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Cross-border network for knowledge transfer and innovative development in wastewater treatment WATERFRIEND HUSRB/1203/221/196 1st HUSRB Students Meeting. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend. Dairy wastewater treatment by membrane filtration Ádám Veszprémi

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cross-border network for knowledge transfer and innovative development in wastewater treatmentWATERFRIENDHUSRB/1203/221/1961stHUSRB Students Meeting

  2. . 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend . Dairy wastewater treatment by membrane filtration Ádám Veszprémi Bioengineer BSc student Supervisors: Dr. Cecilia Hodúr Dr. Szabolcs Kertész

  3. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Introduction • Dairy industry Generates dairy wastewater • Huge effluent volumes • High organic content • Membrane techniques • Effective alternatives: High flux and rejection rates; no additives • Drawbacks: Fouling & retentate utilisation • My scopes

  4. Materials and methods UF NF 7.8 cm 500 cm2 active membrane filtration area

  5. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend VSEP: Vibratory Shear Enhanced Process Materials and Methods ET 108 COD digester & PC CheckIt photometer (Lovibond, Germany) potassium-dichromate method Teledyne tekmar TOC torch analyzer (USA) Experimental parameters: qVrec=15 L min-1; t=50±1°C

  6. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Results and discussions: Flux improvements

  7. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend

  8. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend

  9. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Results and discussions: Power Demand

  10. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend

  11. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Results and discussions: Feed and permeate values

  12. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Concentration experiments Experimental parameters: qVrec=15 L min-1; t=50±1°C

  13. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Resistances Porous fouling Membrane Gel-layer

  14. . 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend . Conclusions Dairy wastewater purification by VSEP UF and NF: - efficient organic load decreasing - significant gel layer distruction by vibration - lower power consumption Future aims • Hybrid experiments: • different pretreatments (e.g.: ultrasonic, ozone treatment) • - posttreatment methods (e.g.: biogas product) • fouled membranes characterisation • by contact angle and SEM measurements

  15. . 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend . Last slide: Thank you for your kindly attention! Presentation/lecture has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of the presentation/lectureis the sole responsibility of University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or the Managing Authority. Acknowledgement The authors are grateful to the project GVOP-3.2.1-2004-04/0252/3.0 and the RET07/2005 project.

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