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Transcendentalism. Who are the Transcendental Writers?. Student: Draw a tree map like the one below and add to it as you hear the presentation. Transcendentalists. Walt Whitman. Henry David Thoreau. Bronson Alcott. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Louisa May Alcott.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Transcendentalism Who are the Transcendental Writers?

  2. Student: Draw a tree map like the one below and add to it as you hear the presentation. Transcendentalists Walt Whitman Henry David Thoreau Bronson Alcott Ralph Waldo Emerson Louisa May Alcott

  3. Video Clip – click on picture to start

  4. Ralph Waldo Emerson • 1803-1882 • American poet & • essayist • original profession • and calling was as a • Unitarian minister • left the ministry to • pursue a career in • writing and public • speaking

  5. Henry David Thoreau • 1817-1862 • American author and naturalist • Harvard grad 1837 • Wrote these essays: “Nature,” “Self-Reliance,” and “The Over-Soul”

  6. Video Clip – click on the black area below to start

  7. Bronson Alcott • 1799-1888 • American educational & social reformer • Little formal education • His writings include Observations on the Principles and Methods of Infant Instruction (1830), Concord Days (1872), Table Talk (1877), and Sonnets and Canzonets (1882).

  8. Louisa May Alcott • 1832-1888 • 1st success was the book, Little Women • helped to voice and shape American ideas and ideals of women and the role of women in the home and society • Her themes explore girls' education, their social training, individuality and its attainment, freedom for women, and limited options for them.

  9. Walt Whitman • 1819-1892 • American poet • celebrated the freedom & dignity of the individual & sang the praises of democracy and the brotherhood

  10. Walt Whitman Video ClipClick on the picture to start each video.

  11. Walt Whitman – O Captain…video clip – click on picture to start

  12. Closing • The tree map will be drawn on the white board. • Students will come up one at a time to add content to the map until all their information is there.

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