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重庆:中国新的心脏 Chongqing: new heart of China. Binhai New Area. Liangjiang New Area. Pudong New Area. 重庆地理 Location of Chongqing. 城市全景 Overview of Chongqing. 城市夜景 Night view. 渝中半岛 Yuzhong Peninsula. 嘉陵帆影 - 西部第一高楼, 440 米 Jialing Sail, tallest building in Western China, 440M.
重庆:中国新的心脏 Chongqing: new heart of China
Binhai New Area Liangjiang New Area Pudong New Area 重庆地理 Location of Chongqing
城市全景 Overview of Chongqing
城市夜景 Night view
渝中半岛 Yuzhong Peninsula
嘉陵帆影-西部第一高楼,440米 Jialing Sail, tallest building in Western China, 440M
中国五大中心城市之一One of the five central cities in China Beijing Tianjin Chongqing Shanghai Guangzhou 2010年2月国家正式确定中心城市发展战略 Officially established the central city development strategy in Feb, 2010 • 国家经济发展的核心区域The core area of national economic development • 参与国际竞争与分工International competition and participation • 承担国家战略任务Undertake national strategic task
城市数字Basic numbers of Chongqing 面积:8.24万平方公里 Land coverage: 82,400 km2 人口:3200余万 Population: 32 million 全市共辖19个区,21个县 19 districts and 21 counties “十二五”规划主城面积达1000平方公里,人口1200万,位列全球超大规模城市20强。 From 2011-2015, the land area of city center will be 1000 km2, with 12 million population, ranks top 20 in the world’s largest cities. 9
中国五大中心城市定位Positioning of 5 central cities in China Beijing Tianjin • 中国政治、经济、交通、文化中心Politic, Economy, Transportation and Culture center • 中国北方经济、海运和工业中心Northern Economy, marine transportation and industrial central Shanghai Guangzhou • 中国经济、金融、贸易和航运中心Chinese Economy, Finance, trade and waterway transportation center • 中国南方政治、经济、科技、教育和文化中心Southern Politics, economy, science, education and culture center
重庆Positioning of Chongqing 重庆Positioning of Chongqing Economic and finance center in the upper stream of Yangtze river The important growth pole in Western China Municipality with harmonious development of both urban and rural areas • 长江上游地区经济、金融中心 • 西部地区重要增长极 • 城乡统筹发展直辖市
世界上最有潜力的城市之一City with greatest potential in the world “Big, Gritty Chongqing, City of 12 Million, Is China’s Model for Future” 纽约时报: “1200万城镇人口的大城市,坚韧之都,中国未来的典范”
宜居重庆 Livable 健康重庆 Healthy 森林重庆 Forest 平安重庆 Safe 城市名片--5个重庆City name card-- 5 Chongqing 畅通重庆 Traffic-smooth 建设5个重庆,提升城市品质 Make efforts to build 5 Chongqing, upgrade the city image
战略举措Strategy steps 总投资1000亿美元/年Total investment 100 billion USD/Y • 城市化--城乡一体化Urbanization – Urban-rural integration • 工业化--国家级现代制造基地Industrialization – National modern manufacturing base • 国际化--内陆开放高地Internationalization – Inland Open High-land • 城市基础设施建设400亿美元/年Infrastructure construction: • 40 billion USD/Y • 工业300亿美元/年Industry: 30 billion USD/Y • 房地产300亿美元/年 Real estate: 30 billion USD/Y
城市化--城乡一体化Urbanization – Urban-rural integration 城市扩张: 外环时代、千万人大城 Urban expansion: outer-ring phase, a city of over 12 million people • 主城区面积1000平方公里City area: 1000 k㎡ • 主城区人口1200万人City population:12 million Banan District
城市基础设施:水陆空交通综合枢纽City infrastructures: Comprehensive transportation hub of water, road and air 二环高速公路 Outer loop Expressway 成渝高速铁路 High speed train to Chengdu 江北国际机场 International Airport 集装箱码头 Container Port
London Paris 航空Aviation Tokyo San Francisco Ottawa Rome New York 江北国际机场是中国10强、世界100强机场之一。 8条国际客货运航线。 Sydney Changchun Jiangbei International Airport is among top 10 airports in China, and top 100 in the world, with 8 international passenger and cargo transportation airlines. Wulumuqi Beijing Lanzhou shanghai Chongqing Taibei Guiyang Kunming Haikou
高速铁路High speed railway Haerbin 3 hours to Xian Wulumuqi 7 hours to Beijing Changchun Beijing 5 hours to Lanzhou 8 hours to Shanghai Lanzhou Xian Shanghai Nanjin Lasha Wuhan Chengdu Chongqing 1 hour to Chengdu 4 hours to Wuhan Changsha Guiyang Guangzhou Beihai 2 hours to Guiyang 6 hours to Guangzhou 2015年通车里程将达2300公里,实现“12345678”目标 In 2015, the total length of high speed railway will reach 2300 Km, reach the goal of “12345678”
“渝新欧”铁路大通道Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe railway system 俄罗斯 RUSSIA 叶卡捷琳堡 Yekaterinburg 莫斯科 Moscow 鹿特丹港 Port Rotterdam 哈萨克斯坦 Kazakhstan 杜伊斯堡 Duisburg Xinjiang China Chongqing “渝新欧”铁路——重庆到欧洲仅需13天。 Through Eurasia Continental Bridge, 13 days from Chongqing to Europe 线路 = 11,179公里 Total length: 11,179 KM 中国 –哈萨克斯坦–俄罗斯–白俄罗斯–波兰– 德国– 荷兰 China-Kazakhstan-Russia-Belorussia-Poland-Germany-Holland
“渝新欧”铁路大通道Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe railway system 2011年3月19日,从重庆发出的国际铁路联运专列,于4月5日到达德国杜伊斯堡,整个运行时间16天,标志着“渝新欧”国际铁路联运大通道建成。 On March 19, 2011, the special cargo train from Chongqing started it’s 1st testing trip to Europe, and reached Duisburg, Germany on April, 5, the total running time was 16 days. This symbols the official launch of Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe international railway system.
水路Water Transportation 重庆至上海水路里程2399公里,8000吨级船舶和万吨级船队可直达重庆港,集装箱吞吐能力达到220万标箱,从重庆至上海可在5天内到达。 Water distance from Chongqing to Shanghai is 2,399 km, Single ship of 8,000 tonnage and vessels of 10,000 tonnage can reach Chongqing directly. Chongqing is able to transport 2.2 million TEU per year, and reach Shanghai in 5 days. Yangtze River Wanzhou hinge port Urban Chongqing Hinge port Yangtze Fuling Hinge port Bonded Port Area Jialing River Yangtze 江 Wujiang 23
重庆至上海运输价格参考表Reference of transportation to Shanghai Nanjing Yichang Wuhan Shanghai Chognqing Jiujiang 20英尺的标准集装箱从上海到重庆航运成本约2500元。 The cost of a TEU from Chongqing to Shanghai by water is about 2,500 RMB
工业化-- 国家级现代制造基地 Industrialization – National modern manufacturing base 重庆是中国老工业基地,传统产业包括汽车摩托车、重化工和材料工业。 Chongqing is the old industrial base of China, traditional industries are automobile and motorcycle, heavy chemical and metal material. 重庆产业正在转型,将打造全球最大的笔记本电脑加工基地和亚洲最大的离岸数据处理中心。 Chongqing industry is upgrading, we will build the world‘s largest notebook computer processing base and Asia's largest data processing center.
2 • 全球最大的笔记本电脑加工基地The world's largest notebook computer processing base • 亚洲最大的离岸数据处理中心Asia's largest data processing center 工业Industry of Chongqing 工业Industry of Chongqing “2+10”产业链(集群) “2+10”Industry Chain (Cluster)
Communication Equipment High-performance integrated circuits Rail transportation equipment New energy vehicles Environmental Technology and Equipment Wind power equipment and systems PV modules and systems New Materials Instrumentation Biomedical • 通信设备 • 高性能集成电路 • 轨道交通装备 • 新能源汽车 • 环保技术及装备 • 风电装备及系统 • 光伏组件及系统 • 新材料 • 仪器仪表 • 生物医药 工业Industry of Chongqing 10
重庆具有较低的生产要素成本Low production cost in Chongqing 重庆主要生产要素价格表 Price of main production factors • 重庆的水、电、气,工业用地、劳动力价格等生产要素在全国处于较低水平,总体比上海、广东等地低约30%。能源供应充足;劳动力供应充分;工业用地供应有保障。 • The cost for production factors in Chongqing is lower than the national level, 30% lower than coastal areas. The supply of energy, labor forces and land for industry are sufficient.
国际化--内陆开放高地 Internationalization –Inland Open High-land • 2010年全市实际利用外资63亿美元;2010, the city actually used foreign capital of 6.3 billion dollars; • 总量西部第一,全国第十;Total amount is the first in western China, and the tenth in China • 同比增长57%,增速全国第一;An increase of 57%, the growth rate ranks first in China; • 引进世界500强168家,总量西部第一。Attracted 168 world’s top 500 enterprises, ranks first in western China. 利用外资情况(单位:亿美元) FDI information(100 million USD)
外贸情况Foreign trade in Chongqing 外贸情况Foreign trade in Chongqing
保税港区Chongqing Bonded Port Zone 重庆拥有全国唯一的内陆保税港区,包括水港和空港。 Chongqing has the only inland bonded port zone in China, situated at both water port and airport. 出口产品进港退税,进口产品进港保税。为高附加值企业提供保税仓储、加工、离岸金融服务。 When entering the port, exporting products could get tax refund, importing products could reserve tax. It’s also functional in bonded storage,processing and off shore financial services, etc.
重庆与葡语国家经贸交流现状Current Situation of Economic and Trade Cooperation • 2010年,重庆与葡语国家的进出口总额为4.2亿美元,同比增长11%,达到前所未有的水平。 2010,the total volume of import and export between two sides is 420 million dollars with an increase of 11%, which came to an unparalleled level. • 出口23219.36万美元,出口金额超过千万美元的有巴西(16681万美元)、安哥拉(3055万美元)、莫桑比克(2125万美元)、葡萄牙(1146万美元)。 The export is 232 million dollars. The export to Brazil、Angola、Mozambique and Portugal is over 10 million dollars. • 从2009年至2010年两年,重庆从葡语国家进口总额达4.45亿美元,也创历史新高。 From 2009 to 2010, the import and export from Portuguese-Speaking countries are 445 million dollars whichhit historically high level.
重庆与葡语国家加强经贸合作的建议Cooperation Suggestions 一、加强对双方潜在合作领域和产品的研究,了解合作需求,不断提出新的合作建议。 To explore the needs and to strengthen the research of potential cooperation area and products of both sides, so we can raise new suggestions for our cooperation. 二、建立长效联系机制,加大双方团组互访和交流力度,不断拓展商机。 To set up a long-term contact system and to have more communication between both sides, so we can have more business opportunity. 三、充分发挥澳门和中葡论坛秘书处的桥梁和纽带作用。 To make the Macao and Sino-Portuguese Forum secretariat play well as a “bridge” and “tie”.
谢 谢! Thank you!
联系我们: Contact us: 重庆市外经贸委综合商务处 Comprehensive Business Promotion Dept., COFTEC 电话/Tel:+86 23 89019223/ 89018014 传真/Fax:+86 23 89019397 邮箱/Email: cqcoftec@yahoo.cn 网站/Website:www.ft.cq.cn 地址:重庆市江北区建新北路65号 Add: 65, Jianxin N. Road, Chongqing1