your nonprofit's good intentions into accomplishment with effective strategies. This workshop explores different perspectives and challenges in strategizing and provides a guide to successful implementation.

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Strategy: Moving Beyond Good Intentions

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  1. CCE Charity Talk October 2011Strategy – taking stock Dr Tobias Jung

  2. Strategy – the Holy Grail?

  3. The mystique…

  4. http://www.lapiana.org/downloads/LaPianaConsulting_RTSP_CEN_Workshop.pdfhttp://www.lapiana.org/downloads/LaPianaConsulting_RTSP_CEN_Workshop.pdf

  5. Good intentions don’t move mountains; bulldozers do. In non-profit management, the mission and plan are the good intentions. Strategies are the bulldozers. They convert what you want to do into accomplishment. Peter Drucker

  6. Strategy as ‘post hoc’ rationalisation of success? Mintzberg, H (1987) The Strategy Concept I: Five Ps For Strategy, California Management Review 30(1): 11-24

  7. How?...Slightly lost?

  8. The Strategy Safari • Environmental • Cognitive • Entrepreneurial • Power • Positioning • Cultural • Planning • Learning • Design • Configuration Mintzberg, J, B Ahlstrand and J Lampel, 2008

  9. Problems with strategy research

  10. Need for a change of perspective?

  11. A conceptual framework for analysing strategy as practice Strategising Based on Jarzabkowski,, P, J Balogun, D Seidl, (2007), Strategizing: The challenges of a practice perspective., Human Relations 60(1): 5-27

  12. Implementation Hadley, J, L Lanzerotti, and A Nathan (2011), Living Into Your Strategic Plan: A Guide to Implementation That Gets Results, The Bridgespan Group

  13. However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. Winston Churchill

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